Benedictine U Joins Illinois Sustainability University Compact

Benedictine University has joined the Illinois Sustainable University Compact, an organization of universities and community colleges across Illinois which, in conjunction with the Illinois Green Government Coordination Council, is committed to creating a greener, healthier environment. In joining the Compact, BU has agreed to such objectives as purchasing renewable energy, implementing green building practices, developing sustainable transportation options, improving water conservation efforts, and incorporating sustainable dining practices.

Pepperdine U Launches Center for Sustainability

Pepperdine University (CA) has announced the creation of the Center for Sustainability. The new Center, which has also launched a new website, seeks to advance sustainability at Pepperdine through the implementation of sustainable measures, the communication of successes and challenges, and the education of the university community. The Center for Sustainability has already implemented several new initiatives including switching to all recycled paper towels, biodegradable to-go ecotainers in cafeterias, and composting of food waste. Other new efforts include the availability of rental cars through Hertz Car Sharing and expanded e-waste recycling and battery collection.

U Illinois Chicago Signs Talloires Declaration

The University of Illinois at Chicago has signed the Talloires Declaration. By signing this international declaration, UIC commits to implement a 10-point action plan to incorporate sustainability and environmental literacy into its teaching, research, operations, and outreach.

U Kansas Students Complete Campus Climate Action Plan

A class of 12 University of Kansas graduate students has completed a Climate Action Plan for the campus. The students spent one semester collecting data on the University's carbon footprint and researched ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report suggests that the University monitor buildings’ temperatures when they are not in use, place solar panels on suitable surfaces, replace light fixtures with more efficient ones, and upgrade storm windows and awnings. The plan also recommends that students conduct energy audits of campus facilities as part of their course work and that the University should better educate incoming freshmen on alternative transportation options and offer more public transportation to commuters.

Bucknell U Releases Environmental Assessment

Bucknell University (PA) has released "A Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of Bucknell University." The goal of the document is to establish a baseline of existing conditions, provide a basis for improved sustainability, promote environmental awareness through the assessment process, and create an educational resource. The 226-page document covers administration and policy, education, energy, water, waste, purchasing, dining, built environment, and landscape.

U Delaware Releases Climate Action Plan

The University of Delaware has released a climate action plan that includes a commitment to reducing its carbon emissions 20 percent by 2020. UD has already completed an initial greenhouse gas inventory and has announced that its first step will be to make its 350 campus buildings more energy efficient. In addition, the University has set interim goals to reach a 5 percent reduction by 2012 and a 10 percent reduction by 2015. UD officials estimate that while the plan will cost $20 million over 10 years to implement, the energy savings will exceed $50 million.

Vanderbilt U Completes Env'l Commitment Statement, GHG Inventory

Vanderbilt University (TN) has adopted an Environmental Commitment Statement. The Statement affirms Vanderbilt's commitment to promoting lifelong learning about sustainability best practices for the benefit of the Vanderbilt community. The Statement includes Vanderbilt’s assurance that it will consistently implement, monitor, evaluate, and improve processes. The University has also completed and released its first Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

Dalhousie U Announces Sustainability Statement and Policy

Dalhousie University (NS) has adopted a Sustainability Statement and a Sustainability Policy that are meant to provide directional guidance to the university community. The Sustainability Statement and Policy provide context for specific operational policies, plans, and programs to be supported or developed. The Policy specifically outlines goals that address areas such as enhancing values and knowledge; decreasing natural resource use (energy, water, products) and associated waste and emissions; increasing use of renewable energy; enhancing the campus ecosystem; and increasing sustainable transportation.

Molloy College Launches Sustainability Institute

Molloy College (NY) has launched the Sustainability Institute which will provide community education on issues related to sustainability and “green” living, as well as policy analysis and recommendations. There will also be a student education component that will begin in the fall of 2009 with the incoming first-year students at Molloy.

University System of Ohio Launches Sustainability Website

The University System of Ohio has launched a sustainability website. The new site includes sustainability-related news and events from the system's campuses.

Warren Wilson College Launches Sustainability Website

Warren Wilson College (NC) has launched a new sustainability website. The website contains information on campus initiatives and a list of sustainability-related awards and recognitions, sustainability-related committees, and upcoming events.

