
Fulbright Scholar Award, Environmental Leadership, India

Applications are invited for a one year Fulbright Scholar Award to conduct research in any of a broad range of environmental studies fields and network with Indian counterpart organizations in the environmental or conservation field. Desired specializations include environmental information and systems reporting; environmental education; environmental policy, regulations and law; environmental sciences and toxicology and environmental management. Special attention will be given to applicants who demonstrate involvement in cooperative efforts between academia, research institutions, government, industry and non-governmental organizations in making practical contributions to environmental policies and programs. Applicants are not required to have an existing affiliation or commitment from an Indian host institution at the time of application. Grants must begin no earlier than July or August 2010 and no later than March 31, 2011. The length of the grant is 4 months. A Master's degree or higher is required. Applications are due August 3, 2009.
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

Sustainable Global Stewardship Study Abroad Program

Earth Education International invites participants to its Sustainable Global Stewardship Program which will take place in the spring of 2010. The program will include day-long and multiple-day field trips to appropriate sites in Costa Rica that are focused on topics such as sustainable business, organic farming, watershed conservation, renewable energy, and community ecotourism; an extended field excursion in Southwestern Nicaragua; volunteer service-learning work at selected field study sites; and course work in "Sustainability and Service-Learning," "Environment & Conservation in the Tropics," "Costa Rican Culture Immersion," and Spanish. The application deadline is November 1, 2009.
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

USGBC Young Leader Awards

The U.S. Green Building Council is now accepting applications for the USGBC Young Leader Awards. The award recognizes individuals between the ages of 13 and 25 who have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability and effected change in their schools, communities, and beyond. Honorees will enjoy an all-expense-paid trip to Phoenix, Arizona for the Greenbuild Conference and Expo, November 11-13, 2009. Additionally, honorees will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the Speak Green Festival in April 2010, where they, along with poets from the Youth Speaks Green Team, will take the stage at the Kennedy Center to be celebrated for the work they are doing to transform their communities toward a more sustainable future. The deadline for applications is August 31, 2009.
  • Posted Jul 13, 2009

AASHE Awards Programs – Last Chance to Apply

AASHE has extended the deadline for its Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards, Student Sustainability Leadership Award, and Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award to July 8, 2009. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. This award includes a $750 prize a feature article in Sustainability: The Journal of Record . The Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled at a U.S. or Canadian institution of higher education who has completed a research paper on campus sustainability that has not been previously published. The winning paper will receive priority review for possible publication in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

DOE Grant for Local-Level Solar Installer Training

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a new funding opportunity under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to expand solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar heating and cooling (SHC) system installer training. DOE has allocated a total of $27 million to expand training and professional development to instructors who are creating or improving existing training courses for their local PV or SHC installation workforce. The funding opportunity is open to all domestic institutions and entities. The closing date for applications is July 30, 2009.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

DOL Grants for Community College Green Jobs Programs

The Department of Labor (DOL) has released three Solicitations for Grant Applications of relevance to community colleges with programs dedicated to training students for green jobs. The Energy Training Partnership Grants will total $100 million and will fund 20-30 projects at $2 - 5 million each. Awards will be made to: national labor-management organizations with local networks and state and local nonprofit partnerships. The DOL strongly encourages the partnerships to include other entities, including educational institutions such as community colleges. The deadline for this competition is September 4. The Pathways Out of Poverty program will grant $150 million to national nonprofits with local affiliates and local entities, including public organizations such as community colleges and private nonprofit organizations. The grants will fund projects that provide training and placement services to provide pathways out of poverty into employment in the same group of industries targeted by the Energy Training Partnership Grants. The application deadline is September 29. The State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants will award $190 million to state Workforce Investment Boards. The State WIBs must put together a partnership that is encouraged to include the education and training community among others. The application deadline for this program is October 20.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

AASHE Awards Programs – Deadline Extended

AASHE has extended the deadline for its Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards, Student Sustainability Leadership Award, and Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award to July 8, 2009. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. This award includes a $750 prize a feature article in Sustainability: The Journal of Record . The Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled at a U.S. or Canadian institution of higher education who has completed a research paper on campus sustainability that has not been previously published. The winning paper will receive priority review for possible publication in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

