Saint Mary's College of California Establishes Campus Garden

Saint Mary's College of California has established a half-acre student-run garden plot to grow pesticide-free food for the student dining hall. The goals of the project are to increase students' understanding of the food production process and the nutritional and environmental benefits of local, pesticide-free food.

U New Hampshire Opens Green Dairy Bar

The University of New Hampshire has opened a green Dairy Bar on campus. The Dairy Bar uses locally produced ingredients, 100 percent organic cotton employee uniforms, and compostable plastic cups and menus. All of the biodegradable material from the Dairy Bar is taken to the campus' Kingman Farm for composting.

U Oklahoma Commits to Power 100% of its Campus with Wind

The University of Oklahoma, Norman has signed a wind power agreement with Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company to purchase 100 percent of its electricity from wind power by 2013. OU is currently supporting the development of a new commercial-scale wind farm to be constructed by OG&E in Oklahoma. It will be named the “OU Spirit” wind farm. To further support OU’s commitment, OG&E will establish internships and scholarships for OU students whose studies are focused on renewable energy as well as support campus events focusing on renewable energy. OU also plans to expand its use of vehicles powered by compressed natural gas and will open a new CNG refueling station at the new campus motor pool. The Transportation Operations Center is set to open in November. It will also make the fueling station available to the city of Norman for its vehicles.

U Vermont Bans Kimberly-Clark Products

The University of Vermont has banned all Kimberly-Clark products from its campus due to concerns about the sourcing of paper fiber from the North American Boreal forest. UVM has stopped purchasing all products made by K-C, the parent company of Kleenex and Scott brands. 11 other universities and colleges have taken similar actions due to concerns about K-C's environmental practices.

U Denver Purchases Wind Energy Credits

The University of Denver (CO) has committed to purchasing 15 million kWh of wind energy credits during each of the next two years. DU uses about 48 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually, so the wind credits compensate for about 31 percent of the University’s consumption. The total annual cost of the purchase, $75,000, is partially paid for by $6 quarterly student fee contribution. The University has absorbed the remaining cost.

U Rochester Purchases RECs, Passes out CFLs

The University of Rochester (NY) has purchased 11,600,000 kWh of renewable energy credits (RECs) for the next two years. New York State wind farms will supply 5 percent of the RECs while the remaining 95 percent will come from the wind energy nationwide. In related news, as Rochester students moved onto campus residences, they received free compact fluorescent light bulbs for desk lamps as reminders to conserve energy.

Northern Illinois U Offers Fair Trade Coffee

Northern Illinois University has begun a pilot program to offer fair trade certified coffee at two snack bars on campus. The initiative, which is a result of a student campaign, tests student interest in six varieties of fair trade coffee.

UW Oshkosh Becomes Fair Trade University

University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh has become a "Fair Trade University." To achieve this distinction, UW Oshkosh’s four governing bodies endorsed a resolution outlining its commitment to: selling Fair Trade Certified coffee, tea, and chocolate in dining establishments, at catered functions, and in department offices whenever feasible and within the confines of its food service contract; offering Fair Trade Certified food products and handicrafts at university stores whenever possible; and identifying and ack

Georgian Court U Purchases RECs for 100% of Electricity Consumption

Georgian Court University (NJ) has begun purchasing renewable energy certificates. The University purchased more than 6 million kilowatt hours of wind power in the form of Green-e certified RECs to equal the annual amount of electricity it consumes.

Georgia Tech Students Support Local Food

The Georgia Tech Students Organizing for Sustainability and the Office of Environmental Stewardship have signed "A Plan for Atlanta’s Sustainable Food Future: The Atlanta Local Food Initiative" (AFLI). The plan outlines goals and objectives designed to create a food system that provides safe, nutritious, and affordable food from local, sustainable farms and gardens. The initiative seeks to “enhance human health, promote environmental renewal, foster local economies, and link rural and urban communities.”

Trinity U Brings Local and FSC-certified Printing Company to Campus

Trinity University (TX) has announced that a local copying company will be replacing an international chain on campus. Ginny's Printing of Austin, a Forest Stewardship Council certified printer that uses vegetable- and soy-based inks, originated in a small house near the University of Texas at Austin and will open on campus in August.

Unity College Starts Green Cleaning Program, Adds New Recycling Bins

Unity College (ME) has established a new green cleaning program on campus. The new program provides green cleaning products for custodians to use and allows custodians to work together, rather than independently. Additionally, Unity has also installed newly designed recycling stations in the residence halls. The color-coded bins aim to increase the amount of recycling collected on campus by make recycling easier for the Unity community.

Georgian Court U Purchases 100% of its Power from RECs

Georgian Court University (NJ) has purchased approximately 6,122,000 KWh of wind power, an amount equivalent to the University’s annual electricity consumption , in the form of Green-e certified Renewable Energy Certificates. University officials believe that GCU is the first higher education institution in New Jersey to purchase all of its electricity from renewable resources.

Dalhousie U Switches to Green Cleaning Products

Dalhousie University's (NS) Facilities Management Department has begun using green cleaning products. The products, an all-purpose cleaner, a disinfectant and a degreaser, have been third-party approved with Canada’s Environmental Choice logo and the United States' Green Seal certification.