Central College Announces Ctr for Global Sustainability Education

Central College (IA) has announced the creation of a Center for Global Sustainability Education to be housed in the College’s new green education/psychology building scheduled to open in the fall. The center will house SUSTAIN, the Central College campus sustainability working group that provides resources and support for students and volunteers working on sustainability projects and community-based service-learning. The Prairie Project, the main ongoing initiative of the new center, will provide professional training and sustainability curriculum development support for area teachers and community partners.

U Victoria Adopts Sustainability Policy

The University of Victoria (BC) Board of Governors has approved a campus sustainability policy. The policy is an overarching framework that provides a common understanding of UVic’s commitment to sustainability in teaching, research, operations, and community partnerships. A comprehensive five-year sustainability action plan for campus operations has also been developed as a first step in implementing the policy. It provides goals and direction for a wide range of actions within eight inter-related topic areas: energy and climate; transportation; purchasing; governance, decision-making, and sustainability resources; buildings and renovations; grounds, food and urban agriculture; waste management; and water management.

U California Berkeley Releases 2009 Climate Action Plan

The University of California, Berkeley has released its 2009 Climate Action Plan (CAP), which documents how the campus plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by one-third and eventually achieve climate neutrality. The Plan, which will be updated annually by the Office of Sustainability, examines how far the campus has come in the last two years to meet it emissions reduction goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2014.

Brock U Completes Sustainability Assessment

Brock University (ON) has completed a 25-page Sustainability Audit. The document includes assessments in the areas of water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, land use, governance, health, and ethical purchasing. The University used the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework, a Canadian-based assessment tool.

Northern Kentucky U Releases Master Plan

Northern Kentucky University has released its "Master Plan 2009." One of the goals of the Master Plan is to "create a sustainable campus which reflects the highest standards of excellence." Specific initiatives include protecting sensitive habitat and environmental areas; installing rain gardens and green roofs; and mandating that all future buildings pursue LEED certification. The plan also envisions adding 2.1 million square feet of green space.

Texas A&M Opens Office of Sustainability

Texas A&M University has opened an Office of Sustainability. The Office hopes to work with university stakeholders to develop, coordinate, and enhance current sustainability initiatives. The Office has specific plans to work to integrate sustainability into the campus' curriculum, expand current recycling initiatives, and improve alternative transportation options on campus.

Luther College Strategic Plan Features Sustainability

The Luther College (IA) Board of Regents has approved the College's Sesquicentennial Strategic Plan for 2008-2012. One of the three strategic imperatives of the plan is to connect sustainability, stewardship, and global citizenship. One of the goals in the five-year plan is to cut the college's carbon footprint in half. Already, the college has reduced its campus carbon footprint by 15 percent and plans to make further investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems to reach the 50 percent goal. The plan also focuses on ways to reach the goals of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment. In addition, $5 million (10 percent) of the Sesquicentennial Fund seeks endowment support for a new Center for Sustainable Communities. The goal of the center is to catalyze change and be an educational resource for businesses, churches, governments and communities in the region. Luther College has already created a new Campus Sustainability Council as a result of the plan.

Illinois State U Releases Sustainability Report

Illinois State University has released its first ever Sustainability Progress Report. The report covers fiscal year 2008 and highlights various campus efforts in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, recycling, and grounds and facilities operations. Academic initiatives are also covered, including sustainability-themed courses in various academic departments, faculty research, and campus-wide efforts to promote civic engagement by students.

Montana State U Long Range Plan Features Sustainability

Montana State University has released its Long Range Campus Development Plan, and sustainable practices, principles, and strategies are woven throughout the document. Specifically, sustainability is included as a Guiding Principle and is also incorporated into architecture, open space, land use, landscape, and signage principles. The Plan also describes MSU’s current sustainability initiatives, activities, and memberships, and includes a section on how sustainable practices will be included with implementation of the Plan.

McGill U Opens Office of Sustainability

McGill University (QC) has opened a new Office of Sustainability. The mission of the Office of Sustainability is to develop sustainability as a cultural norm at the University. The Office will encourage the efforts of students, faculty, staff, and administrators to incorporate principles of sustainability in the University’s operations, campus living and learning, and in its relations with the broader community. The Office will explore ways in which McGill can integrate social, environmental, and economic considerations in University decisions and develop partnerships that encourage and facilitate the cooperation of all members of the McGill University community to become more sustainable.