Focus Roots Fellowships

Focus the Nation has announced the second year of the Focus the Roots Fellowships: "Coal and the Road to Copenhagen." The program seeks applicants between the ages of 18 and 29 who have innovative, creative ideas to accelerate their communities past coal. This year, two Fellows will be selected and one $10,000 grant will be awarded in each of the following community action categories: Sport and Art. In addition, from September 26th through 30th, recipients will participate in a bicycle ride from NYC to DC called Climate Ride to share their progress with 200 other riders. Then in December, the recipients will travel to Copenhagen, Denmark to present their projects to the international communities participating in the COP15 climate treaty negotiations. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

Opportunity for Intl Colleges to Submit News Articles to AASHE Bulletin

In an effort to help its members learn from campus sustainability leaders across the globe, AASHE is starting AASHE Bulletin: Global Edition , a semi-annual newsletter that will cover sustainability stories from higher education institutions located outside of the U.S. and Canada. AASHE invites press release and news article suggestions for inclusion in the first issue, which it hopes to release this summer. Topics will include green buildings; climate and energy initiatives, new educational programs, waste reduction efforts, and more. To submit an item for consideration, email a hyperlink to the news story or press release that is posted online to bulletin@aashe.org with the subject line, "global edition." The deadline for submissions for the first issue is July 15, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2009 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented at the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due July 1, 2009. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Jun 15, 2009

Opportunity to Submit Campus Sustainability Case Study

The National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology Program invites submissions of campus sustainability case studies. Campus Ecology gathers these case studies to document and celebrate the great work being done at colleges and universities across the country, and to help others learn from these projects. Schools are welcome to submit more than one case study if they are working on multiple projects in different areas of sustainability. Submissions are due June 30, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 15, 2009

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after July 1, 2008. The winning paper will receive priority review for possible publication in Sustainability: The Journal of Record . Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due July 1, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 8, 2009

DOE Higher Education Wind Energy Funding Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Education has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement entitled, "Wind Energy Consortia between Institutions of Higher Learning and Industry." The FOA will provide $24 million for the development of consortia between universities and industry to focus on critical wind energy challenges. DOE intends to award 2-3 grants. The maximum range of a DOE award will be between $8-12 million. Applicants must provide at least a 10% cost share of total project costs including at least 20% for R&D. DOE funds will be provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to preserve and create jobs, promote economic recovery, and provide investments needed to increase wind energy R&D. Letters of intent are due June 16, 2009
  • Posted Jun 8, 2009

Transatlantic Renewable Energy Fellowship

CDS International invites students and young professionals with experience in environmental and energy fields to apply for the Transatlantic Renewable Energy Fellowships. 15 American participants will be selected to attend a 5-day briefing on Germany's renewable energy policies and structures and to complete an internship of 3-6 months with a leading renewable energy company or organization. The program will run from September 5 through December 19, 2009, with the possibility to apply for a program through March 19, 2009. Fellows will receive a stipend in the amount of 3,300 Euro as well as support for travel expenditures to and in Germany. As part of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge, the Fellowship seeks to further mutual understanding and transatlantic cooperation in climate and energy policies, to provide practical training for future leaders in the renewable energy and environmental fields, and support renewable energy institutions in developing their human resources and transatlantic networks. The application deadline is June 24, 2009 for the 2009 – 2010 program year.
  • Posted Jun 8, 2009

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2009 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due July 1, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2009

RFQ: Roadmap to a Green Campus

The U.S. Green Building Council is seeking a consultant to support the development of a Roadmap to a Green Campus as part of a resource for the higher education sector. This new resource will support the USGBC Green Campus Campaign mission: green colleges and universities for all within a generation. By working in partnership with students, faculty and administrators to strengthen campus sustainability efforts, USGBC aims to increase educational facilities’ ability to use LEED, green the planning and development of campuses, support student leadership and advocacy efforts, and provide opportunities for building in-house expertise. Proposals are due June 19, 2009.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2009

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2009 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented at the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due July 1, 2009. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted May 25, 2009

Call for Green Curriculum Articles

The quarterly journal Metropolitan Universities is soliciting article proposals for an upcoming issue that will examine how universities are using green-inspired curriculum to promote a socially-just and environmentally-sustainable society, both in their local communities and globally. Possible topics for the special issue include, "Why should urban and metropolitan universities incorporate green issues in their curriculum? Why not?," "What challenges do urban and metropolitan campuses face when designing and implementing green-inspired curriculum?," "How should faculty integrate green learning in their curriculum? What models are proving to be successful?," and "How have universities partnered with communities and/or other universities to increase public literacy about environmental sustainability and its impact on social justice and social capital?" Proposals should be 300-500 words in length and final manuscripts should be 4,000-7,000 words in length. Proposals are due June 15, 2009.
  • Posted May 25, 2009

