Newcastle U Hosts Carbon Speed Dating Event for 'Go Green Week'

The People & Planet student group at Newcastle University (UK) recently hosted "Go Green Week 2011," to raise sustainability awareness on campus. Events included a night of Carbon Speed Dating, free smoothies for students made out of fruit and vegetables from the local farmers market that were destined for the trash, and a showing of the movie, "Food, Inc."

U Gloucestershire Wins Green Gown Award

In recognition of its Sustainability Team's work to facilitate change in teaching and learning for sustainability across departments, the University of Gloucestershire (UK) earned a 2010 Green Gown Award for Continuous Improvement. The first time that an educational initiative in sustainability has won in the Continuous Improvement Category, the award recognized new strategies and institutional support mechanisms instituted by the university that seek to transform student sustainability learning. The awards are administered by the United Kingdom's Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges. Applications for 2011 Green Gown Awards will open in April 2011.

Campus Sustainability Planning: A February Update

The University of California System reports that University of California campuses increased their number of LEED certified building projects during 2010 from 33 to 49. These projects contributed to the system's energy cost savings, which increased from $15 million to $21 million last year due to efficiency initiatives on all campuses. Also reported to AASHE in the recent past, Johns Hopkins University (MD) has released its first sustainability report. Though campus water consumption rose by 9 percent in fiscal year 2010, the university made progress with green building efforts including collecting, conserving and treating stormwater; the expanded use of green materials and cleaning products; and an increase of locally sourced and organic campus dining options. In related news, College of the Holy Cross (MA) has announced that it has reduced campus carbon emissions by 23.5 percent, four years ahead of its scheduled goal of 20 percent by 2015. A few of its strategies include the purchase of a long-term contract for electrical power from renewable energy provider TransCanada, a fuel switch from oil to natural gas in its boilers, and the intent to meet LEED certification for all new major construction and buildings. In more related news, Bowdoin College (ME) has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2020, removing from the atmosphere as much of the gases associated with climate change including greenhouse gases as it puts in. In addition to an expanded solar hot water system, plans to buy $35,000 this year in renewable energy credits and the launch of a building dashboard that provides real-time measurements of energy use of campus facilities, the college has plans to add a $3 million steam turbine generator to its central steam plant, saving $230,000 per year and trimming greenhouse emissions by 18 percent.

Northwestern U Ranks Fifth Among Green Power Buying Institutions

Northwestern University (IL) has announced that it ranks fifth among colleges and universities represented in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's recent list of the largest green power purchasers. The university supports green power by matching 30 percent of its total annual electricity use with Green-e Certified Renewable Energy Certificates. The EPA's Green Power Partnership is a voluntary program encouraging organizations nationwide to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with purchased electricity use. Green power refers to renewable sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and low-impact hydropower. The University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University (PA), Drexel University (PA) and Pennsylvania State University round out the top five.

Yale U Awards 16 Workplace Green Certifications

The Green Workplace Certification Program, administered by Yale University's (CT) Office of Sustainability, has recognized 16 university offices and departments for sustainable practices. Participating offices earn certificates by accumulating points for action items ranging from recycling printer and toner cartridges to participation in the university's departmental bike share program.

Dickinson College Names New Sustainability Chairs

During a recent Board of Trustees meeting, Dickinson College (PA) honored two new Distinguished Chairs in Sustainability Studies. The tenured faculty are Ashton Nichols, professor of english, and Candie Wilderman, professor of environmental studies.

U.S. Dept of Labor Kicks Off Community College Summits

As a follow-up to the White House Community College Summit last fall, the U.S. Department of Education will hold a series of regional community college summits. The last meeting in April will be a virtual symposium that will present findings on issues discussed at the regional summits. Bringing together representatives from community colleges, students, business and industry, philanthropy, labor, and state and local government, these summits are intended to further the conversation regarding community colleges' role in workforce development and student success, in particular President Barack Obama's goal of an additional five million Americans earning a college credential by 2020.

Warren Wilson College Reveals Sustainable Practices Guide & Award

Warren Wilson College (NC) has released a campus Sustainable Practices Guide, recommending actions that support sustainability values and formal pledges including the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment. Developed by the campus Sustainability Working Group to replace the college's Green Office Guide, the new guide goes beyond office practices to cover areas such as transportation and campus events. The college has also implemented the Sustainability Recognition Award, which will recognize up to 3 sustainability projects per year. The Sustainability Working Group will select an annual award winner that best reflects the principles of the college's sustainability commitments.

