HSUS Releases Plant-Based Dining Scorecard

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has released a new scorecard assessing how some higher education institutions are advancing sustainability by adding more plant-based meals to their menus and reducing their reliance on animal products.

Columbia U Commits to Reduce Food-Based Carbon Emissions

The university recently signed onto the Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge, a New York City-wide initiative to reduce carbon emissions through plant-forward food. Columbia Dining has committed to reducing its food-based carbon emissions 25% by 2030 through a plant-powered procurement strategy for its dining operations.

Emory U Signs 'Break Free From Plastic' Pledge

The university recently committed to establish a task force on plastics reduction and create a year-by-year single-use plastics reduction strategy in order to eliminate the procurement of unnecessary single-use plastics by 2026.

Lehigh U Achieves Real Food Challenge Goal

The university recently announced meeting the Real Food Challenge goal by purchasing 20.3 percent of its food from local, organic, fair trade and humane sources in the 2019-2020 academic year. Lehigh’s Office of Sustainability, Dining Services and Purchasing Services, and Sodexo have collaborated on the challenge for the past seven years.

New York U Commits to Reduce Food-Related GHGs

In honor of World Food Day 2020, the university announced that it has committed to reducing food-related greenhouse gas emissions on all its campuses by 25 percent by the year 2030. Through a comprehensive, 10-year plan devised in partnership with its dining services partner, NYU dining halls and catering operations will gradually promote a shift to more sustainable food products through a combination of enhanced plant-based offerings and educational outreach.

California State U San Marcos Begins Post-Consumer Composting

The university recently began a post-consumer composting program at an apartment complex, after the initiative was halted in the spring due to the pandemic. Implementing a post-consumer program is part of the university’s effort to reduce organic waste by 50 percent of 2014 rates this year and 75 percent by 2025. Post-consumer organic waste includes any cooked food scraps and can include other compostable items such as plates, utensils and napkins.

William & Mary Students Fund New Composting Bins

In an effort to mitigate increased waste from food service operations resulting from the increase in take-out containers, the college's Student Assembly passed a bill that allocates funding for six new compost bins.