
SPLC Strategic Program Development Coaching

The Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council's coaching program is designed to help participants develop a strategic plan tailored to their institution's commitments and significant impact areas. Participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic approach to sustainable procurement program development, create a detailed overall plan and a set of specific goals, and identify focus areas, tactics and strategies to leverage for meeting each goal.
  • Posted Jul 25, 2024

Call for Nominations: ISCN Excellence Awards

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) Excellence Awards recognize outstanding contributions made by universities to advancing sustainability initiatives, programs and projects. The ISCN Awards recognize excellence in the areas of Whole Systems Approach, Partnerships for Progress, and Cultural Change for Sustainability. Applications are accepted through Sept. 27.
  • Posted Jul 25, 2024

Climate and Health Interdisciplinary Awards

Focused on the relationships between climate change and human health, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Climate and Health Interdisciplinary Award are intended to stimulate development of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to problems with interconnected, and potentially cumulative, impacts on human health in general and vulnerable populations specifically. Awards will be for a total of $375,000 to be distributed over three years. Approximately three awards will be made. The deadline to submit is Aug. 29.
  • Posted Jul 24, 2024

Food, Energy & Water Nexus Faculty Mentoring Network

Beginning in September 2024, participants in the mentoring network will integrate the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Framework into undergraduate curricula focused on food, water and energy concepts. Network participants will develop educational products to help students understand the relevant ecological terminology and concepts and grasp ecological problem-solving and decision-making approaches for addressing the complex interactions and dependencies between these essential resources. Participants are eligible to receive a $1,000 stipend.
  • Posted Jul 23, 2024

Environmental Changemaker: A Certificate Training

Offered through Change the Chamber, the training modules feature strategies and skills for engaging in practical actions to address climate change and other sustainability-related challenges. The module topics include systems change, storytelling, coalition building, allyship, interpersonal relations, coping tactics and more.
  • Posted Jul 15, 2024

The Ultimate Cli-Fi Book Club for Sustainability in Higher Education

This interdisciplinary short course in climate fiction takes place over five monthly meetings. Participants will read one book a month from a curated book list of the most teachable novels that integrate science, economics, engineering, psychology, humanities, communication, and storytelling to imagine a new future. Course participants will meet virtually starting on Aug. 8 and continuing through Dec. 12.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2024

College to Climate Career Program

The College to Climate Career Center Program is designed to help university career services professionals better understand climate career opportunities in an effort to connect students with climate-related jobs. The opportunity is happening on Aug. 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2024

AASHE Mentorship & Peer Collaboration Program

As a benefit of AASHE membership, sustainability staff, faculty and students can apply to be a mentor, mentee or peer collaborator in the AASHE Mentorship Program for 2024-25. The program implements a semi-structured process designed to facilitate ongoing collaboration. Matches are made based on participant goals, experience and interests. Applications are open through Aug. 16.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2024

My Green Lab Accredited Professionals Program

My Green Lab offers individuals the opportunity to complete modules to earn badges or complete all six and earn a My Green Lab Accredited Professional accreditation. The six modules are waste, green chemistry, engagement, procurement, energy and water.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2024

Climate Action Planning Micro-Certificate

The micro-certificate is designed to help enrollees gain an in-depth understanding of key elements of a successful climate action plan, including mitigation and adaptation strategies, the critical need for climate justice and equity, and financial implications and opportunities. Offered through the University of British Columbia, the program starts on Sept. 11.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2024

International Responsible Futures Programme

Responsible Futures is an approach to embedding sustainability across formal and informal curriculum in higher education. The cohort begins in October 2024.
  • Posted Jul 11, 2024

Call for Nominations: Campus Race to Zero Waste Board of Directors

The RecycleMania, Inc. board of directors is currently seeking multiple interested individuals to be part of the Campus Race to Zero Waste governing board. Directors serve three year terms and are expected to commit a minimum of two to three hours per month to the functions of the board.

