Harvard U Police Department Converts to Hybrid and Electric Fleet
The university’s police departed has converted its entire fleet of marked patrol cars to hybrid and electric vehicles, in part to address growing concerns about climate change and public health. The move is expected to cut costs for the department by increasing the fleet’s fuel economy by a factor of 10. The fleet conversion was funded by a Harvard Green Revolving Fund interest-fee loan administered by the Office of Sustainability and Campus Services.
Portland State U, UC Berkeley Students Spend Spring Break Farming
As part of an alternative spring break program, 24 students from Portland State University and the University of California, Berkeley partnered with Petaluma Bounty, a nonprofit educational farm, to learn about food justice. The students planted vegetables, spread compost and helped with other labor-intensive projects on the farm.
San Diego State U to Receive Solar Project
North American Development Bank has provided a $19.2 million loan to NRG Solar to construct a five-megawatt solar project at the university’s Imperial Valley campus. The electricity generated will be sold to the IID, a California irrigation district and publicly-owned utility, under a 25-year power purchase agreement. The university will have access to the facility for research and educational purposes.
Santa Clara U to Ban School Branded Bottle Water
The university has finalized a petition to ban the sale of Santa Clara labeled plastic water bottles on campus. The petition received over 800 signatures and student organizers are currently working with Bon Appétit to replace plastic with glass bottles.
Sodexo, Real Food Challenge Sign Food Transparency Agreement
Sodexo and the Real Food Challenge have announced an agreement to advance supply chain transparency on Sodexo-contracted campuses. The agreement institutes a rigorous and comprehensive set of standards, defined by the Real Food Calculator, for judging the social responsibility and sustainability of Sodexo’s vendors and food producers.
SUNY ESF Launches Bicycle Safety Committee
The university has formed a Bicycle Safety Committee to provide a focus on education and improved communication on best practices as well as increasing bike infrastructure on campus. Since its launch, the committee has coordinated the curb removal from campus pathways, obtained a bicycle accident report from the City of Syracuse Police Department and began collaborating with neighborhood groups and city officials about making cycling safer.
U Calgary EEEL Building Achieves LEED Platinum
The Energy. Environment. Experiential. Learning (EEEL) building uses 78 percent less energy than a conventional laboratory building. It features vertical green sunshades that move throughout the day to reduce glare and solar heat gain, concrete “Earth Tubes” that run air underground to the main lecture theatre to regulate temperature, and captured rain water mixed with recycled process water for graywater use.
U Minnesota Implements Living Lab Program
The university has launched a Living Laboratory program that allows students and faculty to apply to use campus land for research and educational purposes. Approved applications are expected to dovetail with current or planned campus renovations and identify possible sources of funding.
U Missouri Secures Funding for Green Roof
The Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee has pledged $27,000 to fund the construction of a green roof atop the university’s Rollins Dining Hall. A 2,520-square-foot modular system will be installed by October 2013.
U Nebraska Lincoln Students Receive Funding for Organic Farm
A group of students has received funding from a local nonprofit organization to create an organic farm on campus. The half-acre farm will be divided into three sections that will include an asparagus patch, a greenhouse and a space for student research. The group plans to organize the farm into work shares to allow student-volunteers to receive produce in exchange for labor.
U Texas Austin Uses Reclaimed Water for Cooling Systems
A new system of pipes has been installed to link the university’s chilling stations with Austin Water’s reclaimed water system. The initiative, aimed to save water and increase system efficiency, will allow campus buildings to use filtered wastewater instead of potable water for cooling systems.
Vanderbilt U Commons Center Earns LEED Gold
The Commons Center is the thirteenth certified project on campus and features locally sourced and manufactured building materials and low-flow plumbing fixtures. Additionally, an innovative green housekeeping was implemented and low-vapor emitting materials were used during construction.
Wake Forest U Looks to Improve Students' Well-Being
In an effort to increase students’ overall well-being, the university recently revamped a campus quad by installing moveable tables, benches, board games, outdoor classrooms and a piano. The changes are being made to encourage students to take spontaneous breaks from routines, have one-on-one conversations and make time for self-reflection. The project is part of a long-term goal that will include polling to measure student well-being, hiring a director of student well-being and incorporating additional projects in spontaneity.
