U Illinois Chicago Receives $1.5M for Social Justice Initiative
The university's Portal Project, which launched in 2021 and focuses on abolition, economic democracy and climate justice, has received a $1.5 million grant from the Marguerite Casey Foundation. The grant will be used to expand its work at the intersection of social justice scholarship and social movements, culminating in a national conference and book publication.
Harvard U Dedicates $100M to Legacy of Slavery Report Recommendations
The report of the Presidential Committee on Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery released in late April describes the university's historical ties to slavery and how they contributed to the institution's rise. The report also offers a series of recommendations, including the inauguration of a $100 million fund to implement the recommendations and a sustained endowment.
New Mexico Passes Bill to Make College Tuition-Free
The governor recently signed into law a bill that will waive tuition for any students attending any in-state public school or tribal college, including community colleges. In addition to covering full tuition and fees at in-state public colleges and universities, the scholarship lets students stack federal aid such as Pell Grants, local scholarships and private scholarships so that they can use these funds to pay for books, materials, housing, food, transportation, childcare and other college costs.
Tufts U Establishes Indigenous Center
The university recently selected Vernon Miller as the inaugural director of the new Indigenous Center. Miller, a member of the Thunder Clan from the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and Iowa, will develop and implement programming and support mechanisms with and for the Tufts’ Indigenous student population.
U Ottawa to Divest From Fossil Fuels
The university recently announced that it will divest all its direct equity fossil fuel holdings by 2023 and all indirect holdings by 2030. The university also announced plans to set a 10 percent target of its overall long-term portfolio to be committed to sustainable investments by the end of 2025.
U Alabama Renames Hall After First Black Student
The university's board of trustees unanimously voted recently to remove the name of a former Ku Klux Klan leader from a campus building and rename it for the first Black student to attend the institution, Autherine Lucy Foster.
Ontario Tech U Signs Charter on Anti-Black Racism
Ontario Tech recently joined Canada’s post-secondary community in committing to the principles and objectives of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education. The Scarborough Charter outlines principles, actions and accountabilities to build practices of ongoing dialogue and action that remove structural barriers to equity, to yield inclusion, substantive equality and social transformation.