Dalhousie U to Receive Grant for TDM

Dalhousie University (NS) will receive a contribution of up to $15,000 for a project to reduce single car occupancy travel to and from campus and to identify ways to increase the use of bicycles. The funding is the result of the "Moving on Sustainable Transportation" program implemented by the government of Canada.

Illinois State U Dedicates Center for Renewable Energy

Illinois State University has dedicated its new Center for Renewable Energy. The Center coordinates education, outreach, and research efforts on wind, solar, bio-fuel, and other alternative energy sources. In addition, the Center brings together faculty from several academic disciplines and colleges at ISU to support the University’s renewable energy major, provide the public with objective research-based information on renewable energy, and facilitate applied research through collaborations with other universities. The Center was established through a grant awarded by the Department of Energy.

Ithaca College to Launch Sustainability Major and Minor

Ithaca College (NY) has received a $500,000 grant from a New York based bank to support the development of a new sustainability major and minor at the College. The two new programs are tentatively scheduled to begin in fall 2009. The grant will also subsidize scholarships and fellowships, an internship and research fund for projects, and a scholar-in-residence program.

Loras College Receives Energy Efficiency Rebates

Loras College (IA) has received a $327,000 rebate from Alliant Energy for energy conservation in the College's new Athletic and Wellness Center. The structure features energy efficient heating and cooling systems, a lighting system that optimizes natural light, glazed windows, and roof and wall insulation. The College reduced expected electricity consumption by more than 72 percent, saving more than 2,340,599 kWh of electricity in one year.

Louisiana State U Hires Campus Sustainability Manager

Louisiana State University has hired Denise Scribner as the institution's first campus sustainability coordinator. Housed within LSU's Department of Facility Services, the new hire will be responsible for cataloging existing eco-friendly initiatives around campus and spearheading new ways to cut back on waste and carbon emissions. Scribner will also research grant opportunities relating to sustainability and coordinate campus and community relations in order to communicate LSU’s ongoing efforts to the faculty, students, staff, and Baton Rouge area.

MUM Sustainable Living Center Receives Kresge Foundation Grant

The Maharishi University of Management (IA) has received a $50,000 grant from the Kresge Foundation Green Building Initiative to help plan the Sustainable Living Center on campus. Construction for the Sustainable Living Center is already underway, and the structure is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2009.

Nicholls State U Implements Energy Conservation Measures

Nicholls State University (LA) has implemented several new policies in an effort to conserve energy and cut costs. New measures include no longer lighting tennis courts, turning off the campus fountain and campus monument, and turning off Christmas lights on campus.

Northland College Eliminates Cafeteria Trays

Northland College (WI) has eliminated the use of trays in its cafeteria. The new initiative aims to cut down on food waste and to save water, energy, time, and dish soap. In the fall semester, the College began Tray-less Tuesdays, an initiative that saved 138 gallons of water each Tuesday by not offering trays to students. Now, Northland is extending the policy for the other six days of the week.

Pace U Converts Fleet to Use Extended Performance Oil Filter

Pace University (NY) has converted its fleet of campus vehicles to use an extended performance oil filter. The new filter allows the vehicles to travel 24,000 miles before needing an oil change, saving an estimated 650 gallons of motor oil and over 30% in oil-related maintenance costs within a 12 to 18 month period. Campus cars, vans, and buses were all included in the conversion.

Philadelphia Inquirer Covers College Programs for Laid-off Workers

The Philadelphia Inquirer has published an article on the increasing number of Pennsylvania and New Jersey colleges waiving tuition for laid-off workers. The article mentions programs at Burlington County College (NJ), Montgomery County Community College (PA), Delaware County Community College (PA), Bucks County Community College (PA), Camden County College (NJ), Gloucester County College (NJ), and the Community College of Philadelphia (PA).

Plymouth State U Residence Hall Wins Award for Green Design

Plymouth State University’s (NH) newest residential life building, Langdon Woods, has earned the Judges’ Choice recipient in the ”˜Building as a Teaching Tool’ category in College Planning and Management’s ”˜2008 Green Education Design Showcase.’ The award is published in the November 2008 editions of both "College Planning and Management" and "School Planning and Management." The judges noted that because of Langdon Woods environmental sustainability features, it is more than a campus building. Langdon Woods is also a LEED Gold certified building.

Saint Augustine's College Wins Bin Grant, Begins Recycling Initiative

Saint Augustine's College (NC) has implemented a new recycling initiative on campus. The “Falcons Go Green” project seeks to reduce waste on campus, promote the recycling of materials, and maintain and promote a clean and environmentally conscious campus through a comprehensive education campaign. The initiative is the result of a grant awarded to Saint Augustine's by the National Recycling Coalition. The NRC's Bin Grant Program seeks to jump-start or expand recycling programs.