Aspen Prize Honors Two Community Colleges
The Aspen Institute has awarded this year’s Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence to Santa Barbara City College and Walla Walla Community College. The Aspen Prize was designed to recognize community colleges with strong records of preparing students for jobs or transfer to four-year colleges, as well as attracting and graduating low-income and minority students.
Canadian Students Launch New Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign
On March 27, students from across the country participated in Fossil Fools Day, the first national day of action for the Fossil Free Canada campaign, an initiative led by the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition. More than a dozen campuses held marches and rallies in an effort to urge their university administrators to divest their endowments from fossil fuel and pipeline companies.
Cuesta College to Establish Sustainability Resource Center
The college has announced plans to open a Sustainability Resource Center this year. The center will provide resources and training for teachers at all grade levels and delivery of sustainability learning modules to students both at the college and local schools. MidAmerican Solar, SunPower power plant solar solutions and NRG Energy financed the project.
McGill U Reviews Petition to Stop Investments Linked to Oilsands
Divest McGill, a group of students and alumni, have presented the university’s board of governors with a petition of more than 700 signatures asking the governing body to remove companies that develop, transport, refine or sell oil from Canada’s oilsands from the university’s financial holdings.
N Carolina State U Launches Sustainability Student Ambassadors
With support from the university’s Sustainability Office, North Carolina State Stewards will promote sustainable practices among their peers and the community through workshops, presentations and campus events. 2013-14 will be the first full academic year of the program, which was piloted this year.
Ohio U Project Creates Visual Representation of Recycled Plastic
The university’s Campus Recycling has created a visual representation of how quickly recyclable materials can accumulate over the course of one month. The 16-foot high campus sculpture, entitled “It All Adds Up,” is comprised of four weeks’ worth of recycled #1 and #2 plastics collected on campus. The project was created to coincide with the university's RecycleMania efforts.
Okanagan College Installs EV Charging Stations
The college has begun installing 10 electric vehicle charging stations at four of its campuses. The stations will be available to the public at the same rate as visitor parking fees. The chargers are part of a British Columbia Ministry of Environment’s initiative to have stations installed province-wide.
Rhodes College Students' “Street Paper” to Support the Homeless
Two students seeking to raise awareness about the plight of the homeless in the Memphis, TN area created The Bridge , a new street paper. Street vendors, who themselves are homeless, will be able to purchase copies of the publication for a quarter each and sell them for a dollar a piece. The vendors will be able to keep 100 percent of the profits.
Robert Morris U Launches a Textbook Reserve to Help Students
The university debuted a textbook reserve program in the fall of 2012 after a student-led survey revealed that 14 percent of students surveyed knew at least one student who dropped out of school because they could not afford to purchase textbooks. The university spent approximately $10,500 to purchase 170 textbooks for the most in-demand courses on campus and place them on reserve in the library for student use. More than 850 students have made use of the reserve program, saving an estimated $300 each semester.
San Diego State U Students Partner with Solar Company for Project
Electrical engineering students have partnered with Sullivan Solar Power to create a senior design project. The renewable energy company is providing a group of students, called “Growing in Solar,” guidance and counsel on a weekly basis to analyze the design and implementation of solar technology. The company has also provided students two sets of solar panels for research.
Supreme Court Takes New Case on Affirmative Action
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a second case involving affirmative action in higher education. In October, the justices heard arguments in a case dealing with the University of Texas’ race-conscious admissions program. This one, from Michigan, tests whether voters, by referendum, can bar affirmative action programs in higher education.
Texas Tech U Student Senate Approves Steps for Sustainable Campus
The Student Senate has passed a resolution that supports all public relations efforts to promote sustainability on campus. The resolution states the senate supports reducing costs of beverages when students use their own containers, the placement of more recycling bins in residence halls, the use of recyclable containers for all to-go meals in dining facilities and the exploration of a more efficient watering system on campus.
Tufts U Campus Sustainability Council Releases Draft Report
The Campus Sustainability Council has released a drat report that outlines recommendations for the university to improve sustainability on campus. The Office of Sustainability will gather feedback from the campus community to determine if additional changes will need to be considered.