AASHE Member Discount: TASK™ (The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge)

TASK is an assessment tool to measure the sustainability knowledge of your students. It provides comparable metrics (e.g., between programs or entry- and exit-testing) to monitor, improve and report your sustainability education strategy. Until July 31, AASHE members who sign up as a TASK Change Leader will receive a 10 percent discount.
  • Posted Jul 1, 2024

AASHE Workshop: Deciphering the Challenges of Change: An Introduction to Liberating Structures

On July 11 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, participants will explore Liberating Structures, a set of group facilitation tools designed to foster effective and inclusive group engagement. These techniques help participants gain practical skills and insights for successfully advancing sustainability on their campus.
  • Posted Jul 1, 2024

AASHE Member Discount: 100% Off SPLC Navigator

SPLC (Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council) Navigator is a digital platform that enables procurement and sourcing professionals to develop and maintain a roadmap towards sustainable procurement over time. The platform provides sustainable procurement measurement, benchmarking, performance tracking, targeted actions and supporting resources. AASHE members are entitled to a 100 discount. The discount expires Dec. 31.
  • Posted Jul 1, 2024

The Ultimate Cli-Fi Book Club for Sustainability in Higher Education

This interdisciplinary short course in climate fiction takes place over five monthly meetings. Participants will read one book a month from a curated book list of the most teachable novels that integrate science, economics, engineering, psychology, humanities, communication, and storytelling to imagine a new future. Course participants will meet virtually starting on Aug. 8 and continue through Dec. 12.
  • Posted Jun 27, 2024

STARS 3.0 Participant Discount

Participants are entitled to a 20 percent discount on a new subscription through Dec. 31 by using the code STARSv3 when placing a new subscription order (renewal subscriptions are not eligible as they are already steeply discounted).
  • Posted Jun 17, 2024

SPLC Leadership Awards

The Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council’s (SPLC) Leadership Awards recognize institutions and individuals for leadership in sustainable procurement. The deadline for submissions is Sept. 27.
  • Posted Jun 16, 2024

Education for Sustainable Development Online Certificate

This six-month four-course online program is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to deepen their understanding, knowledge, and skills to integrate education for sustainable development and education for global citizenship into classrooms, schools and curricula. It runs from Jan. 22 through July 9, 2025.
  • Posted Jun 16, 2024

International Survey of Climate Communication and Education Organizations

A researcher at Columbia University invites participation in a research survey that aims to estimate the number, size and geographical location of climate communication and education organizations, and to document the services and programs these organizations provide.
  • Posted Jun 16, 2024

Endowment Impact Benchmark Cohort

Intentional Endowments Network invites participation from endowments and foundations in the 2024 Endowment Impact Benchmark cohort. The Endowment Impact Benchmark is an assessment, rating and benchmarking framework that enables endowments to assess their progress on their sustainable and impact investment strategies, demonstrate their leadership and earn recognition, and benchmark themselves against peer institutions. Participating endowments receive feedback on areas for improvement and have the option to be awarded a rating based on their alignment with market standards and best practices. The deadline to express interest is July 31.
  • Posted Jun 16, 2024

Second Nature's 2024 Audience Listening Project

Second Nature encourages feedback from higher education leaders in an effort to evolve its support and resources. Anyone may contribute feedback, from which a strategy for programming and new initiatives will be compiled and shared.
  • Posted Jun 16, 2024

AASHE On-Demand

With over 400 sessions, keynotes, masterclasses and webinars, the virtual platform provides indispensable resources to drive effective and impactful changes in institutional sustainability. Registration for AASHE On-Demand is open to all, while registrants of AASHE 2023 are granted complimentary access. All content is available through July 31.
  • Posted Jun 13, 2024

AASHE Workshop: Building a Curriculum Development Program for Your Institution

This virtual and interactive curriculum development workshop aims to equip faculty/instructors with the knowledge, materials and strategies to successfully adapt and implement the sustainability across the curriculum model at their institution. Resource materials, interactive breakout room discussions and opportunities for Q&A will be included. The event takes place on June 13 and June 20, from 2-4:30 p.m. Eastern on both days. The registration deadline is June 12.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

AASHE Workshop: Deciphering the Challenges of Change: An Introduction to Liberating Structures

On July 11 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, participants will explore Liberating Structures, a set of group facilitation tools designed to foster effective and inclusive group engagement. These techniques help participants gain practical skills and insights for successfully advancing sustainability on their campus.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

AASHE On-Demand

This virtual repository encapsulates years of insights and knowledge gleaned from AASHE conferences. With over 400 sessions, keynotes, masterclasses and webinars, the platform provides indispensable resources to drive effective and impactful changes in institutional sustainability. Registration for AASHE On-Demand is open to all, while registrants of AASHE 2023 are granted complimentary access. All content is available through July 31.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