Boston College Master Plan Features Sustainability

Boston College (MA) has dedicated a chapter of its Institutional Master Plan (IMP) to sustainability issues. The IMP lists several campus sustainability goals, including seeking LEED certification for all new buildings and developing and adopting a Sustainability Policy and Plan within one year. The IMP has not yet been approved, but the University is already moving forward with its goals. Retrofits have begun in several campus buildings.

St. Petersburg College Opens Office for Sustainability

St. Petersburg College (FL) has opened an Office for Sustainability. The new Office aims to provide assistance and direction as SPC implements environmental education programs, student activities, and corporate training. The Office will also work on projects related to energy and natural resource conservation, green buildings, carbon emissions, and recycling. SPC has also begun offering several new sustainability-focused courses and has integrated sustainability-focused tracks in its Parks and Leisure Services program, Management Technology A.S. degree, Architectural Design and Construction Technology Associates A.S. degree, and Environmental Science Technology A.S. degree. In 2009, the College of Technology and Management plans to offer a Bachelors of Science degree in Sustainability Management, which will focus on sustainable business strategies, legal aspects of sustainability, and sustainability in built and natural environments.

U Kentucky Approves Sustainability Policy

The University of Kentucky has approved a University Sustainability Policy, committing the institution to take steps towards reducing its carbon emissions and corresponding socio-economic problems. The policy calls upon all levels and constituencies of the University to participate in a continuous and on-going effort to institute the teaching, research, and practice of sustainability and to establish an institutional culture of sustainability. The document discusses sustainability in the areas of leadership, research, education, community engagement, administration, operations, unit planning, funding, accountability, and reporting.

North Carolina State U Annual Sustainability Report

North Carolina State University has released its 2007-2008 Sustainability Report. The Report lists initiatives NCSU completed throughout the year in the areas of academics and research, buildings, energy, land use, materials management, transportation, waste reduction and recycling, and water.

UC Berkeley Green Fund Annual Report

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), the University of California, Berkeley's sustainability grant funded through a $5 per semester student fee, has released its 2007-2008 Annual Report. The document details TGIF’s first year of administration and all of the projects that received funding.

St. John's U Partners with EPA to Reduce its Env'l Impact

St. John's University (NY) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Environmental Protection Agency to reduce its environmental impacts by adopting sustainable practices and joining EPA partnership programs. The agreement includes goals to reduce the energy consumed by the school's buildings and plants by at least 10 percent, adopting water conservation and material re-use strategies guided by the EPA's GreenScapes landscaping program, and conducting an energy audit of the St. Albert Hall laboratory and reducing its energy needs through EPA’s Labs 21 program. St. John’s will report the progress on its goals to EPA every six months.

Saint Xavier U Opens Office of Sustainability

Saint Xavier University (IL) has opened an Office of Sustainability to coordinate environmentally friendly initiatives on campus. Student employees and interns have begun working on green projects ranging from searching for grants, collecting data for a green house gas audit, and maintaining SXU’s new GreenBike program, which allows students to borrow bikes from computerized kiosks around the campus.

George Washington U Opens Office of Sustainability

George Washington University (DC) has established an Office of Sustainability. The new Office will coordinate GW's sustainability initiatives, move the University toward carbon neutrality, and implement the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment. The Office is currently searching for a director.

SFSU, UCSB Establish Sustainability Committees

San Francisco State University (CA) has formed a committee to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and work towards environmental sustainability. The 14-member committee is made up of students, faculty, and staff. Similarly, the University of California, Santa Barbara has formed a new Sustainability Committee. The group, which will meet for the first time later this month, will work to enable the campus to reduce its environmental impact. The Committee's goals include uniting existing sustainability efforts on campus, finding new ways to promote energy conservation, and transitioning the campus to employ alternative energy sources.

Pomona Completes Sustainability Audit

Pomona College (CA) has completed its first Sustainability Audit, a 750 page report that will serve to guide the College's future sustainability efforts. The study, which was created by a team of six students aided by a consulting firm, summarizes, organizes, and analyzes data about the College's environmental impacts in the areas of climate change, energy, purchasing, transportation, waste and recycling, and water.