U Wisconsin Green Bay Band Holds Sustainability Themed Concert
In an effort to create awareness for campus sustainability initiatives, the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble held a “Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle” themed concert. The band performed compositions from notable composers that aligned with the theme and the older songs were ‘reused’ and performed in new ways.
Washington U St. Louis Invests $30M on Energy Conservation
The university has announced plans to spend $30 million on energy conservation projects over the next five years. The roughly 60 projects, which will help improve energy efficiency, heating and cooling systems, and waste management, are projected to reduce emissions by more than 50,000 metric tons of CO2
Ben-Gurion, U Michigan Partner for Energy Research
(Israel, U.S.): Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the University of Michigan have signed a $2 million partnership to develop a three-year collaborative renewable energy research program. The project aims to tackle challenges in the fields of vehicle fuels, solar energy and thermoelectric materials.
Dundee U Launches Recycle and Reward Initiative
(U.K.): The university has installed four reverse vending machines that accept bottles and cans as part of the Recycle and Reward initiative. Students and staff will be rewarded for recycling through a variety of incentives including cash, discount vouchers or vouchers for donations to charities.
East Tennessee State U to Receive Recycling Bins
(U.S.): Alcoa Foundation ha partnered with Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and the College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) to provide 60 recycling bins to the university as part of the Recycling Bin Grant Program.
Harvard U Energy Plant Receives EPA Award
(U.S.): The Longwood Medical Center’s energy plant has received a 2013 Energy Star “Combined Heat and Power” award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The system produces steam, chilled water, and electricity for the five hospitals, biomedical and pharmaceutical research centers, and Harvard-affiliated teaching locations.
Harvard U Heroes Program to Recognize Sustainability Achievements
(U.S.): The Office of Sustainability has partnered with Human Resources to recognize staff achievements in sustainability through the university-wide Harvard Heroes Program. Recognizing sustainability leaders as Harvard Heroes is an effort to institutionalize sustainability across the university and incorporate green actions into the workplace culture on campus.
Moraine Valley CC Installs Electric Vehicle Chargers
(U.S.): Two electric vehicle charging stations are now open to the public at the cost of one dollar per hour. The station infrastructure was fully paid for through the EV Project, a U.S. Department of Energy funded program administered by ECOtality.
Muskingum U Installs Solar Array
(U.S.): The university has constructed a 75-kilowatt, 297 panel solar array atop its Recreation Center. The array is expected to save about $15,000 annually in electricity costs. The project was paid for through university capital improvements funds.
National Hispanic U Partnership to Expand Access to Higher Ed
(U.S.): The university and StraighterLine have announced an agreement that will enable students to transfer American Council on Education courses for credit at the university. The transfer agreement is part of the university’s mission to support greater access to higher education.
NY Times: 'U Tennessee Wins Approval for Hydraulic Fracturing Plan'
(U.S.): The University of Tennessee has received permission from the Tennessee Building Commission to lease more than 8,000 acres of state-owned land to an energy company for hydraulic fracturing, a process known as “fracking,” and then use the profits from the lease to study the environmental impact of the natural gas extraction technique. The proposal has been met by public protests and environmentalists worry the process could release harmful chemicals that would contaminate drinking water.
Shanghai Jiaotong U to Construct Solar Decathlon House
(China): The university has partnered with JinkoSolar Holding Co. to construct an energy-efficient home for the 2013 Solar Decathlon China competition. Over 20 student teams have been selected to participate in the first Solar Decathlon China competition in August.
Trinity U Installs Water Bottle Refilling Stations
(U.S.): The university has installed 18 water bottle filling stations in both academic buildings and residence halls. The project received funding from the campus administration and Association of Student Representatives.
U California Santa Barbara Approves Water Action Plan
(U.S.): The university has approved a Water Action Plan. This water guidance document identifies historic and current water use and provides water conservation recommendations on a 15-year planning horizon. The plan was designed and produced by six graduate students in collaboration with various stakeholders from the university, as well as local, regional, and national water conservation stakeholders.
U Chicago Launches Paperless Payroll
(U.S.): In an effort to reduce paper consumption, Financial Services has implemented a paperless payroll system. This digitization effort increases security and transparency while also reducing the costs of printing, shipping, archiving, and shredding.