Summer 2024 Organizer Leadership Training Program

This training program through The Student PIRGs and Green Corps aims to provide students with the skills and connections to run effective social change campaigns in their community.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

Call for Applications: CURC Board of Directors

College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) is seeking applications from individuals working in higher education that have a desire to advance a just and sustainable society for all by solving the social and environmental challenges of waste. CURC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to connect and support people advancing sustainable materials management in higher education by fostering the exchange of best practices to achieve zero waste and a circular economy. Directors serve a three-year term. The application deadline is June 7.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

Sustainability Education Forum 2024

Happening June 6-7, 2024, the Sustainability Education Forum is a virtual event designed to collaboratively address challenges and opportunities in sustainability education. It is intended for faculty from various disciplines, those integrating sustainability into courses, and anyone passionate about sustainability education in higher education.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2024

DefaultVeg Student Ambassador Program

The DefaultVeg Student Ambassador Program invites students to become ambassadors for plant-based food purchases across campus. Ambassadors advocate for the adoption of plant-based defaults and are given tools and guidance to engage with key stakeholders.
  • Posted May 10, 2024

AASHE Member Discount: 100% Off SPLC Navigator

SPLC (Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council) Navigator is a digital platform that enables procurement and sourcing professionals to develop and maintain a roadmap towards sustainable procurement over time. The platform provides sustainable procurement measurement, benchmarking, performance tracking, targeted actions and supporting resources. AASHE members are entitled to a 100 discount. The Sustainable Procurement Assessment deadline is July 17. The discount expires Dec. 31.
  • Posted May 10, 2024

AASHE Workshop: Building a Curriculum Development Program for Your Institution

This virtual and interactive curriculum development workshop aims to equip faculty/instructors with the knowledge, materials and strategies to successfully adapt and implement the sustainability across the curriculum model at their institution. Resource materials, interactive breakout room discussions and opportunities for Q&A will be included. The event takes place on June 13 and June 20, from 2-4:30 p.m. Eastern on both days. The registration deadline is June 12.
  • Posted May 10, 2024

AASHE Member Discount: 15% Off Green Sports Alliance Summit Registration

AASHE members are entitled to a 15 percent discount on registration to the Green Sports Alliance 2024 Summit. The annual summit seeks to highlight best practices for enhancing performance and fostering a dialogue with stakeholders and fans about environmental stewardship and social justice. The deadline to register is June 3.
  • Posted May 10, 2024

Call for Applications: Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum

AASHE is seeking applications for new partner institutions to join the Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum program. This initiative aims to expand the accessibility and diversity of sustainability training for faculty. By becoming a center, institutions play a key role in accelerating sustainability education and also gain access to AASHE's promotional tools and a network of like-minded institutions. Funding is available to help support this initiative. There are currently 15 Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum in three countries.
  • Posted Apr 26, 2024

Sustainability Education and Futures-Thinking in Higher Education Survey

Survey responses are invited from those that teach sustainability courses at a higher education institution. This survey is about the perceptions and educational strategies related to futures-thinking and sustainability education. This survey is being administered as part of a doctoral research project out of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
  • Posted Apr 24, 2024

Climate Change Action at Universities Survey

The European School of Science and Sustainability Research (ESSSR) and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP) are conducting a study to identify gaps in climate change action and understand what universities around the world are doing to mitigate/adapt to climate change.
  • Posted Apr 22, 2024

Curriculum Development Workshops: Sustainability, Environmental Justice and Ecology

Santa Clara University invites applications for several online professional development workshops for faculty and staff at higher education institutions. The Sustainability Across the Curriculum workshop is an introductory workshop for newcomers to this material or those in need of a refresher. The other two workshops are intermediate-level workshops for people who have some experience with the material and/or who especially want to develop their conceptual understanding of environmental justice/integral ecology or their pedagogy. The application deadline to all of them is May 6.
  • Posted Apr 22, 2024

Call for Participants: Reduce Medical Technology Supply Chain Emissions

The Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council seeks participants for Collaborative for Healthcare Action to Reduce MedTech Emissions (CHARME), an initiative convening health systems, and medical device and equipment suppliers, among others, to identify, define and promote best practices to reduce emissions from the medical technology supply chain. CHARME members will work collaboratively to implement actions along a 24-month decarbonization roadmap.
  • Posted Apr 16, 2024