U Maryland Campus Sustainability Report 2008

The University of Maryland, College Park Office of Sustainability has released its Campus Sustainability Report 2008. The Report relates some of the progress the University has made over the past 18 months and includes a Campus Sustainability Metrics section, which chronicles the campus's progress in sustainability.

Lewis & Clark CC Opens Institute for Environmental Sustainability

Lewis and Clark Community College has opened a new Institute for Environmental Sustainability. LCCC created the IES in conjunction with the statewide efforts of other colleges involved in a pilot program to establish the Illinois Community College Sustainability Network. These colleges include Kankakee, Wilbur Wright, and Heartland community colleges.

Northwestern U Launches Sustainability Initiative

Northwestern University (IL) has launched the Initiative for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN), an organization that will support research, teaching, and outreach in the areas of sustainability and energy. ISEN will also provide startup funds for pilot or seed research projects, matching funds for post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate fellowships, and for major equipment purchases and maintenance. Additionally, four new undergraduate- and graduate-level courses on global issues related to energy and sustainability will be offered starting in the spring quarter. In the longer term, ISEN plans to establish an energy and sustainability minor at the undergraduate level across several schools and to create a master’s degree program in energy and sustainability studies.

UT Arlington Completes Sustainability Curriculum White Paper

The University of Texas at Arlington President's Sustainability Committee's has issued a white paper providing an analysis of sustainability as a focal point in the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, university research, and the University’s academic engagement in the North Texas community. The paper includes several recommendations including establishing a center devoted to urban environmental studies; developing an undergraduate degree program in environmental studies and following up on an existing proposal for an undergraduate degree program in environmental science; creating an “environmental literacy” requirement for all undergraduates; and establishing a colloquium series on sustainability.

Yale U Releases 2008 GHG Reduction Strategy

Yale University (CT) has released its 2008 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy executive summary. The summary illustrates Yale’s progress to date and outlines the University’s strategy for reaching its target to reduce emissions by 43 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

College of William & Mary Forms Sustainability Steering Ctte

The College of William and Mary (VA) has formed a steering committee of campus members to develop, plan, and recommend strategies for implementing the College's new sustainability policy. The new Committee on Sustainability includes students, faculty, and staff members who have passion for improving the campus environment. The first task of the steering committee will be to set the agendas and priorities of its subcommittees. The committee will also administer funds generated from the College's new annual $30 green fee which was approved last spring.

James Madison U Opens Inst for the Stewardship of the Natural World

James Madison University (VA) has announced the formation of the Institute for the Stewardship of the Natural World. The role of the institute will be to coordinate and facilitate JMU's pursuit of sustainability, environmental stewardship, and a broader sense of citizenship which includes fostering, informing, and documenting sustainability-related education, outreach, and scholarship. The ISNW will be led by Executive Director Christie-Joy Brodrick Hartman, who previously served as associate professor in the Department of Integrated Science and Technology and co-director of the university's Alternative Fuels Program.

Morningside College Signs Talloires Declaration

Morningside College (IA) has signed the Talloires Declaration. The Talloires Declaration is a 10-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. Over 350 university presidents and chancellors in more than 40 countries have signed the Declaration.

Ohio U Approves Sustainability Implementation Plan

The Ohio University Board of Trustees have approved a plan to implement House Bill 251, a state-level law that requires all state-funded colleges and universities to develop a 15-year plan for implementing energy-efficiency and conservation projects, with the goal of reducing building energy consumption at least 20 percent by 2014, using 2004 as the benchmark year. In addition to a 20 percent energy reduction, OU's implementation plan seeks the same level of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve these ends, at least 20 percent of capital budget allocations must be put toward infrastructure efficiency projects, according to the plan. The implementation plan will also help the University meet the requirements of Vision OHIO's call for an institutional commitment to sustainability and the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment.

Quinnipiac U York Hill Announces $4 M Sustainability Plan

Quinnipiac University (CT) has unveiled a $4 million sustainability plan for its new York Hill campus. The 250-acre campus will feature a wind garden composed of 42 vertical-axis wind turbines that will generate about 84,000 kilowatt hours per year and photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of a campus residence hall that will generate about 250,000 kilowatt hours per year. QU President John L. Lahey also announced that a new student affairs position, an environmental coordinator, will be appointed to educate students, faculty, and staff about environmental issues and encourage projects that help protect and preserve the environment. Other green initiatives to take place on the new campus include the installation of a green roof, a recycling center, native landscaping, a gas-fired microturbine to generate a portion of the electricity required for the site, and a bio-detention pond that collects and cleanses storm water runoff to reduce soil erosion and improve water quality.