STARS Recognizes New Submissions

Thirty-four institutions have submitted reports for the first deadline of AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). Among the institutions who have submitted complete reports so far, seven have received a STARS Gold rating including American University (DC); Duke University (NC); Middlebury College (VT); New York University; Oregon State University; University of Colorado at Boulder; and University of South Florida. Seventeen have earned a STARS Silver rating including Babson College (MA); College of Lake County (IL); Delta College (MI); Furman University (SC); Grand Valley State University (MI); Indiana University Bloomington; Pacific Lutheran University (WA); Royal Roads University (BC); Santa Clara University (CA); St. John's University (NY); University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; University of Florida; University of Louisville (KY); University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of Texas at Arlington; University of Texas at Austin; and Wake Forest University (NC). And nine institutions have earned a STARS Bronze score including DePauw University (IN); Estrella Mountain Community College (AZ); Goshen College (IN); Kankakee Community College (IL); Moraine Valley Community College (IL); Orange County Community College (NY); State University of New York at Fredonia; University of Illinois, Chicago; and Wilfrid Laurier University (ON). Earlham College (IN) also submitted its data as a STARS Reporter, a reporting level that doesn't seek a rating but is still available for viewing on the STARS website.

U Colorado Boulder Leads in Number of Peace Corps Volunteers

The University of Colorado at Boulder leads the recently released Peace Corps' annual ranking of the colleges and universities that sent the most volunteers to serve last year, reports The Chronicle of Higher Education. With 117 volunteers, the university led the category of large colleges and universities. The universities of Florida, Michigan, North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Washington rounded out the top five.

U Dayton Implements Power Usage Report Cards

A recent survey at the University of Dayton (OH) shows that a new sustainability project targeting student neighborhoods is influencing student energy usage at home. The Greenhouse Effect report card program measures current resident usage of natural gas and electricity versus the bills of previous residents. Forty-eight percent of the 350 students surveyed said that their first report card grade affected their energy habits. Of the roughly 300 houses and 150 apartments tracked, it is estimated that $7,320 was saved over the course of November and December last year. The university’s administration is repaying the top performers with financial incentives to build support for the program.

San Francisco State U Debuts Center for Sustainable Business

San Francisco State University's (CA) College of Business has launched the Center for Ethical and Sustainable Business, a clearinghouse for sustainable and ethical business education that will incorporate research and expertise from disciplines across the college. The center will work to build long-term partnerships with local organizations and businesses interested in ethical and sustainable business practices and help facilitate career opportunities for the university's graduate business students, among other efforts.

Yale U Launches Green Certification Program for Labs

Fifty-five of Yale University's (CT) laboratories have stepped up to the challenge of making their everyday operations more sustainable as part of Yale Environmental Health and Safety's Green Laboratory Certification program. The program, which offers four levels of certification based on points awarded for various action items, also encourages laboratories to innovate their own strategies for reducing waste, energy use and material consumption, such as a solvent recycling system or the reuse of packing materials. It is complemented by the Yale Office of Sustainability's Green Workplace Certification program, which pursues a similar goal of institutional sustainability in university offices and departments.

NYC Urban Tech Innovation Center Launches at Columbia U

New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has announced the launch of the NYC Urban Technology Innovation Center at Columbia University (NY). Designed to promote the development and commercialization of green building technologies in New York City, the center will be led in partnership by Columbia University, Polytechnic Institute of New York, the New York City Economic Development Corporation and the City University of New York. The initiative will connect scientific research with companies creating the associated products and building owners who will use those technologies.

Campus Sustainability Planning: A January Update

Three institutions have reported the completion of 2010 sustainability progress reports to the AASHE Bulletin in the recent past. Princeton University (NJ) outlines its progress in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions reduction, resource conservation, research, education and civic engagement. Through direct local reductions, the university is set to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Pomona College (CA) reports progress toward campus reduction of water use, landfill waste and fertilizer use. The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth has published its third annual sustainability report, researched and compiled by MBA students as part of an experiential learning assignment in a business law and corporate responsibility class. In related news , the University of Iowa has announced goals to become a net-negative energy consumer, reach 40 percent renewable energy consumption and divert 60 percent of its waste by 2020 in its "2020 Vision" sustainability plan.