Saint Xavier U Res Hall Receives LEED Gold

Saint Xavier University's (IL) Agatha O'Brien Hall has received LEED Gold certification. The new 36,664-square-foot residence hall features natural and mechanical ventilation, a 50-foot high circular glass stair tower that draws tempered air to assist in summer night pre-cooling and winter heating, and a solar reflection system on the roof. In addition, 100 percent of the building's energy use is being offset by renewable energy sources.

SUNY Canton Implements 4-Day Academic Schedule

The State University of New York at Canton has switched to a 4-day academic schedule in an effort to cut operating costs and increase sustainability across campus. Portions of College’s workforce will also work on a four-day schedule, but buildings such as the library, fitness center, and admissions office will remain open on the fifth day.

U Arkansas Signs Energy Performance Contract

The University of Arkansas has awarded a $20.9 million contract to Energy Systems Group of Evansville, Indiana to design and install facility improvements that reduce energy consumption and address deferred maintenance issues in 56 buildings on the Fayetteville campus. The contract marks the first phase of a campus-wide energy savings and facility modernization program. The energy performance agreement between ESG and the University guarantees that energy savings over a 13-year period will cover the cost of building improvements. ESG will reduce the university’s total annual energy consumption on campus by 30 percent. ESG will make key energy conservation improvements to the buildings over a two-year period, beginning in early 2009. Renovations will include the installation of more efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems, water conservation equipment, and a solar-powered heater for the swimming pool in the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Building. In addition, ESG will work with university relations to provide a campus-wide communications campaign about initiatives to save energy.

U Colorado Boulder Campaign Collects 40 Tons of Recycling

The University of Colorado at Boulder's "Ralphie's Green Stampede," a home football game recycling campaign, resulted in 40 tons of recyclable and compostable materials in 2008 season. More than 800 people in 11 organizational units helped to cut waste by 30 percent during the six home games. During the last 4 games of the season, over 80 percent of the stadium's waste was composted or recycled. Additionally, 300 gallons of used vegetable oil was converted into biodiesel by the University.

U Denver Begins Green Vehicle Incentive Program

The University of Denver (CO) has begun a pilot program to designate 12 premium parking spots as parking for environmental friendly vehicles only. The new program aims to reward commuters who purchase environmentally friendly cars, serve as a reminder to those who are not driving fuel-efficient cars, and provide LEED certification points for the nearby residence hall.

U Hawaii at Manoa Medical School Receives LEED Certification

The John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa has received LEED certification. The building features low-flow fixtures, occupant sensors, green cleaning products, and light shelves over windows that reflect sunlight inside the building.

U Kentucky Dining Halls Offer More Local Foods

The University of Kentucky has announced plans to expand its partnership with Kentucky food producers in 2009. UK aims to expand the amount of locally grown produce purchased from $60,000 in 2007-2008 to $500,000 in 2009. Additionally, UK has partnered with a local diary provider to purchase fresh milk from pasture grazing cows that are not supplemented with hormones to increase milk production to be used in campus dining facilities.

U Michigan, UW La Crosse Launch Sustainability Websites

The University of Michigan has launched a campus sustainability website. Links on the site provide information about on-campus recycling, energy-conservation, green student groups, and sustainability-related research projects and academic offerings. The Graham Institute and the Department of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health co-sponsored the project, which took about a year to complete and involved more than 20 people. The University of Wisconsin, La Crosse has also launched a new sustainability website, which will serve as a clearinghouse for news, events, campus projects, resources, and information relating to sustainability and environmental literacy both on and off campus. The new site features a blog, podcasts, and information on UW-L's Joint Committee on Environmental Sustainability.

U New Haven Receives Biodiesel Grant

The University of New Haven (CT) has received a $135,276 grant from the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology to expand its biodiesel research. The main objective of the UNH study is to identify species of algae from Long Island Sound that could be harvested or cultivated to produce biodiesel. A professor and a group of students plan to collect phytoplankton, identify and analyze the species collected, and attempt to find a viable algae source.

Western State College Receives Grants for Solar Projects

Western State College (CO) has received a $15,000 and a $7,500 grant to support the installation of solar panels for electricity and hot water in the College’s Kelley Hall. The solar electricity system will provide between 5 to 10 percent of building’s electrical requirements and the solar thermal system will be used to heat the boiler. WSC received the funding from the Governor's Energy Office Solar Rebate Program.

Emory U Announces Winners of its Sustainability Grant Program

Emory University (GA) has announced the winners of its Sustainability Grant Program, an initiative that awards grants to students, faculty, and staff for creative plans to promote sustainability on campus. This year's grants will fund the expansion of Emory's educational food garden, research project to study the factors that lead to the purchase and consumption of organic and sustainable foods, and a campaign that aims to make it easier to practice sustainability in more than 11 departments at Emory.

