U Hawai'i Regents Adopt Sustainability Policy

In the wake of the inaugural Hawai‘i Sustainability in Higher Education conference last spring, the new policy was added to the system's mission and purpose and incorporates seven goals in the areas of social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability in operations; education, research and service; planning, administration and engagement; and cultural and community connections.

Sonoma State U Appoints First Sustainability Director

In a recent press release, Paul Draper was named the university's first director of sustainability and will also chair the university's Sustainability Executive Committee.

San Diego State U Achieves LEED Platinum, Smoke-Free, LGBT Center

The university's recently completed LEED student union is designed with retail space, community areas, an outdoor courtyard and recreation areas. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender resource service center recently opened its doors to offer student support and a sense of community.

Princeton U New Sustainability Website Goes Live

The university's new website is an online sustainability platform where the campus community can get involved, explore the campus as a living lab, view live data, and read news and announcements.

Cornell U Hosts Climate Change Website

(U.S.): The newly released website houses university research and outreach program information, issue-specific pages to help farmers, local government and youth educators, a climate change forum, videos and question and answer section.

Georgetown U Invites Campus Input on Sustainability Plan

(U.S.): After recently establishing its Office of Sustainability, the university held a sustainability planning workshop soliciting engagement from students, faculty and staff members in the areas of food systems, transportation, water, buildings, energy, solid waste, grounds and procurement.

Long Island U Publishes First Sustainability Review

(U.S.): The new report is a snapshot of the previous year, which includes upcoming short-term goals, in the areas of campus recycling, curriculum, and facilities and dining.

U Oman to be Built on Sustainable Premise

(Oman): The yet-to-be-built university will use best practices for environmentally-friendly design and offer fossil-free transportation systems. Academic themes will include Energy, Resources and Sustainability, Systems Design and Technology, and Community Development and Wellness.

U South Sewanee Releases First Sustainability Master Plan

(U.S.): Representing a blueprint for the institution's direction, the new plan has seven strategic goals and 39 operational goals touching on energy use, materials management, food operations and environmental stewardship.

Loyola Marymount U Becomes Green Restaurant Certified

Two dining facilities at the university recently became 3 Star Certified through attention to waste reduction, energy consumption, food choices, water efficiency and chemical and pollution reduction.

Roosevelt U Appoints New Sustainability Committee Members

The university's Environmental Sustainability Committee recently appointed the members to help advance its campus sustainability agenda including waste diversion, energy use, sustainable land use and water management, green transportation options and green building guidelines.

Long Island U Debuts Waste Reduction Web Page

Comparing the university's waste-per-student totals to the national average, the new web page tracks waste and recycling by material and location.

McGill U Students Release Sustainability Plan

Officially adopted in October 2013, the McGill Post-Graduate Students' Society recently compiled the 5-year report for actions that can be incorporated into the Thomson House building.

Roosevelt U Unveils Sustainability Website

The website for sustainability encapsulates many of the university's finished and ongoing endeavors, provides sustainability education for the campus and community, and recent news.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Releases New Sustainability Report

The university's recently released report explicitly outlines goals, progress and strategies in water management, climate, food, wellness and health, education and curriculum, affordability and diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship, research, and engagement.

York U Releases First Sustainability Report

The newly released report summarizes progress of the President's Sustainability Council and the Environmental Sustainability Report, which covers energy usage, waste diversion and other tracked indicators of sustainability. The document also highlights new recommendations that form the core of the university's sustainability plan.

Coalition formed for Green Schools

(U.S.): Announced at the Greenbuild Conference & Expo and called the Global Coalition for Green Schools, 29 founding members have committed to establishing and leading a national coalition for green schools, within each of their respective countries, that will share best practices, resources and case studies, provide tools and infrastructure to the growing network, and introduce programs, initiatives and campaigns that can be replicated around the world.

Strathmore University Launches Energy Center

(Kenya): In the face of energy scarcity, the new center's goal is to advance renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Eastern Michigan U SGA Creates Sustainability Committee

The university's Student Government Association created the new Energy and Sustainability Committee to focus on campus policies regarding energy and sustainability and community service involvement among the student body.

U Illinois Urbana-Champaign to Debut New Sustainability Institute

Evolving out of chancellor-led campus planning exercises and pending Board of Trustees and Illinois Board of Higher Education approval, the Center for a Sustainable Environment will soon be the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and the Environment. Launching with a $500,000 annual budget, the campus-wide research enterprise is projected address globally significant challenges.