AASHE Member Discount: 15% Off Green Sports Alliance Summit Registration

AASHE members are entitled to a 15 percent discount on registration to the Green Sports Alliance 2024 Summit. The annual summit seeks to highlight best practices for enhancing performance and fostering a dialogue with stakeholders and fans about environmental stewardship and social justice. The deadline to register is June 3.
  • Posted Apr 16, 2024

AASHE On-Demand

This virtual repository encapsulates years of insights and knowledge gleaned from AASHE conferences. With over 400 sessions, keynotes, masterclasses and webinars, the platform provides indispensable resources to drive effective and impactful changes in institutional sustainability. Registration for AASHE On-Demand is open to all, while registrants of AASHE 2023 are granted complimentary access. All content is available through July 31.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2024

AASHE Workshop: Best Practices for Integrating Sustainability Literacy Across Your Curricula

Happening April 18 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, this virtual workshop will assist participants with identifying opportunities for incorporating sustainability, designing engaging sustainability-focused content, and understanding the impact of sustainability literacy on students. The workshop is based on lessons learned by The College of Charleston’s sustainability in curricula-focused SACSCOC accreditation quality enhancement plan.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2024

Call for Applications: Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum

AASHE is seeking applications for new partner institutions to join the Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum program. This initiative aims to expand the accessibility and diversity of sustainability training for faculty. By becoming a center, institutions play a key role in accelerating sustainability education and also gain access to AASHE's promotional tools and a network of like-minded institutions. There are currently 15 Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum in three countries.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2024

AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo: Early Bird Registration

Early bird registration is open for the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo in Anaheim, California, happening Oct. 27-29. The conference offers invaluable educational and professional advantages, equipping participants with the latest insights and strategies in higher education sustainability. Register by June 30 to take advantage of discounted registration.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2024

Clean Earth Challenge

Organized through the National Wildlife Federation, the Clean Earth Challenge invites individuals at higher education institutions to collect trash and debris through a coordinated cleanup.
  • Posted Apr 9, 2024

Survey: Stakeholder Perceptions of Water Conservation and Wastewater Management in Buildings

Researchers at North Carolina State University, Arizona State University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are conducting a study to better understand how departments/offices make decisions about sustainability with a focus on green building design and water conservation through urine diversion. This study is supported by the National Science Foundation Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability Center. The first 50 respondents to complete the approximately 10-minute survey will be offered a $15 gift card. The deadline to participate in the survey is May 7.
  • Posted Apr 9, 2024

Sustainability Communications Cohort Summer 2024

The cohort will meet virtually for five weeks and dive into topics, such as key messaging, social media strategies, storytelling techniques, content creation, scheduling, metrics and behavior change principles. There will be opportunities for discussion and coaching.
  • Posted Apr 4, 2024

Equity and Justice Institute

Achieving the Dream's virtual Equity and Justice Institute, happening May 1 - 2, will explore the intersection of equity and justice within higher education, spotlighting the vital role community colleges play in social and economic mobility for the diverse communities they serve.
  • Posted Apr 4, 2024

Call for Participation: Intersectional Climate Action Leaders Working Group

BIPOC faculty, staff and community partners working in climate action or resilience at HBCUs and MSIs are invited to become a part of Second Nature's Intersectional Climate Action Leaders Working Group. This working group brings together BIPOC higher education leaders to advance relationships within the field, accelerate institutional resilience, encourage climate action planning, and build capacity within and beyond HBCUs and MSIs in Second Nature's Climate Leadership Network.
  • Posted Apr 2, 2024

Call for Applications: 2025 Collegiate Wind Competition

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy invites proposals for the 2025 Collegiate Wind Competition, an annual competition that helps college students prepare for jobs in wind and renewable energy. Applications are due June 13.
  • Posted Apr 2, 2024

AASHE Member Discount: TASK™ (The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge)

TASK is an assessment tool to measure the sustainability knowledge of your students. It provides comparable metrics (e.g., between programs or entry- and exit-testing) to monitor, improve and report your sustainability education strategy. Until July 31, 2024, AASHE members who sign up as a TASK Change Leader will receive a 10 percent discount.
  • Posted Apr 2, 2024