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after July 1, 2008. The winning paper will receive priority review for possible publication in Sustainability: The Journal of Record . Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due July 1, 2009.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

Opportunity to Contribute Ideas for Campus Sustainability Day Webcast

The Society for College and University Planning invites members of the campus sustainability community to submit ideas for the next Campus Sustainability Day webcast, which will be broadcast in October 2009. Suggestions are sought for topic(s), speaker(s), and format. The deadline for suggestions is June 1, 2009.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

People, Ecology, and Development Study Abroad Program

The International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (ISDSI) is now accepting applications for its Spring 2010 People, Ecology, and Development study abroad semester in Thailand. Designed in partnership with local communities, courses will focus on the link between culture, ecology, and sustainable development and will include learning from local activists and village elders, paddling one of the last undammed rivers in Thailand, backpacking into remote Karen villages, and sea kayaking and skin diving the reefs and mangroves of Southern Thailand. Summer internships with Thai NGOs are also available for spring semester participants. The deadline for applications is October 12, 2009.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

Rural Heritage Institute

Sterling College (VT) will host "Food, Farms, and Community: Rural America's Local Food Renaissance." The program will include three days of discussions, field trips, and hands-on workshops that connect participants with practitioners at the leading edge of sustainable food systems, organic agriculture, and working communities. The workshop is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, teachers, community members, scholars, and practitioners who are passionate about solidifying the connections between community, academic scholarship, and meaningful work in the field. Undergraduate and graduate credits are available.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

Student Training for Environmental Protection

George Mason University (VA) will host "Student Training for Environmental Protection," a weeklong summer course facilitated by youth environmental organizers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. During the week participants will learn how to create or extend strong and successful groups that will be able to run effective environmental campaigns on their campuses and communities. The workshop will cover topics such as recruiting, leadership development, coalition building, campaign planning, event planning, public speaking, how to get media attention, message development, and lobbying.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2009 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their education and research, campus operations, and administration and finance. Applications are due July 1, 2009.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

Green Power Leadership Awards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) invite nominations for the 2009 Green Power Leadership Awards. The awards seek to recognize the actions of individuals, institutions, companies, and organizations that are significantly advancing the development of renewable electricity sources through green power markets. Nominations are due May 29, 2009.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

Lifecycle Building Challenge Competition

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency invites submissions for its 3rd annual Lifecycle Building Challenge. The competition is a web-based competition open to students and professional architects, designers, engineers, planners, reuse professionals, contractors, builders, educators, and environmental advocates. Lifecycle designs are sought in two categories: building and product. Professionals may submit both built and unbuilt work while students may only submit unbuilt work. Teams of up to 5 contestants can enter. The submission deadline is August 30, 2009.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

Summer Institute in Sustainability

July 20-24, 2009; University of British Columbia; Vancouver, Canada
The University of British Columbia invites participants to its 2009 Summer Institute in Sustainability. The Institute is an intensive professional development program targeted to administrators in universities and colleges, local and provincial governments, and corporations who are working to integrate sustainability as a core value in their organization. The event will include seminars, case studies, guided field trips, open space café sessions, and optional networking time.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2009 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented at the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due July 1, 2009. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted May 4, 2009

Chance to Be a Chronicle of Higher Education Blogger

The Chronicle of Higher Education invites guest-bloggers for its Buildings & Grounds Blog. Bloggers are expected to write one blog a week for one month on campus architecture, facilities, energy, sustainability, or similar topics.
  • Posted May 4, 2009

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2009 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due July 1, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2009

Sustainable Business Leadership Program

Green Mountain College (VT) is offering a one-month summer program entitled, "Sustainable Business Leadership Program." Participants in the program will explore the theory and real world implementation of sustainable business - including an examination of the skills and knowledge needed to create positive bottom-line as well as environmental and social results. The four weeks will include: Marking Management in the Sustainable Firm; Stakeholder Metrics and Finance at the Sustainable Firm; Supply and Operations Management – A Systems Approach; a Case Study at Marcal Paper Corporation; and Sustainable Business Strategy Development and Implementation. The program is intended for working professionals looking to increase their skills and credentials in sustainable business and earn a Certificate in Sustainable Business Leadership.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2009

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Award

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2009 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented at the Greening of the Campus VIII Conference (Sept. 20-23 in Indianapolis, IN). The Student Sustainability Leadership Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due July 1, 2008. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