Chatham U Announces Plans for New 388-Acre Campus

Chatham University (PA) has announced the launch of its multi-year Eden Hall Campus Master Plan. The campus will be constructed on 388 acres of farmland, a gift from the Eden Hall Foundation, which will also be home to the university's School of Sustainability and the Environment. The announcement comes on the heels the university's recent appointment of David Hassenzahl as dean of the new school. The Master Plan promises climate positive buildings and landscape design, meaning on-site greenhouse gas emissions will be less than zero. The campus will maintain nearly half of the 388 acres as open space and be organized into four districts. Phase one of the construction is expected to take place over a two- to three-year period at a cost of $30 million. It will take more than 10 years to complete the final phase four of the campus.

Hawaii Pacific U Hires First Sustainability Coordinator

Hawaii Pacific University has hired Josh Prigge as its first sustainability coordinator. Prigge is a graduate student in the university's Global Leadership and Sustainable Development program. Prigge, who also serves as vice president of the university's GREEN Club, will develop databases to track sustainability initiatives across campus and resource and energy use. He will also promote and implement campus sustainability initiatives, develop annual surveys that assess the university's state of sustainability and expand campus recycling programs.

U Chicago Approves Sustainable Building Policy

The University of Chicago (IL) has implemented a Sustainable Building Policy that will require all new campus buildings over $5 million to be LEED certified. In development over the last year and a half, the policy is the result of a collaboration between students, faculty and staff. Students led efforts to conduct a peer review of green building policies and helped draft the university's new policy.

Indiana U Office of Sustainability Awards Green Certification

Indiana University’s Office of Sustainability has awarded the first certification of its Green Office Certification program. The Office of Environmental, Health and Safety Management received the first level of certification by fulfilling 17 actions including the establishment of a central location for the collection and re-distribution of surplus office supplies and unplugging electronic appliances when not in use. The Office of Sustainability implemented the certification program in August 2010 to make the task of greening office spaces more tangible and accessible to the campus community.

Temple U Kicks Off Sustainability Pledge Drive

Temple University (PA) has kicked off a Sustainability Pledge Drive aimed at collecting sustainability commitments from 3,000 students, faculty and staff by Earth Day on April 22, 2011. The drive challenges the campus community to live more sustainably in all areas of their lives including transportation alternatives, energy use, food choices, waste reduction and water conservation. The Office of Sustainability will track the success of the drive and post weekly updates online. The office is also working with members in individual campus departments to conduct green office audits that evaluate current operating practices including energy usage, recycling and purchasing practices.

U California Riverside Hires New Sustainability Coordinator

The University of California, Riverside has hired Fulbright scholar and sustainable management M.B.A. graduate John Cook as its new sustainability coordinator. Cook will work to meet the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals set in the university's Climate Action Plan with representatives from housing, dining, energy, transportation, sustainability and the Office of the Chancellor. He will also work with students as a mentor on campus LEED projects, developing content for the sustainability website, collecting data for the GHG inventory and the Green Campus Action Plan, a student-approved referendum that is funded with a per-student, per-quarter fee of $2.50.

Wesleyan U Establishes Green Fund Committee

Wesleyan University (CT) has established a Green Fund Committee to support initiatives that move the university forward in sustainability and environmental stewardship. The student-managed committee will finance projects that will decrease the carbon footprint of the university, decrease waste, increase the university’s use of energy from renewable resources and increase the visibility of environmentally responsible practices on campus. The committee raised about $40,000 through a $15 fee collected voluntarily from students during the fall 2010 semester.

Skidmore College Hires New Sustainability Coordinator

Skidmore College (NY) has hired Riley Neugebauer as its new campus sustainability coordinator. Neugebauer has significant experience working with student groups and previously held sustainability positions with American University (DC) and Allegheny College (PA). She has also worked as a research analyst in renewable energy options and energy efficiency, and currently serves on the AASHE Advisory Council. Neugebauer will work on the completion and implementation of the college's Climate Action Plan in addition to other projects that include "composting, managing the Eco-Rep program, creating awareness around diversity and sustainability, stewardship within the campus-owned forest, building community relationships and investigating alternative financing for renewable energy," she tells AASHE Bulletin.

