New Resources

Green Student U

OTOnetworks recently released Green Student U, an online student sustainability resource that offers a guide to greener living, provides suggestions on how to live green on campus, and keeps students up to date with world-wide environmental news.
  • Posted Feb 14, 2008

List of Academic Programs in Sustainable Agriculture

AASHE has produced a new resource focused on sustainability in agricultural education. The resource includes lists of undergraduate and graduate programs in sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture, and agroecology. Additionally, the resource includes a list of academic centers related to sustainable agriculture.
  • Posted Feb 7, 2008

UC Berkley Study on GHG Mitigation Options

The University of California, Berkley recently published the findings of a climate action course that evaluated options for reducing the University's greenhouse gas emissions. The students found that green building retrofits should be expanded, renewable energy should be used on campus, and that the campus needs to develop a long-term program for mobilizing the resources needed to become a more energy-efficient campus.
  • Posted Jan 31, 2008

Campus Sustainability Planning Network

The Society for College and University Planning has created a social networking website for people to connect and share knowledge about campus sustainability planning. The site will also serve to manage and promote campus-based Campus Sustainability Day events.
  • Posted Jan 24, 2008

New Resource on Academic Programs in Urban Sustainability

AASHE has compiled a list of undergraduate and graduate programs that focus on urban sustainability. The resource also features a list of academic centers and research initiatives related to urban sustainability. The resource is only available to AASHE members.
  • Posted Jan 24, 2008

2008 Campus Vote Initiative

Campus Compact has launched a new website to encourage higher education institutions to help educate and empower students to take part in the upcoming elections. The website features information on voter registration, ways to connect service with civic engagement, strategies for encouraging democratic participation, and model campus programs. The site also offers hands-on tools and templates for students, faculty, and community service staff as well as information on other nonpartisan democracy initiatives.
  • Posted Jan 17, 2008

Higher Education in a Warming World

The National Wildlife Federation has released "Higher Education in a Warming World: The Business Case of Climate Leadership on Campus." The new publication highlights the business, educational, and moral arguments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on campus, with best practices from US colleges and universities. The report includes case examples on implementing climate action solutions in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, cogeneration, transportation, green buildings, renewable energy
  • Posted Jan 17, 2008

New Resource on Academic Programs in Sustainable Development

AASHE has compiled a list of undergraduate and graduate programs in Sustainable Development. The resource also includes academic research centers on sustainable development and is available only to AASHE members.
  • Posted Jan 17, 2008

Achieving Campus Sustainability in the Curriculum and Culture

The Presidential Perspectives Series recently released its newest chapter, "Achieving Campus Sustainability in the Curriculum and Culture," written by John Brennan, the President of Green Mountain College. The chapter is a case study on how campuses can leverage sustainability for institutional gain while facing a highly competitive higher education marketplace.
  • Posted Jan 10, 2008

Handbook on Responsible Investment Across Asset Classes

Boston College's (MA) Institute for Responsible Investment has released the Handbook on Responsible Investment Across Asset Classes. Each chapter of the Handbook focuses on a single asset class-cash equivalents, public equities, fixed-income, real estate, private equity, hedge funds, and commodities-identifying three key issues and challenges for responsible investment, including real-world examples of responsible investment underway in each area. Each section includes information on how to: design a responsible investment strategy for the asset class; identify opportunities for market-rate responsible investments in the asset class; and incorporate engagement strategies into the asset class investment strategy. The Handbook will be useful to universities who want to align their endowment investments with their institutional missions, in order both to further institutional goals and manage reputational risk.
  • Posted Jan 3, 2008