College Sustainability Report Card Announces Opt-In Initiative

This year, the Sustainable Endowments Institute is offering the opportunity for all institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada to be included in the next College Sustainability Report Card . SEI is requesting a $700 donation from institutions that opt-in. Schools already included in the Report Card will also be asked to contribute the same amount this year. Grant assistance is available to schools that have a demonstrated need. Applications must be received by May 8, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

Four Course Sequence in Sustainable Business

The University of Vermont's Institute for Global Sustainability is offering a four course sequence in Sustainable Business practices this summer. The program consists of three one week intensive courses in Burlington, VT that are focused on Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Business, and Collaborative Management. The fourth course, Ecological Economics is offered online. Registration is now available.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

Mario Savio Young Activist Award

The Mario Savio Memorial Lecture Fund invites nominations for its Young Activist Award. The award is presented each year to a person under the age of 26 with a deep commitment to human rights and social justice and a proven ability to transform this commitment into effective action. The recipients should have demonstrated leadership ability, creativity, and integrity. The $6,000 cash award is divided equally between the individual recipient and an organization of his/her choosing. Nominations are due June 30, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

Opportunity to Attend UN Climate Negotiations

Agents of Change is now accepting applications to join the SustainUS youth delegation to the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention and fifth meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP15 and COP/MOP5), which will be in Copenhagen, Denmark from December 7-18, 2009. Applicants should be between the ages of 18 and 26 as of December 2009 and either be a US citizen or study or work in the US for more than six months by December 2009. Applications are due June 1, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

Undergrad Farm Intensive Summer Program

The University of Vermont's Institute for Global Sustainability, in partnership with the Plant & Soil Science Department, has developed a four week, on farm intensive summer program in Burlington, VT. The undergraduate program consists of three integrated classes (8 credits total) where students will learn first-hand about science-based nutrient management as an essential aspect of sustainable farming. The focus of this cluster of classes is sustaining soil fertility, composting wastes, and reducing farm-source pollution. Registration is now available.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

8 Week Summer Program in Renewable Energy

The University of Hawaii-Maui Community College is offering an eight-week summer program focused on the principles of renewable energy. The program consists of two three-credit courses and one two-credit internship. Possible hands-on projects include a trip to Kahoolawe to check on/service ongoing solar projects, a visit to the Humane Society to check on/service ongoing solar projects, and a trip to Molokai to check on/assist with wind projects. Registration begins on April 13.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2009

Environmental Ethics Institute

The Center for Ethics at the University of Montana invites participants to its 4th annual Environmental Ethics Institute. The three weeks of online study and six day workshop will focus on fire, restoration, and wilderness in an age of climate change and is open to students, faculty, and interested professionals. The workshop is particularly suitable for educators seeking a foundation in environmental ethics and its most pressing challenges today. The course begins online Mary 18, 2009 and the six day workshop begins June 8, 2009. Early registration ends April 15, 2009. Regular registration ends May 14, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

Member Discount: Occupancy-Based Energy Management System

Telkonet is offering AASHE members a free installation of its in-room energy management system in a room (classroom or dorm room) for 2 weeks, along with a free energy savings analysis quantifying the actual cost savings. Telkonet’s system self-calibrates based on environmental and HVAC characteristics, maximizing energy savings at a specified comfort level.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

RFP: Excellence in Green Building Education Awards

The U.S. Green Building Council Excellence in Green Building Education Awards Program recognizes outstanding curriculum and teaching methods that incorporate the built environment to teach sustainability. Through recognition awards and incentive grants, the awards program aims to celebrate and disseminate replicable, innovative curricular activities in formal education settings. Model programs are recognized in three categories: pre-K to 12, community and technical colleges, and colleges and universities, for their efforts in advancing green building education. One $10,000 incentive grant will be awarded to each education level category. Recognition awards honor existing educational programs and curricula for their innovative efforts to bring green building education to a broad spectrum of educational levels and content areas. Up to 15 recognition awards will be selected to receive a $1,000 honorarium. Incentive Grant proposals and Recognition Award submissions are due June 25, 2009
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

Sustainable Agriculture Semester – Summer 2009

Sterling College (VT) will offer a summer-long Sustainable Agriculture Semester. Classroom instruction, hands-on training, and work on the farm are combined to teach sustainable practices and to foster discussion about agricultural issues. Classes are taught in an integrated fashion through lecture, reading, and discussion, student projects and research, work on the Sterling farm, and field trips to local farms and the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference. The 12-15 credit program is designed for college students, academically advanced high school students, and adult learners with an interest in exploring ecological management of plants, animals, and land. The deadline for applications is Mary 1, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

