Call for Submissions: Innovative, Sustainable Projects
The Campus Consciousness Challenge, hosted by REVERB Inc., is accepting U.S. undergraduate proposals that aim to have a direct or indirect positive effect on the environment. The winner will receive $10,000 for development of the proposal. Entries are due by noon Eastern on Feb. 17, 2014.
Call for Applications: Student Delegation to UN CSW
SustainUS is now accepting applications to join the Agents of Change youth delegation to the 58th Commission on the Status of Women being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Application deadline is Jan. 26.
Call for Proposals: AESS 2014 Conference
The 2014 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference is currently accepting individual abstracts for paper and poster presentations, workshops and panels to its theme Welcome to Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship. The theme is based on the theory that humans have become a global geophysical force capable of disrupting grand cycles. Submissions are due by Feb. 4.
Call for Proposals: 2014 Agricultural Innovation Prize
Launched by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the 2014 Agricultural Innovation Prize encourages student teams to develop innovative plans to address social and agricultural challenges within food systems, improving the standard of living and quality of life for the world’s population. The competition is open to U.S. undergraduate and graduate students across all academic disciplines and runs through spring 2014, when teams will compete for the chance to win $215,000 in prize money, with a grand prize of $100,000.
Call for Papers: 'Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons' Conf
Seattle University's Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability invites papers and proposals for talks, workshops and panel presentations for its inaugural conference “Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons” to be held August 7-9, 2014. Topic areas are environmental justice and sustainability from all fields of discourse, including but not limited to environmental studies, theology, business, philosophy, engineering, education, law, the arts, international development, anthropology, religious studies, geography and the natural sciences. Submissions are due by Jan. 27.
Call for Submissions: Real Food Media Film Contest
Real Food Media Project is seeking 30-second to four minute short films from students about U.S. food, farming and sustainability. Cash prizes will be given to the best 10 films and the audience choice winner, including a $5,000 grand prize and a chance for a screening at the Food and Farm Film Festival in San Francisco in April 2014. Deadline for submissions is Feb. 3.
AASHE Member-Get-A-Member Challenge
We invite you to participate in our first Member-get-a-Member Challenge! By getting another institution, business or nonprofit to join the AASHE community, you are helping to grow the shared support of our sustainability community, will receive a $25 gift card to the AASHE 2014 bookstore (limited to the first 25 recruits), and an automatic entry for the grand prize drawing to win a free registration and hotel to the AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo in Portland, OR October 26-29, 2014.
Call for Papers: World Symposium on Sustainability
The World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities (September 3-5, 2014) is accepting papers regarding research on sustainability, curriculum and campus sustainability activities. An output of the symposium will be the peer reviewed book “Transformative approaches to sustainable development at universities: working across disciplines," with all accepted papers. The deadline to submit abstracts is Jan. 30.
RecycleMania 2014 Registration is Open
RecycleMania is a friendly competition designed to rally U.S. students and staff in a fun, team spirited way while raising awareness about recycling and zero waste. Schools track how much they recycle and compost between February and March 2014 and watch how they rise and fall in the weekly updated rankings.
World's Fair: Innovation in EE and Saving Competition
Open to all North American students, the world's fair in Kazakhstan, EXPO 2017: Energy of the Future, will host the expo contest Innovation in Energy Efficiency and Saving Competition, which promotes scientific and technological projects in the field of renewable energy, sustainability, and green economy. Teams of up to ten students will be judged based on technical content and feasibility, market potential, relevance to the Kazakh market, customer adoption, completeness of work, creativity, and innovation. The winning team will be awarded $50,000. The contest is a partnership between George Washington University and Kazakh Student Association. Submission deadline is Jan. 15.