Furman Establishes Office of Sustainability

Furman University (SC) has established the office of Sustainability and Environmental Education. The office will focus on curricular activities, co-curricular activities, communication, and climate commitment and assessment.

NYU Sustainability Task Force Releases Annual Report

New York University’s Sustainability Task Force has released its Annual Report. The report highlights major successes for 2007-08 and provides recommendations to improve campus environmental performance. Key priorities underscored by the report include advancing NYU’s initiatives on energy and green building, developing the university’s capacity to engage in ongoing environmental self-assessment, and launching discussions about the NYU Center for the Environment, a potential hub of collaboration for both academic and non-academic green initiatives. Other specific recommendations for 2007-08 encompass transportation; waste reduction, reuse, and recycling; food, catering, and purchasing guidelines; and energy and water efficiency.

Texas Christian U Forms Sustainability Committee

Texas Christian University has formed the Climate Commitment Committee, a committee to oversee the implementation of eco-friendly construction and sustainable materials. The committee will be headed by Provost Nowell Donovan and made up of other faculty and students. In addition, TCU has announced its theme for the semester to be "Think Purple, Live Green." The two initiatives are in response to the TCU Chancellor's commitment to the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment.

Roanoke College Forms Green Advisory Committee

Roanoke College (VA) President Michael Maxey has formed a Green Advisory Committee. The group of more than 20 faculty, staff, and students will begin its work by conducting an audit of current College efforts. Results of the audit will be used to help identify additional opportunities for sustainability efforts. The committee will then examine the feasibility of the various options in regards to impact and cost-effectiveness and will make recommendations to President Maxey and his Cabinet.

SFSU Business School Commits to Responsible Mgmt Education

San Francisco State University's (CA) College of Business has signed on to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a global platform convened by the United Nations Global Compact to advance corporate responsibility worldwide. The PRME provides a framework for academic institutions to advance the broader cause of corporate social responsibility and incorporate universal values into curricula and research.

York U Creates Sustainability Council, Adopts Fair Labor Policy

York University (ON) has created a new Sustainability Council with broad representation from across campus, including students. The council, which will report to York President and Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri, will provide input on ways to better address issues of sustainability on a pan-University level. Additionally, York University has adopted a workplace code of conduct for its trademark licensees and has joined the Fair Labor Association and the Workers’ Rights Consortium. The code outlines the conditions that must be met when licensed goods bearing York’s names and marks are manufactured.

Middlebury College Master Plan Focuses on Sustainability

The Middlebury College (VT) Board of Trustees has approved the campus' 50 year master plan, a document that was built on a foundation of sustainability principles. The plan contains many recommendations that support the college’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2016, ranging from dramatically increasing renewable energy for heating and cooling to making the campus more bike-friendly. Goals of the new master plan include promoting sustainability in all college operations and planning, enhancing Middlebury’s relationship to the ecological landscape, promoting an accessible pedestrian-friendly campus, and improving the relationship between town and college.

U Louisville Performs Energy Audit, Creates Sustainability Council

The University of Louisville (KY) has hired Siemens Building Technologies under a 12-year contract to help the University reduce its energy use through equipment upgrades and better systems for controlling the use of electricity, water, and other resources. The University predicts that the upgrades will save them more than $33 million by 2020. Additionally, the University of Louisville has announced the creation of an internal Sustainability Council to provide oversight and direction, coordinate activity and recommend policy.

U South Florida Establishes Sustainability Ctte, Website, & Newsletter

The University of South Florida has established a Campus Sustainability Steering Committee comprised of 30 faculty, staff, student, alumni, and community members. Additionally, 14 subcommittees are in the process of being created to address such topics as waste recycling, food, landscaping, water and energy. USF has also created a sustainability website and published the first issue of its Sustainability Newsletter. The website features the latest copy of USF's Sustainability Report, campus sustainability news and events, and Sustainability Steering Committee documents. The first issue of the newsletter provides information on three upcoming green buildings, an update on the University's initiatives related to the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment, and a list of green transportation options on and around campus.