U Colorado Boulder Awarded First STARS Gold Rating

AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) has awarded its first STARS Gold rating. The University of Colorado at Boulder is the third school to submit for a rating, earning STARS Gold with high ratings in operations, education and research, and planning, administration and engagement. More than 230 colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and Canada have registered for STARS, with 229 of those recognized as STARS Charter Participants (institutions that signed on prior to Aug. 20, 2010). STARS Charter Participants, including the University of Colorado at Boulder, range from individual campuses to university districts, community colleges to research universities, tribal to parochial, and public to private institutions. Previously rated schools include Pacific Lutheran University (WA) and Royal Roads University (BC).

Williams College Launches New Sustainability Website

The Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives at Williams College (MA) has launched a new campus sustainability website. The site features sustainability news stories and upcoming events, and encourages each campus building to keep track of its energy use with an energy dashboard feature. Interns in the college's summer instructional technology program helped design the website.

Florida State U Names First Campus Sustainability Director

Florida State University has hired its first full-time director of campus sustainability. Elizabeth Swiman will head the university's Sustainable Campus Initiative including its recycling program, Eco Rep program, energy conservation competition and annual charity collection drive. Swiman previously worked as a community engagement coordinator for the university's Center for Leadership and Civic Education and served on the Sustainable Campus Committee.

Stony Brook U Creates Green Map

Stony Brook University (NY) has created a web-based, interactive “Green Map” to showcase and raise awareness of campus sustainability initiatives. The map will enable users to learn more about each initiative by clicking on the sustainability markers. Created by the university's Sustainability Task Force, the map will continue to be updated as new sustainability projects are initiated.

ACUPCC Elects 2010-2011 Steering Committee

The American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) has elected five new co-chairs and 17 new members to its Steering Committee. The network of 675 colleges and universities in all 50 states and D.C. - representing nearly six million students - is led by a Steering Committee comprised of 29 university and college presidents and chancellors. The five new co-chairs include the president of Winona State University (MN), the chancellor of the Houston Community College District (TX), the president of Spelman College (GA), the president of Unity College (ME) and the chancellor of the University of California, Riverside.

Emory U Creates Green Event Planning Guidelines

Emory University's (GA) Office of Sustainability Initiatives, Emory Recycles and the Office of University Events have launched a Sustainable Events Certification program. The program is designed to guide campus event planners and organizers in creating events in a sustainable way including reducing waste and departmental costs. The certification guidelines outline best practices and offer three levels of sustainability that event planners can achieve. Event planners are encouraged to use Emory's Encore! program to recycle, repurpose and reuse decor, packaged foods, supplies and rentals.

Maryland Institutions Propose Energy Performance Contract

Bowie State University, Towson University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County have proposed an Energy Performance Contract to the University System of Maryland Board of Regents. The contract would allow the institutions to reduce energy consumption, save operating budget funds and replace aging mechanical systems. The board has approved energy contracts for multiple buildings at the University of Maryland, College Park; the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; and the University of Baltimore.

Sustainable Endowments Inst. Releases Green College Report Card

The Sustainable Endowments Institute has released its fifth annual College Sustainability Report Card, evaluating sustainability in campus operations and endowment practices for colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada. This year's report represents institutions in 50 states and eight Canadian provinces, assessing the schools in nine categories ranging from climate change to green building to investment practices. Ninety-five percent of institutions included in the report have sustainability committees, compared to 40 percent in 2006. Other large increases since 2006 include trayless dining practices (75 percent from 0 percent in 2006) and the implementation of a campus farm or garden (70 percent from 9 percent in 2006).

U Arizona Creates Campus Sustainability Units

The University of Arizona has created the President’s Advisory Council on Environmental Sustainability, the Office of Sustainability and the student-led Green Fund Committee. The campus sustainability trio will ensure the coordinated participation of students, faculty, staff and administrators in maintaining the university’s commitment to sustainability. The units will also ensure that the Board of Regents’ approved tuition resources are dedicated to campus design, student engagement, operations, research and outreach.