Call for Themes and Papers: The Journal of Sustainability Ed
The Journal of Sustainability Education is accepting 2013-2014 themes in two areas: Sustainability Education Across the Generations, and Sustainability: What's Love Got To Do With It? The soft due date is Feb. 15. The journal's call for papers invites practitioners, scholars, and researchers to present well-researched scholarly submissions related to the aforementioned themes. JSE encourages mixed media works that incorporate visual graphics, images, photos, audio and video.
EPA P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Competition
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking applications from higher education students and faculty proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. Winners of the first phase of the competition will receive a $15,000 grant to develop their idea. Designs will then compete at the National Sustainable Design Expo in April 2013 for the P3 Award and a $75,000 grant for real world application. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 17, 2013.
Call for Applications to Commission on Social Development
SustainUS is now accepting applications to join the Agents of Change youth delegation to the 52nd Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development held in New York City from February 11-14, 2014. Selected delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, scientists, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world to review progress on issues related to social development. Deadline to apply is Dec. 15.
RFP: AASHE 2014 Professional Development Opportunities
To provide the AASHE community with professional development offerings that will directly address the challenges faced in the higher education sustainability movement, AASHE is calling on its members to submit proposals for AASHE workshop and webinar topics for 2014. Whether it’s a webinar about sustainable purchasing in higher education, a workshop about incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, or a discussion regarding climate adaptation, the goal of this RFP process is to create professional development opportunities that will be of most interest to AASHE members and result in sustainability enhancements on individual campuses. Proposals may be submitted by AASHE members only and will be accepted through November 27, 2013. Questions? Email
Call for Papers: BioCycle West Coast Conference
Abstracts are now being accepted for the 14th annual Renewable Energy from Organic Recycling (REFOR14 WEST) conference in the areas of renewable energy, and food recovery and recycling tracks. Deadline for abstract submission is December 31.
Call for Proposals: Solar Decathlon 2015
The U.S. Department of Energy is now taking proposals for collegiate entrants in its 2015 student competition. Up to 20 teams will be selected to begin a two-year project to build solar-powered, highly energy-efficient houses that combine affordability, consumer appeal, and design excellence. Proposals are due Dec. 20, 2013.
Student ‘Greenovate NYS’ Competition: Deadline Extended
The 3rd annual competition for undergraduate and graduate students asks student teams to research, develop and design solutions to real world environmental challenges. Students may submit applications by November 22. This opportunity is provided by New York State Pollution Prevention Institute and sponsored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council Accepting New Members
A strategic AASHE partner, the new Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council non-profit has recently started accepting new members. Sign up for one of its half-hour intro webinars taking place each week through December 5 to learn more. The Council is offering a 30 percent early bird discount for members that get their application in by November 18.
Call for Proposals: Women's Studies Sustainability Conference
Southern Connecticut State University Women's Studies Program is accepting interdisciplinary scholarly and creative work proposals for its Ecology, Spirituality, Sustainability: Feminist & Indigenous Interventions conference held Apr. 11-12, 2014. The 21st annual conference seeks to examine feminist and Indigenous analyses and interventions on the exploitation and degradation of the natural world, and to promote the feminist-Indigenous resistance and sustainability initiatives that address the crises on planet earth. Proposals are due December 13.
Call for Submissions: Best of Green Schools 2013 List
The Best of Green Schools list is an annual announcement made by the Center for Green Schools highlighting schools, districts, individuals and communities in 10 categories for their efforts to create healthy, efficient learning environments. Higher education leaders can be recognized for a variety of sustainable measures including energy conservation, environmental innovation and collaborative platforms. The 2013 Best of Green Schools nomination categories are: Higher education (institution or system), Policy maker (person), Ambassador (person), Community event, Collaboration, Student Leadership, Business Leadership, Transformation, Moment of the movement. Submit your nominations online by Friday, November 29.
Call for Submissions: Green Living Proj Student Film Competition
Green Living Project invites submissions for its Student Film Project. The competition encourages students to submit films of five minutes or less that share a unique, creative and compelling story about a local or global sustainability-related project. Winning films will be screened at GLP Films' events throughout the year, and winners also receive gear and prizes up to $1,000 in value. Deadline for submissions is Jan. 17, 2014.