Wild Rockies Summer Semester

The Wild Rockies Field Institute invites participants to attend its Wild Rockies Summer Semester program, June 19 – August 19, 2009. Students will examine conservation from a broad regional perspective, a Native American perspective, and a local landscape perspective while exploring the Yellowstone to Yukon bioregion. Subjects addressed will include conservation biology, community-based conservation, regional environmental policy, restoration ecology, and traditional ecological knowledge. The enrollment deadline is April 20, 2009.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

America's Greenest Campus Contest

Climate Culture invites college and universities to apply for its America's Greenest Campus contest, which aims to motivate institutions to reduce the carbon footprint of their students, faculty, alumni, and staff. Institutions have until October 5, 2009 to get as many campus members to reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. Carbon Culture will keep track of the number of people participating from each school and will award up to $10,000 to two winners - the school with the most participants and the school with the most carbon reductions per participant.
  • Posted Mar 30, 2009

Transatlantic Renewable Energy Exchange Study Tour

CDS invites students to apply for its 2009 Transatlantic Renewable Energy Exchange Study Tour. The 7-day tour of Germany and German companies will include site-visits to a bio-gas power plant, a brown coal mine, a photovoltaic manufacturer, a low-energy housing project, and the Wind Park. Applications are due April 3, 2009.
  • Posted Mar 30, 2009

10-Day Course on Green Building

Colorado State University and the Institute for the Built Environment are offering a 10-day course at a sustainable eco-resort in the U.S. Virgin Islands known as Maho Bay/Harmony Camps, on the island of St. John. The course, which will take place Mar 20-30, 2009, will focus on theories and practices of green building including energy, healthy buildings, natural resources, and other environmental issues. Students will gain knowledge about best sustainable practices through experimental learning at a demonstration site. Participants in the past have been students and professionals in landscape design and architecture, construction management, interior design and architecture.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

AASHE Seeks Nominations for New Board Members

The Nominations Committee of AASHE's Board of Directors is inviting members to nominate candidates to fill several slots on the Board. The full board holds multi-day, in-person meetings at least once a year (usually twice), and holds monthly phone meetings. In addition, each board member is expected to participate in at least one board committee. Committees meet by phone an average of 6 times per year, depending on their respective work agenda. Overall, board members should expect to contribute an average of 8 to 16 hours per month to AASHE. The closing date for nominations is Friday, March 27, 2009
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

Farm Life Ecology Course

Green Mountain College will host a 13 week summer intensive program that allows student to manage all elements of the farm's operation while gaining a strong curricular foundation in sustainable agriculture. The program will address the fundamentals of organic crop and animal management; efficient integration and management of highly diverse farm systems; development of appropriate agricultural technologies with a focus on human and animal power; and the social and cultural importance of regional foods. Students will also eat what is grown in the fields and investigate the theory and practice of traditional culinary means of food preparation.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

ISCN Sustainable Campus Excellence Award

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the First International Sustainable Campus Awards. These awards will recognize sustainable campus projects that demonstrate leadership, creativity, effectiveness and outstanding performance in the areas of “Construction” and “Impact”. The Construction Award will recognize completed campus development projects – single or series of new or retrofitted buildings – that show outstanding performance in energy efficiency, minimal CO2 or other environmental impacts and/or other sustainability relevant aspects. The Impact Award seeks entries of ongoing or completed initiatives that show excellent achievements from the viewpoint of engaging the various stakeholders of campus sustainability. Winning initiatives will demonstrate how campus development and management can be used to create impact for research, teaching and campus community involvement. Awardees will be featured in the ISCN gallery of landmark projects where they will serve as case studies to inspire university members on what is possible and how successful projects can be developed. Applications are due April 14, 2009.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

AASHE Seeks Nominations for New Board Members

The Nominations Committee of AASHE's Board of Directors is inviting members to nominate candidates to fill several slots on the Board. The full board holds multi-day, in-person meetings at least once a year (usually twice), and holds monthly phone meetings. In addition, each board member is expected to participate in at least one board committee. Committees meet by phone an average of 6 times per year, depending on their respective work agenda. Overall, board members should expect to contribute an average of 8 to 16 hours per month to AASHE. The closing date for nominations is Friday, March 27, 2009
  • Posted Mar 16, 2009