Emory U Completes Building Energy Competition

Emory University (GA) has completed its second annual building energy competition. The Black Student Alliance House won the competition by reducing its energy use by 31.85 percent. The BSA will receive a $1,000 prize from Emory's Office of Sustainability.

Humboldt State U Wins Water Management Solutions Grant

A team of Humboldt State University (CA) faculty and graduate students has won a $620,000 federal grant to develop water management solutions in the face of soaring population growth and rapid changes in water and land use in the rural West. Scientists and students will develop quantitative models of ground and surface water flows and identify physical, economic, and regulatory mechanisms to foster conservation and efficient water management on developed land. Based on this research, they will provide planners, decision makers, and stakeholders with findings about the watershed’s hydrologic system and alternative conservation strategies.

North Carolina State U Annual Sustainability Report

North Carolina State University has released its 2007-2008 Sustainability Report. The Report lists initiatives NCSU completed throughout the year in the areas of academics and research, buildings, energy, land use, materials management, transportation, waste reduction and recycling, and water.

UC Berkeley Green Fund Annual Report

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), the University of California, Berkeley's sustainability grant funded through a $5 per semester student fee, has released its 2007-2008 Annual Report. The document details TGIF’s first year of administration and all of the projects that received funding.

U Idaho Receives Environmental Summit Excellence Award

The University of Idaho McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) received the Idaho Environmental Summit Excellence Award for 2008. The award recognizes long-term dedication to environmental excellence and achievement.

Alfred State College Installs Solar Array

Alfred State College (NY) has installed a 5.1 kW photovoltaic grid intertie system on its Applied Technology Building. The system powers the campus library and administration building of the School of Applied Technology. The project was completed in part by students in the electrical construction and maintenance electrician program.

Appalachian State U Powers Holiday Lights with Solar Energy

A group of Appalachian State University (NC) appropriate technology students have designed and installed a system that powers the lights on the Sustainable Energy Society's Christmas Tree with solar energy. The tree's lights are connected to a photovoltaic system that allows it to absorb solar energy all day and power the lights all night. As a result, the tree is completely off the grid.

Caltech Installs Solar Arrays

The California Institute of Technology has installed 2 of 9 planned solar arrays on its campus. Caltech has completed a solar array on the North Holliston Avenue parking garage and a student-designed and student-built array on the Watson Laboratory building. Once complete, the 9 arrays will provide 7 percent of the institution's energy needs by 2009.

Cleveland State CC Receives $65,000 Energy Grant

The Cleveland State Community College (TN) Alternative Energy program has received a $65,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to expand an existing energy efficiency training and education program. Grants totaling $546,000 were awarded to nine winners from six Appalachian states for projects promoting renewable energy production, energy-efficient facilities, and energy-related training and certification programs.

Drexel U Increases Campus Recycling

Drexel University (PA) has completed its 2008 Recycling Report. The report found that DU increased its recycling from 21.08 percent to 29.88 percent between 2007 and 2008. The University has attributed the increase to the purchase of new bins that were placed in multiple locations throughout the main campus.

EKU to Establish Ctr for Renewable Fuel Technologies

Eastern Kentucky University has announced plans to establish the EKU Center for Renewable and Alternative Fuel Technologies (CRAFT). The Center will provide researches with the opportunity to examine the potential for a cellulose-derived biodiesel industry in Kentucky. CRAFT will aim to identify and develop baseline agricultural and economics data. The work will include: the prioritization of agricultural crops that would make good feedstock for the production of bio-oils; the identification of land that could be cultivated without negatively impacting existing agricultural businesses; the determination of potential/probable crop yields; the identification of the economic impacts on the Commonwealth’s agricultural, transportation, and biofuels industries; and the determination of transition scenarios for moving toward a biofuel industry in the Commonwealth.

Frostburg State U Receives Champion Award for Solar Energy

Frostburg State University (MD) has received the "Champion Award" from the Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia section of the Solar Energy Industries Association. The award recognizes FSU’s success in establishing a renewable energy demonstration and training program and its Wind and Solar Energy Residential Demonstration System, WISE.

GRCC Reduces Energy Use by 16.25% Through Energy Education Prgm

Grand Rapids Community College (MI) has reduced its energy use by 16.25 percent in the first five months of its Energy Education Program. The University believes that most of the program's success is due to having a trained Energy Manager on staff.

Iowa State U Adds 4 Electric Vehicles to its Fleet

Iowa State University has purchased four new electric vehicles to add to its fleet. ISU purchased the 4 vehicles, which travel up to 50 miles on one charge, from 3 different manufacturers in order to test each one.