Enrolling MSI Faculty for Climate Course Implementation Workshop
The Climate Studies Diversity Project, a partnership between the American Meteorological Society and Second Nature, is now enrolling minority-serving institution faculty to attend an expenses-paid, climate studies course implementation workshop in Washington, D.C. from May 18-23, 2014. The deadline for application is Mar. 14, 2014.
AASHE Seeks Nominations for Board of Directors
AASHE is seeking ambassadors who will assist the organization in achieving its mission to empower higher education to lead the sustainability transformation. Responsibilities include staying informed about AASHE's mission, policies, and programs, as well as about developments in sustainability, higher education, and nonprofit governance; participating in fundraising and serving on board committees, volunteering for assignments, and working collaboratively with staff; and participating actively in the board's annual evaluation and strategic planning efforts. This year, the call for nominations has been rescheduled for two very important reasons: 1) to allow the AASHE community’s voice at the AASHE 2013 Conference & Expo in Nashville to provide input and dialogue during the nomination process and 2) to provide time for potential governance changes in AASHE’s bylaws that define the selection of new board members. Nominations will be accepted through October 31, 2013.
New York State Student ‘Greenovate NYS’ Competition
The 3rd annual competition for undergraduate and graduate students asks student teams to research, develop and design solutions to real world environmental challenges. Students may submit applications by November 1. This opportunity is provided by New York State Pollution Prevention Institute and sponsored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
AASHE Listening Project Seeks Participants
The Listening Project will continue into 2014 as the basis for building a listening culture within AASHE. AASHE is looking for Catalysts and Interviewees for this project. Email Listening Project co-chairs Bob Koester and Shana Weber at if you'd like to participate. The deadline to participate in this capacity is December 1, 2013.
Campus Conservation Nationals 2014
Registration for Campus Conservation Nationals 2014 is officially open. Now in its fourth year, CCN is a national collegiate energy and water reduction competition program. Registration has been extended through November 1.
Campus Sustainability Day 2013
The theme for this year's October 23 Campus Sustainability Day is “Climate Adaptation: Resilient Campuses & Communities.” Supporting organizations invite you to join this year’s keynote broadcast hosted by Second Nature, organize and register your campus events on AASHE events calendar, and engage in the conversation. Follow the activity on Facebook, or follow #campussustainabilityday on Twitter.
Earthzine Seeks Student Juror for Science Competition
The online scientific journal seeks a university or college student as a juror to assist in scoring entries for NASA 2013 Earth Science Technology Showcase, an online presentation of technology developments for the earth science community.
2014 Agricultural Innovation Student Competition
Open to all graduate and undergraduate students in the U.S., the competition encourages teams to develop innovative ways and real-world plans to address social and agricultural challenges within food systems to improve the standard of living and quality of life for the world's population. Entries are due by February 28 and the grand prize is $100,000. The competition is organized by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and the University of Wisconsin at Madison and in collaboration with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
C2C Sustainability Leadership Workshops
Over the next seven months, Campus to Congress Fellows is offering a series of workshops across the U.S. designed for college students and recent graduates who want careers in sustainable business, politics, and policy. The C2C Fellows workshops teach leadership skills and activities to discover your strengths. Sponsored by the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, workshops will be offered at Bentley University, University of California at Berkeley, Bard College, University of Florida, and Moraine Valley Community College.
Net Impact's 'Small Steps, Big Wins' Campus Challenge
Small Steps, Big Wins is a university-focused national student competition to spark undergraduates into doing positive social and environmental actions such as donating blood, recycling or organizing a volunteer day. The competition closes on December 1.
Call for Proposals: Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference
The annual conference, slated for March 3-4, 2014 at the University of Maryland, seeks proposals in the themes of adaptation and resilience, change management and implementation, social sustainability, the built environment, and the campus as a learning laboratory. The proposal submission deadline is Oct. 18, 2013.