Sierra, Princeton Review Announce Coordinated Reporting Deadline

AASHE has collaborated with Sierra Magazine and The Princeton Review to allow institutions to report all data in one place using the new and improved STARS 2.0. The new version of STARS offers a basic level of access at no cost to institutions. Simply follow these steps: 1) register for STARS (at the basic or full level of access), 2) report your data in the STARS Reporting Tool, and 3) save a “snapshot” to also share with Sierra Magazine and The Princeton Review. To help further address survey fatigue, Sierra Magazine and The Princeton Review have coordinated their deadlines. Register for STARS 2.0 and submit your data by Feb. 28, 2014 to be included in Sierra’s “Cool Schools” list or The Princeton Review's “Guide to Green Colleges.”

SUNY System Commits to Local Food

The university system recently committed to increase the procurement of fresh and minimally processed New York-grown produce by SUNY dining services at a competitive price that provides a sustainable profit margin for farmers. It will include an educational campaign to increase awareness among campus faculty, staff, and students on the benefits of purchasing locally grown fruits, vegetables, and meat.

U Hawai'i Proposes Sustainability Policy to Board of Regents

Students, faculty and community members' newly introduced policy calls for the recognition that the knowledge base in sustainable island systems resides in the indigenous people and residents of Hawaiʻi, and to commit to consult with local cultural practitioners and sustainability experts on best practices in sustainable resource allocation and use.

U Wisconsin Madison to Create Framework for Diversity & Inclusion

Now in process of updating its plan for diversity and inclusion through a series of engagement sessions, the university is asking for campus member feedback for guiding, shaping and strengthening the university’s commitment to inclusive excellence and innovation. The listening series will be held in Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan and Mandarin as well as English.

EAUC Announces 2013 Green Gown Awards Winners

(U.K.): Winners and commendations were bestowed across 13 categories at the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges’ 2013 Green Gown Awards. Now in its ninth year, the awards program recognizes exceptional initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the U.K. to become more sustainable.

INSIGHT into Diversity Magazine Announces Higher Ed Awards

(U.S.): INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine has announced the 56 recipients of its first annual Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) award. The national award, open to all colleges and universities throughout the U.S., measures an institution’s level of achievement and intensity of commitment in regard to broadening diversity and inclusion on campus through initiatives, programs and outreach; student recruitment, retention, and completion; and hiring practices for faculty and staff.

'Sustainable Campus International Competition' Announces Winners

(Canada): In its inaugural year, the SCIC recognized sustainability innovations from worldwide post-secondary institutions. Superior Institute of Management (Dakar, Senegal) placed first for its Green'Act, a program that enables students and community members to collect waste and sell recyclables back to industry. Two Canadian institutions, McGill University and MacEwan University, competed for first alongside Superior Institute of Management. A total of 13 projects from seven universities located in five countries submitted works.

Gonzaga U Signs St. Francis Pledge to Protect Creation & the Poor

Responding to calls by Pope Francis, the Society of Jesus and the U.S. Catholic Bishops for mission-based sustainability consistent with Catholic ideals and values, the university recently signed the St. Francis Pledge to Protect Creation and the Poor, an initiative of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change. The pledge addresses the impact of climate change on the socio-economically depressed population and advocates for behavior change.

U Michigan Completes First-Year Sustainability Survey

The recently released, first-year results of the university's sustainability awareness and behaviors evaluation were recently released. The program is tracking the “sustainability culture” on the university’s Ann Arbor campus over a six-year period, with particular focus on four campus sustainability goal areas: climate action, waste prevention, healthy environments and community awareness. Results revealed, among other points, student transportation behavior is more sustainable than faculty and staff, faculty tend to conserve energy and prevent waste, and staff members are most aware of the range of sustainability initiatives.

Creighton U Signs to Protect 'Creation and the Poor'

The university recently signed the St. Francis Pledge to Protect Creation and the Poor, an initiative of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change. The pledge addresses the impact of climate change on the socio-economically depressed population and advocates for behavior change.

MIT Appoints First Sustainability Director

Prior founding director of Yale University's sustainability office, Dr. Julie Newman will lead Massachusetts Institute of Technology's first Office of Sustainability. She achieved her doctorate in natural resources and environmental studies from University of New Hampshire while establishing its office of sustainability beginning in 1997.

Emerson College Hires First Sustainability Coordinator

Strengthening its commitment to sustainability, the college named Eric Van Vlandren to the new position within Facilities Management. Vlandren, whose career experience is in the nonprofit sector, stated his first priority as energy reduction. Under his leadership the college recently instituted its first EcoReps program, which uses student employees to administer sustainability awareness and education within four residence halls and off campus.

Washington U St. Louis Employs First Transportation Coordinator

Hoping to improve the alternative transportation services already in place, Andrew Heaslet plans to expand the car sharing program from nine to 18 cars, and improve public transportation.

U South Pacific Announces New Green Campus

(Solomon Islands): The new Solomon Island campus will be self-sufficient with regards to water and renewable energy, and will reflect the culture and local traditions of the island people.

