Sustainability From a Social Justice Lens Webinar
This joint webinar from AASHE and ACUI, happening on March 24 from 3 - 4:00 p.m. Eastern, looks at the connection between sustainability and social justice. Starting from a theory point of view, the presenters apply the theory to practice by exploring how student affairs and college unions professionals can use this information to impact their campuses and students’ lives.
AASHE 2022 Call for Proposals
The call for proposals provides a streamlined way to share experience, knowledge and skills in higher education sustainability at the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education or via AASHE’s other educational programs (i.e., webinars, virtual workshops and online courses). The deadline for submissions is March 25.
Student Food Insecurity Survey
This 3-5 minute survey focuses on understanding the real and perceived barriers of student access to essentials, such as food and shelter. This survey is being conducted by a senior working with the campus food pantry at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
National Wildlife Federation Graduate Student Research Fellowships
The National Wildlife Federation is seeking applications for graduate student fellows in the following position: Community Partnerships Research, EcoLeader Community Research, Environmental Action Education Research, and K-12 Education Research. The deadline to submit is April 22.
Environmental Justice Video Challenge for Students
The Environmental Justice Video Challenge for Students aims to help communities address environmental justice challenges and/or vulnerabilities to environmental and public health hazards using data and publicly available tools. Submissions are due April 1, 2022.
Higher Education Summit 2022 Call for Proposals
Organizers for the 2022 Higher Education Summit, themed Daring to Transform Learning for a Future-Proof Economy, invite proposals to the 2022 event, happening from Sept. 6-8, in Belgium. The focus of this conference is on research- and practice-related issues to realize an economy that strives for a safe and just world for everyone, within planetary boundaries. The summit is organized by the Copernicus Alliance, a European network of universities and colleges committed to transformative learning and change for sustainable development. Proposals are due by March 15.
AASHE Workshop: From Start to Finish: How to Complete a STARS Report That Can be Useful for Fostering Change Agents
This workshop, happening on March 31 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, will provide an overview of the STARS process from initial steps to completion. For institutions that have yet to complete a full STARS report and/or are looking for a refresher, this workshop will break down the work into phases and provide tools and tips for participants aiming to complete a report. The workshop will also touch upon how to connect STARS reporting to institutional strategic initiatives for effective change management and overall sustainability planning and tracking. Register by noon Eastern on March 31.
Alliance of Nature-Positive Universities
The U.N. Environment Program and the University of Oxford launched a global network of Nature Positive Universities that interested parties can join. The alliance of Nature Positive Universities aims to support the prioritization of nature and nature restoration within the higher education sector. This network will contribute to the U.N. Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, the post-2020 Biodiversity Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Climate and Health Ambassadors
Physicians for Social Responsibility invite students to become Climate Ambassadors. Ambassadors will work closely with Physicians for Social Responsibility staff to become leaders in the climate justice movement by engaging in advocacy for clean-energy and mitigation of climate change effects, as well as engaging in environmental justice in local communities.
AASHE 2022 Call for Proposals
The call for proposals provides a streamlined way to share experience, knowledge and skills in higher education sustainability at the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education or via AASHE’s other educational programs (i.e., webinars, virtual workshops and online courses). The deadline for submissions is March 25.
AASHE Workshop: Best Practices for Integrating Sustainability Literacy Across the Curricula
This workshop, happening on March 3 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, will focus on equipping faculty across the curricula with best practices for embedding sustainability into their respective courses in a way that is engaging, transformative, and that supports existing course learning objectives. Discounts are available for group registration. The deadline to register is noon Eastern on March 3.
Second Nature Acceleration Fund
Second Nature's Acceleration Fund supports projects that advance decarbonization and/or campus-community partnerships and resilience goals. Colleges and universities who are Second Nature Climate Leadership Network signatories and/or members of the University Climate Change Coalition (UC3) are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is March 4.
Call for Nominations: ISCN Sustainable Campus Excellence Awards
The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) Sustainable Campus Excellence Awards promotes landmark projects that demonstrate how the environmental, social and economic issues of our time provide opportunities for universities and colleges to improve campus infrastructure and recognize opportunities to integrate them into their research and learning activities. Submissions are due on March 8.