Call for Proposals: Washington HE Sustainability Conference
Calling upon faculty and students to submit proposals, the conference focuses on sharing best practices and dissemination and adoption of sustainability in academics, operations and research. Any stakeholders throughout the Pacific Northwest are invited to participate in the February 6-7, 2014 event in Bellingham, Washington. Proposals are due October 25.
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Envision Training
Open to full- and part-time students, ISI now offers a training program for EnvisionTM, an infrastructure rating system developed to help designers and building contractors build infrastructure projects toward increasing levels of sustainability.
Funding through Chevrolet Carbon Reduction Initiative
Supporting the development of a carbon credit methodology focused on campus-wide reductions and high performance in individual LEED certified buildings, new funding is available from Chevrolet for universities and colleges pursuing aggressive carbon reduction goals through clean, energy-efficient solutions. Chevrolet will be hosting a lunch networking event at the AASHE 2013 Conference & Expo on Monday and an educational workshop at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. David Tulauskas and Sue Hall will be available to answer questions. Chevrolet will also be recognizing the next generation of clean energy entrepreneurs through awards and competitions. Join its AASHE 2013 Student Summit session at 9 a.m. on Sunday to learn more about how Chevrolet is empowering students to pursue their leadership.
NWEI EcoChallenge
Hosted by the Northwest Earth Institute, this challenge asks participants to stick with one action to reduce their environmental impact for two weeks. Sign up as an individual, class or university team starting August 15. This year's EcoChallenge takes place October 15-30.
Call for Submissions: Research Proposals on Compost
The Composting Council Research and Education Foundation's Young Investigator Scholarship has an open call for projects which focus on research on compost application and utilization as it relates to reducing erosion and water pollution. The goal of the Young Investigator Scholarship is to bring attention to emerging young professionals in the field of compost research and to spark interest in the future of the composting industry. Application deadline is October 20.
Call for Submissions: Student Entrepreneur Awards
Called the Unilever Sustainable Living Young Entrepreneur Awards and in partnership with the Cambridge Program for Sustainability Leadership, students under age 30 from any part of the world are invited to submit ideas for innovative and practical solutions to help make sustainable living commonplace. A total of €200,000 in financial support and mentoring will be awarded to seven entries for development and scaling of their initiatives. Applications due by November 1.
Int'l Sustainable Electronics Competition Registration Open
Accepted registrants are asked to explore solutions to remediate the existing electronic waste problem, electronic waste generation in the future, and foster a more sustainable system for electronic device development, use, and management. Registration closes on November 1.
Renewable Energy Grant Program Now Accepting Applications
The Bonneville Environmental Foundation's Renewable University Grant Program is offering one-to-one cost share matching grants of up to $35,000 each toward the development of an on-site renewable electric energy generation system to higher education institutions within Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The first grant cycle closes October 15; the second closes December 15.
AASHE Membership Survey Open through September 20
This survey is part of a collective effort to guide dialogue at the AASHE 2013 Conference & Expo in Nashville and beyond. As part of ongoing member feedback activities, the goal of this survey, part of the AASHE Listening Project, is to provide the AASHE community with deeper opportunities for input and dialogue as the organization evolves. Responses are due September 20.
Limited-time AASHE Discount Offers Ending September 16
AASHE is offering discounts for new campuses, businesses and nonprofit organizations including up to 30 percent off of AASHE membership, 50 percent off of the AASHE 2013 Conference & Expo, and up to $400 off of STARS registration. These discount packages are good through September 16.
Call for Proposals: SCUP International Conference
The Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) seeks ideas for fostering purposeful change through practical solutions and applications, fresh approaches and best planning practices for its annual conference taking place July 12-16, 2014 in Pittsburgh. The deadline for proposals for the conference, themed "Plan for Transformation," is Oct. 1, 2013.