Vermont Law School Opens Center for Agriculture and Food Systems

Vermont Law School has announced plans to open a Center for Agriculture and Food Systems to support advocates, agencies, food hubs, incubators and farmers engaged in the creation of community-based agriculture systems. The new center will focus on legal and policy issues related to community-based agriculture, the regulation of food, the Farm Bill and agricultural subsidies, energy-efficient food production and energy independence for farmers. The center will be modeled after the school’s Institute for Energy and the Environment.

Chatham U Names Dean for School of Sustainability and Environment

Chatham University (PA) has named David Hassenzahl, Ph.D. as the founding dean of its School of Sustainability and the Environment. Hassenzahl will help shape the mission and curriculum for the new school, and the development of Chatham's 388-acre Eden Hall Farm Campus, where the school will eventually be headquartered. Hassenzahl is a senior fellow for the National Council for Science and the Environment, through which his climate change education efforts are supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He comes to Chatham from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he served as chair and associate professor in the environmental studies department.

Columbia College Chicago Creates Sustainability Task Force

Columbia College Chicago (IL) has created a Sustainability Task Force. The group, made up of 30 faculty, staff and student members, is working with a consulting team to create a sustainability management plan. Students can also play an active role by joining the Environmental Protection Initiative at Columbia, a student-run environmental club.

Grand Valley State U Awards Green Campus Practices

Grand Valley State University (MI) has launched a Sustainable Office Award program to recognize sustainability efforts across campus. Faculty and staff can visit the university's Sustainable Community Development Initiative website to answer a survey that investigates sustainability aspects of office practices including environment, economics and social impact. Based on their responses, faculty and staff are awarded a bronze to platinum rating. The university hopes to raise awareness of sustainability efforts and create an atmosphere where the campus will be excited about achieving the next level of sustainability.

Medical U South Carolina Encourages Enviro Component of Medicine

The Medical University of South Carolina has named Dr. Louis Guillette as the new Center of Economic Excellence Endowed Chair in Marine Genomics. With a joint appointment in the university's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences Center, the focus of Guillette's research will be to develop an environmental reproductive biology group. His goal is to emphasize how important the environmental component is to the practice of medicine, stating that the next 15 to 20 years will reveal huge numbers of diseases caused by environmental factors.

National Wildlife Federation Rolls Out Greenforce Initiative

The National Wildlife Federation, in partnership with Jobs for the Future, is promoting community college green job education and training through the Greenforce Initiative: Advancing Greener Careers and Campuses. Funded by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, the two-year project aims to strengthen the capacity of community colleges in the U.S. to implement green career programs in response to the rapidly growing clean energy job sector.

Pacific Lutheran U Earns First STARS Silver Rating

AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) has awarded its first STARS rating. Pacific Lutheran University (WA) is the first institution to submit for a rating, earning STARS Silver. More than 230 colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and Canada have registered for STARS, with 229 of those recognized as STARS Charter Participants (institutions that signed on prior to Aug. 20, 2010). Charter Participants, including Pacific Lutheran University, are recognized as pioneers of STARS and leaders in campus sustainability. STARS Charter Participants range from individual campuses to university districts, community colleges to research universities, tribal to parochial, and public to private institutions.

Portland State U Creates Institute for Sustainable Solutions

Portland State University (OR) has created the Institute for Sustainable Solutions, formerly known as the Center for Sustainable Processes and Practices. The name change reflects new leadership and an expanded role since the center was first established. The new institute will serve as a hub and catalyst for education, research, partnerships and community engagement, and will signal a more solutions-oriented focus for sustainability activities.

Ryerson U Establishes Center for Urban Energy

Ryerson University (ON) has announced the creation of the Center for Urban Energy, a research and technology demonstration center devoted to the discovery and commercialization of urban energy solutions. The center will combine engineering, science, environment, business and infrastructure management to tackle immediate challenges such as the development of clean energy technologies, energy conservation, alternative local energy generation, energy storage and adaptable infrastructure.

U Texas San Antonio Establishes Sustainability Council

The University of Texas at San Antonio has established a Sustainability Council. The council will develop a five-year plan for sustainability-related university programs and collaboration with community organizations. The 20-member council, comprised of students, faculty and staff, is charged with advising campus administrators on strategies for enhancing sustainability, the allocation of resources and the monitoring of sustainability programs.