Request for Input: Community Conversations Series
Second Nature and the Sustainable Endowments Institute are seeking input on topics to cover for the upcoming Community Conversation calls. These facilitated, peer-to-peer calls will be monthly through 2022 and based on the most requested topics from community members. While there are over 30 topics to choose from, the 11 most requested topics will be selected.
Grounds Management at Universities Survey
Herbicide-Free Campus invites university and college grounds professionals or sustainability staff involved in the management of campus landscape to fill out this brief survey. Information provided through this survey will be used to help inform resources for campus landscaping work and to support land management staff.
International Green Gown Awards
Administered by the EAUC, the International Green Gown Awards recognizes exceptional sustainability initiatives and accomplishments at universities and colleges across the globe. The deadline to submit is March 31.
AASHE 2022 Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals provides a streamlined way to share your experience, knowledge and skills in higher education sustainability at the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education or via AASHE’s other educational programs (i.e., webinars, virtual workshops and online courses). The deadline for submissions is March 25.
AASHE Workshop: Building a Curriculum Development Program: The Piedmont/Ponderosa Model
This three-hour curriculum development session on Feb. 17, from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, will provide faculty leaders with the knowledge, materials and strategies to adapt the Piedmont/Ponderosa model of sustainability across the curriculum at their own institutions. Activities will explore the unique aspects of the workshop model. Challenges in making the transition to teaching fellow faculty will also be discussed. The registration deadline is Feb. 16.
AASHE Course: 2022 Sustainability Change Leadership Development Program
The AASHE Sustainability Change Leadership Development Program is a six-month cohort-based program that trains participants in a diverse set of frameworks, tools and models for leading organizational change. One-on-one and collaborative coaching from faculty and peers provide participants with ongoing support and feedback. Program participants meet virtually from March 8 through Aug. 23. The deadline for submitting the application is Feb. 25.
UMBC's 2022 National Talking Trash Tour
The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Kinetic Sculpture team recently built a kinetic sculpture primarily out of upcycled materials recovered from the UMBC campus. The team is offering kinetic sculpture workshops to university sustainability groups.
2022 International Laboratory Freezer Challenge
Taking place from Jan. 1 through July 1, 2022, the 2021 Freezer Challenge is a cold storage competition for laboratories offered by My Green Lab and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL). Over the six month period, the challenge uses friendly competition to optimize sustainability of freezer management in laboratories. Any type of laboratory is eligible to participate.
Request for Comment: AASHE STARS 3.0: Curriculum & Research Credits
As part of the development process for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) 3.0, AASHE is seeking public comment on the Curriculum and Research credits slated for inclusion in the new version (projected release is currently fourth quarter of 2023). AASHE encourages feedback from stakeholders who may have relevant expertise or interest in participating. Public comment is open through Feb. 20.
Plastic Free Campus Action Camp
This interactive virtual course is for students who are interested in helping their campus become plastic- and waste-free. The four-week course, happening two days per week between Feb. 8 - March 3, provides the background and organizing tools needed to jumpstart a campus plastics campaign. Scholarships are available.
Campus Compact’s Communities of Practice
Campus Compact’s Communities of Practice offers community engagement practitioners a platform for shared learning and collegial support to advance their engagement practice in a manner characterized by equity and integrity. Applicants commit to attend six regularly-scheduled, 90-minute virtual group sessions. The deadline to apply is Feb. 4.
Call for Presenters: International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories Conference
Organizers for the 2022 International Institute for Sustainability Laboratories (I2SL) annual conference, happening in Pittsburgh, Oct. 16-19, invite abstract proposals by March 18. This year's theme is Coming Together for Climate Solutions, which includes topics such as decarbonization of labs, climate resilience, electrification, and energy improvements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy Department Better Climate Challenge
Through the Better Climate Challenge, organizations can partner with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 and 2. DOE will provide technical assistance, offer peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and share actionable best practices and workable pathways that will accelerate actions needed for carbon reduction.
AASHE Workshop: From Climate Anxiety to Action: Cultivating a Radical Imagination for the Future
This three-hour workshop, happening on Feb. 10, presents a framework for teaching and tackling wicked problems. Through understanding the root causes of climate anxiety and grounding climate solutions in participatory design, participants will gain tools to name and work through feelings of climate anxiety, identify tangible solutions and practice imagining a sustainable future. The deadline to register is Feb. 10 at noon Eastern.