Middlebury College to Reduce Energy Use in Prgms Abroad

The Middlebury College (VT) Office of International Programs, Off-Campus Study, and Sustainability Integration have begun a year-long effort to assess the environmental practices of its abroad programs. Students and faculty are working to develop an assessment tool that will help to define what it means to be sustainable and will enable each program to evaluate its own status in regards to the definition. The Directors of each program will meet in the summer of 2009 to evaluate the project and decide how to implement changes at each site.

Princeton Alumni Climate Effort Receives 100 Endorsers

The Princeton University (NJ) Sustainable Energy Transition has begun the Princeton Alumni Climate Effort. The project aimed to reach, and has attained, 100 endorsers from 30 classes who agree to encourage their alma mater to become a leader in climate change practice. After going live in early October, the Princeton Alumni for Climate Excellence (PACE) campaign has connected with alumni over email, on Facebook, and at alumni events in New York City. The statement signed by over 100 alumni calls on the University to aim for climate neutrality in its campus operations by 2030.

Rice University Completes Recycling Competition

Rice University (TX) has completed its November-only inter-college recycling competition. Sid Richardson College came in first place with 54 pounds of collected material, more than twice the amount of runner-up Wiess College. Campus recycling increased by 52 percent during the competition, which was created by a group of students in a course entitled, Environmental Issues: Rice in the Future.

St. John's U Partners with EPA to Reduce its Env'l Impact

St. John's University (NY) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Environmental Protection Agency to reduce its environmental impacts by adopting sustainable practices and joining EPA partnership programs. The agreement includes goals to reduce the energy consumed by the school's buildings and plants by at least 10 percent, adopting water conservation and material re-use strategies guided by the EPA's GreenScapes landscaping program, and conducting an energy audit of the St. Albert Hall laboratory and reducing its energy needs through EPA’s Labs 21 program. St. John’s will report the progress on its goals to EPA every six months.

U California Santa Barbara Unveils Solar Array

The University of California, Santa Barbara has installed a rooftop solar array on the campus' recreation center. The University expects the $1.5 million solar project to reduce its energy costs by $100,000 annually. The bulk of the project’s cost, about $872,000, came from student fees that are allocated to the Recreation Center Governance Board.

U Idaho Bookstore Contributes to Sustainability Fund

The University of Idaho Bookstore will contribute $2,000 to the University of Idaho Sustainability Center (UISC) as part of its annual textbook buy-back event. The Sustainability Center will use the additional funds to support activities that further sustainability initiatives at the institution.

U Missouri Bookstore Sells Eco-Friendly Clothing

The University of Missouri Bookstore has begun selling T-shirts and zip-up hooded sweatshirts made by an eco-friendly clothing company. The company’s T-shirts and sweatshirts are made of low-impact organic cotton and produced in facilities in India run solely on wind and solar energy by fair trade workers.

U New Hampshire Saves Energy with Reduction Campaign

The University of New Hampshire has announced that faculty, staff, and students saved approximately 192,000 kilowatt-hours of energy through the university’s fourth Student Energy Waste Watch Challenge and annual Thanksgiving “power down” initiative. The University saved $27,000 in energy costs as a result of both initiatives.

U Phoenix Offsets Energy for Monday Night Football Game

The University of Phoenix (AZ) has purchased 95,000 kWh of renewable energy certificates to offset 100 percent of the electricity used in the Monday Night Football game between the Arizona Cardinals and the San Francisco 49ers held at University of Phoenix Stadium on November 10, 2008. The University purchased the electricity through the Salt River Project's EarthWise program.

U Waterloo Signs MOU for Renewable Energy Research

The University of Waterloo (ON) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in India and the Centennial Energy Institute in Canada to further enable research on renewable energy, nanotechnology, and nuclear engineering. The goal of the agreement is to improve energy security, reliability, and affordability. The partnership will allow for students and faculty from both institutions to collaborate.

York Technical College Converts Kitchen Grease to Biodiesel

York Technical College (ON) has begun producing its own biodiesel fuel to be used in its maintenance and grounds-keeping equipment. The College uses a biodiesel processor to convert vegetable oil into biodiesel for off-road use. The project was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Diesel Campaign.

4 Ohio Colleges Partner to Launch Master's in Renewable Energy

The University of Dayton, Wright State University, Central State University and the Air Force Institute of Technology have partnered to launch a Master's degree program in Clean and Renewable Energy. Faculty from all four institutions will teach courses, and students will earn a degree from either UD or Wright State, depending on where students enroll. Classes will focus on the development of energy-reducing design techniques, renewable energy and manufacturing systems, and better forms of solar energy, fuel cells, and biofuels.

Cabrillo College Adds New Degree in Organic Food Production

Cabrillo College (CA) has announced plans to launch a new degree program in Organic Food Production in the spring of 2009. In the program, students will learn to manage organic farms and how to produce fruits, vegetables, and meats for market.