Princeton Review Names Green Rating Honor Roll Institutions

The Princeton Review has named 18 institutions to its 2011 Green Rating Honor Roll for receiving the highest possible score in its Green Rating tallies this year. Green Ratings are a measure of how environmentally friendly an institution is on a scale of 66 to 99. Ratings for 703 institutions were tallied based on surveys concerning green practices, policies and academic offerings. The top 18 schools are Arizona State University; College of the Atlantic (ME); Evergreen State College (WA); Georgia Institute of Technology; Harvard University (MA); Northeastern University (MA); Northland College (WI); State University of New York, Binghamton University; Unity College (ME); University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of California, Santa Cruz; University of Georgia; University of Maine; University of Maryland, College Park; Warren Wilson College (NC); West Virginia University; and Yale University (CT).

Sierra Magazine Names 'Coolest Schools'

Sierra, the official magazine of the Sierra Club, has released its fourth annual ranking of America's greenest campuses. Eleven-page questionnaires were sent to 900 colleges and universities, asking them to detail their sustainability efforts. After consulting the club's conservation experts, the magazine gave more weight to each school's energy supply. As a result, this year's top 20 includes nine newcomers. The top 20 schools, in order, are: Green Mountain College (VT); Dickinson College (PA); Evergreen State College (WA); University of Washington; Stanford University (CA); University of California, Irvine; Northland College (WI); Harvard University (MA); College of the Atlantic (ME); Hampshire College (MA); University of California, Santa Cruz; Middlebury College (VT); University of Colorado, Boulder; Warren Wilson College (NC); University of California, San Diego; University of California, Davis; University of Vermont; University of Pennsylvania; New York University; and Georgia Institute of Technology.

Wake Forest U Launches Sustainability Center

Wake Forest University (NC) has launched the Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability. The new interdisciplinary center will promote action and collaboration across the fields of renewable energy, biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, environmental policy, human behavior, social influence, enterprise and environmental markets. The center will also provide a focal point for engaging the public on issues of sustainability.

U Missouri, Kansas City Hires Sustainability Coordinator

The University of Missouri, Kansas City's Campus Facilities Management program has named its first full-time sustainability coordinator. Kaye Johnston, a geosciences and public affairs Ph.D. student at the university, will helm campus sustainability efforts. Johnston currently serves as the leader of the university's Sustainability Team.

Yale U Develops Green Incentive Program

Yale University (CT) has developed a set of Green Certification programs for campus workplaces, labs and events. The program is designed to educate faculty and staff about the sustainable practices they can implement to reduce the university’s impact on the environment. A blend of information and incentives, the program offers four levels of certification. Workplaces, for example, can attain the various levels of certification by accumulating points that are awarded through the accomplishment of ongoing, monthly activities.

U Alberta Hires New Academic Coord for Office of Sustainability

Dr. Susan Barker has been named as the new academic coordinator for the University of Alberta's (AB) Office of Sustainability. The academic branch encourages sustainable concepts in classes, curriculum and research. Barker, whose research interests include ecological and environmental education, is currently the university's chair of Secondary Education and serves on the Canadian National Expert Council for Education for Sustainable Development.

U South Florida Global Sustainability School Names First Director

The University of South Florida has named Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy as director of the university's new School of Global Sustainability. The former chair professor of water engineering at the University of Birmingham (UK) and chair professor of sustainable urban water infrastructure systems for UNESCO-IHE's Institute of Water Education will begin his new assignment in the fall with the inaugural class of 25 students. The School of Global Sustainability is an interdisciplinary effort to prepare graduate students for a new generation of "green collar" careers. The first degree program offered by the school is a global sustainability master's degree with a focus on water management.

Hadassah College Jerusalem Certified 'Green' Campus

Hadassah College Jerusalem has received a green campus certification from the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection as part of a nationwide effort in Israel to promote environmental initiatives by recognizing green practices at academic institutions. Among the sustainable efforts at the college is the reduction of chemicals and increase of environmentally friendly materials in laboratories; regular recycling of paper, plastic bottles and batteries; and the installation of 'light pipes' that transmit natural light from outside. The college also offers a full scholarship to all environmental health sciences freshman with the requirement to engage in environmental community projects throughout Jerusalem.