C2C Fellows Sustainability Leadership Training
This C2C training is for undergraduate students and recent graduates who want high-impact sustainability careers that can change the future, in policy, business and politics. Led by the director of Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy, Dr. Eban Goodstein, C2C trainings focus on key leadership skills: vision, courage, developing networks, personal narratives and raising funds. The training is on March 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern.
AASHE Webinar: STARS 2.2 Data Quality: Tips for Navigating Submission Review
This webinar, happening today, Jan. 19 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern, is first in a series on data quality using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS), this webinar aims to help institutions submit a high-quality report and ease within the submission review process. It will provide an overview of the collaborative review and revision process, share the latest data quality resources and best practices, and discuss common issues in credits and highlight ones most commonly misinterpreted. There will be a Q&A session and opportunities for peer networking.
AASHE 2022 Professional Learning Opportunities
AASHE is offering seven virtual, professional learning opportunities between February and June. These educational events aim to stimulate professional and personal growth for higher education sustainability leaders who drive change within their institutions. Workshop and course topics cover curriculum development, sustainability literacy, managing climate anxiety, and getting started with STARS. The lineup also includes a six-month, cohort-based, collaborative Sustainability Change Leadership Development Program and a Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator. Additional opportunities will be announced later in the year.
Student Corporate Engagement Competition
The Intentional Endowment Network’s Student Corporate Engagement Competition invites students to pitch an investment in a publicly-traded company, and include in that recommendation a shareholder engagement strategy focused on addressing inequality and the climate crisis. The deadline to sign up is Jan. 14.
Survey on Updating Curricula for Climate Solutions & Green Careers
The U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) is collecting information on the decision-making process that occurs for curricula upgrades within higher education related to climate solutions and careers in sustainability. The survey will aid UNEP in organizing an event to help higher education connect with employers and organisations implementing climate solutions.
TheDream.US National Scholarship
The National Scholarship is for high school or community college graduates that have DACA or TPS, or meet TheDream.US immigration eligibility criteria and qualify for in-state tuition at one of TheDream.US partner colleges. An online college option is available. The scholarship is for up to $16,500 for an associate’s degree and $33,000 for a bachelor’s degree.
AASHE 2022 Sustainability Change Leadership Development Program
The AASHE Sustainability Change Leadership Development Program is a six-month, virtual, hands-on, cohort-based collaborative program that trains participants in a diverse set of frameworks, tools and models for leading organizational change. One-on-one and collaborative coaching from faculty and peers will provide participants with ongoing support and feedback to design and implement a change management project at their institution. Applications are due by February 25, 2022.
ASLE Book Awards in Ecocriticism & Environmental Creative Writing
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) will present book awards in two categories: the best book-length work of scholarly ecocriticism and the best book-length work of creative writing with an environmental theme. The awards include a prize of $500. Deadline for receipt of all submissions is March 21, 2022.
The MacJannet Prize
Established by the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation, the MacJannet Prize recognizes and encourages exceptional student community engagement and community service, financially supports the ongoing work of university-based civic initiatives, elevates and disseminates innovative civic engagement program models and strengthens public support for the global civic engagement movement in higher education. Nominations are due March 30, 2022.
2022 ALPINE Summer Institute
The ALPINE (Academics for Land Protection in New England) Summer Institute program is designed for undergraduates, graduate students and young professionals to learn more about the theory and practice of large land conservation in New England. The institute is also designed to encourage the students to consider how land conservation might become a significant focus of their professional careers and volunteer commitments over the course of their lives.
University Climate Ambassadors
The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce encourages student changemakers to join the University Climate Ambassador program by signing the Global Climate Pledge. Student ambassadors will work to identify, support, broadcast and implement key sustainable initiatives via engagement of other students, student groups, campus administration and key stakeholders.
Global Sustainability Scholars Program
The Global Sustainability Scholars program brings together talented undergraduates for a paid summer immersive experience, where students travel abroad, conduct research, and build their professional network in real-world sustainability issues. The deadline to apply is Jan. 9, 2022.
2022 International Laboratory Freezer Challenge
Taking place from Jan. 1 2022 through July 1, 2022, the 2021 Freezer Challenge is a cold storage competition for laboratories offered by My Green Lab and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL). Over this six month period, the challenge uses friendly competition to optimize sustainability of freezer management in laboratories. Any type of laboratory is eligible to participate.