Northeastern U Launches Climate Justice Action Plan
The newly published Climate Justice Action Plan is organized around four intersectional themes –campus operations, economic impact, relationships with neighbors, and research and academics–and includes specific goals, associated strategies and actions.
Oberlin College Connects Geothermal System
Oberlin has completed its Sustainable Infrastructure Program, a four-year program to convert the campus to geothermal heating and cooling. The project, which included upgrading its century-old heating infrastructure to a hot water system, is expected to reduce Oberlin’s water use by more than five million gallons per year, reduce sewer discharge by more than four million gallons per year, and improve campus energy efficiency by more than 30 percent.
Loyola U Chicago Conducts Multi-Campus Waste Audit
In advance of a waste reduction and diversion planning effort, Loyola University Chicago contracted a vendor, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, to conduct a multi-campus waste characterization audit. In total over 4,000 lbs of materials across 10 activity zones was categorized into one of 33 categories. This effort helps identify areas for improvement but also set a baseline and inform potential reduction and diversion targets.