Bowling Green State U Begins Green Office Program

The new points-based Green Office Certification program advises departments and offices around energy efficiency, waste and transportation. Managed by the Office of Campus Sustainability, the program’s website offers resources and suggestions on how to become office certified.

Loyola U Chicago Opens New Environmental Center

The university’s new Institute of Environmental Sustainability offers students opportunities to study policy, land management, conservation and restoration, environmental science, business, sustainable food systems, and public health care. The new building houses biodiesel production labs, a greenhouse, a geothermal heating and cooling system and rainwater harvesting.

U.S. News & World Report Releases Diversity Ranking

The newly released Campus Ethnic Diversity ranking identifies colleges where students are most likely to encounter undergraduates from racial or ethnic groups different from their own.

U System of Georgia Strategic Plan Focuses on Affordability

The university’s Board of Regents released an updated strategic plan for its 31 colleges and universities with a focus on the cost of operational efficiencies including space management and reducing amenities.

Washington Monthly Magazine Releases Affordability Ranking

Called the Best Bang for the Buck ranking, the magazine’s newest issue ranks schools that help non-wealthy students attain degrees at affordable prices. The rankings are based on percent of students receiving Pell Grants, graduation rate and student loan default rate.

Indiana U Child Center Receives Environmental Certification

The Campus View Child Care Center received the Children’s Environmental Health Network’s Eco-Healthy Child Care Certification in recognition of its work to implement environmentally healthy best practices. The center’s efforts include use of nondisposable eating ware and nontoxic cleaning supplies, and participating in a service learning project to create a wildlife area near the center.

Manhattan College Names Coordinator of New Env Science Program

Yelda Balkir will develop the college’s new environmental science bachelor and master programs, planned to begin fall 2014. She holds a doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University, a Master of Science from Duquesne University, and a Bachelor of Science from Istanbul Technical University.

Whitman College Appoints New Sustainability Coordinator

Beginning July 1, Tristan Sewell will coordinate projects including waste management, long-term planning in campus sustainability, climate action planning and student engagement. She is the first to hold this position at the college.

Fleming College Rolls Out Corporate Sustainability Plan

(Canada): The new plan details the college’s goals and strategies for implementing sustainability initiatives and metrics into the college’s operations, curriculum and administration. Also a first for the college, as part of the plan, it established an Office of Sustainability.

UK Schools Receive Green Flag Award

(U.K.): Judged each year in areas including cleanliness, sustainability and conservation. Winners include Nottingham Trent University; University of Nottingham; Edge Hill University; Lancaster University; Heriot Watt University; Oxford Brookes University; University of Reading; University of Exeter; and The University of York.

U Nottingham Receives BREEAM Outstanding Rating

(U.K.): The campus’ Energy Technologies Building has achieved the highest rating for environmental sustainability from the international Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. This science building features low carbon emissions and the UK’s first hydrogen refueling facility.

Sierra Magazine Ranks ‘Coolest Schools’

The seventh annual ranking of America’s greenest colleges and universities measures environmental achievements and goals based upon Sierra’s value of environmental priorities. This year’s top 10 includes the University of Connecticut; Dickinson College; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Davis; Cornell University; Green Mountain College; Stanford University; Georgia Institute of Technology; American University; and University of California, Santa Barbara.

U California, Santa Barbara Opens Ocean Conservation Center

Overfishing, climate change and ocean acidification are a few of the areas that will be researched at the university’s new Ocean Science Education Building. A collaboration between the university’s Marine Science Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the new building will house researchers specializing in marine ecology and environmental management.

EPA Releases Quarterly List of Top 20 Green Power Partners

The latest quarterly report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency highlights the top 20 colleges and universities using power from renewable energy. They are University of Pennsylvania, University of Oklahoma, The Ohio State University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, Oklahoma State University, Northwestern University, University of Utah, Drexel University, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, University at Buffalo, University of Wisconsin, University of Phoenix, The City University of New York, American University, Texas A&M University System, The Catholic University of America, Quinnipiac University, University of St. Thomas.

Pace U Launches EarthDesk Blog

Based on the belief that higher education has a duty to advance the global conversation about the relationship between human and nature, Pace Academy for Applied Environmental Studies has published a new blog that examines environmental issues with the objective of advancing creative thought and innovative solutions.

Princeton Review Releases Green Rating Honor Roll

Twenty-two colleges and universities received the highest possible score of 99 in this year's tallies including, in alphabetical order: American University; California State University, Chico; College of the Atlantic; Columbia University; Cornell University; Dickinson College; Georgia Institute of Technology; Green Mountain College; Lewis & Clark College; Middlebury College; Pomona College; Portland State University; Stanford University; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of California, Santa Cruz; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of South Florida; University of Washington and University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. Among 9,955 college applicants The Princeton Review surveyed in 2013 for its "College Hopes & Worries Survey," 62 percent said having information about a college's commitment to the environment would impact their decision to apply to or attend a school.