Iowa State U Increases Sustainable Food Purchasing

Iowa State University has completed its first year of the Farm to ISU program. Over the past year, ISU has spent approximately 10 percent of its dining budget on organic and local food products, which is 5 percent more than expected. 76 percent of dairy purchases, 0.2 percent of bakery goods and grocery items, and 3 percent of meat purchases were made through the Farm to ISU program last year, while 1.5 percent of the produce was local. Additionally, all of the honey was purchased locally, and some tea and spices were organic. ISU plans to continue and expand the program in the coming year.

CSU, Chico Receives Forest Stewardship Council Certification

California State University, Chico's University Printing Services was recently awarded Forest Stewardship Council chain-of-custody certification by Scientific Certification Systems, an independent third-party certifier of environmental, sustainability, food quality, and food purity claims. The chain-of-custody certification means that products by CSU, Chico’s Printing Services bearing the FSC trademark meet strict tracking requirements ensuring that they come from responsibly-managed forests. The University’s paper purchases for FSC-trademarked products will be audited annually to make sure that they come from a well-managed forest.

U Waterloo to Open Eco-Cafe

The University of Waterloo (ON) recently announced plans to open the Eco-Café this fall. The café will be located in the School of Accounting and will offer locally sourced foods. The café will also feature an educational component.

CSU, Chico Bans Bottled Water & Passes Green Purchasing Policy

California State University, Chico students recently voted to ban the sale of bottled water on campus and to implement a Social and Environmental Purchasing Policy. The Take Back The Tap initiative passed with the support of 85 percent of voting students, and the SEPP, which encourages the Associated Students to buy environmentally and socially responsible products, passed with the support of 87 percent of voters. Both projects are the result of student campaigns.

CSU Chico Farm to Grow Organic Produce for Dining Halls

California State University, Chico recently announced the Organic Vegetable Project, an initiative in which a section of the University Farm will be growing organic fruits and vegetables for the Associated Students Dining Services. The program hopes to have enough produce left over for an on-campus market.

Seattle U Launches Low-Carbon Campaign

Seattle University (WA) recently launched an initiative to reduce its carbon footprint by offering more local foods in its dining halls. An eatery on campus eliminated beef from its menu as part of the campaign. The initiative also aims to teach students to limit their meal portion size, purchase local food, and reduce packaged food consumption.

EPA Announces Winners of Campus Green Power Challenge

The US EPA has announced that, for the second year in a row, the Ivy League has been named the overall champion conference in the 2007-2008 College & University Green Power Challenge. Led by the University of Pennsylvania, the Ivy League purchased more than 220 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy this year. In addition to the Ivy League, EPA's Green Power Partnership also recognized the leading green power purchases of 17 other conference as individual conference champions: New York University, Pennsylvania State University, Oregon State University, Colby College (ME), University of California, Santa Cruz, Western Washington University, University of Utah, Southern Oregon University, University of Central Oklahoma, Syracuse University (NY), Southern New Hampshire University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, University at Buffalo (NY), Oberlin College (OH), Duquesne University (PA), Lewis & Clark College (OR), and Rowan University (NJ).

U Penn Increases its Wind Power Purchase

The University of Pennsylvania recently announced that it will increase its purchase of renewable wind energy credits during the next two years. The move will make the University the top consumer of wind energy among institutions of higher education across the nation, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The University will purchase an additional 80,000 megawatt hours per year, bringing its total wind-energy purchase to nearly 200,000 megawatt hours per year.

Duquesne University Purchases RECs

Duquesne University (PA) recently purchased 8,020,000 kW of Renewable Energy Credits. This purchase is equivalent to 100 percent of the University's purchased electricity.

U Miami Switches to Local Produce & Antibiotic-Free Pork

University of Miami's (FL) on-campus dining halls recently began purchasing locally-grown tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, oranges and antibiotic-free pork. The University has also switched to cage-free whole eggs, and is currently exploring its options to start composting within the next year. The changes are part of Green U, a program designed to minimize the university's environmental impact.

Arizona State U Implements Green Purchasing Policy

Arizona State University recently implemented a green purchasing policy which states that all companies that want to do business with ASU must pass a stringent test of their environmental practices. Vendors who wish to sell products to ASU first must fill out an 11-point “Green Profile Questionnaire,” which includes such questions as, “What policies are in place to monitor and manage your supply chain regarding environmental issues?”, “Does your company have a Green Transportation Plan?” and “Has your company ever been cited for non-compliance of an environmental or safety issue?” The policy also requires that all bidders, proposers and contracts use recycled paper and double-sided copying for all documents they create in doing business with ASU. Additionally, all packaging materials have to meet at least one, but preferably all, of the following criteria: made from recycled materials, be recyclable or reusable, be non-toxic or biodegradable. ASU also has committed to buying only wood materials that have Forest Stewardship Council certification, or are previously used products (or bamboo products such as bamboo mop handles); to re-use every scrap of stone and brick possible; and to buy carpet only from distributors who have an ASU-approved carpet recycling plan.

Bowdoin College to Purchase Local Renewable Energy Credits

Bowdoin College (ME) recently announced that UPC Wind will provide the College with renewable energy certificates from its Mars Hill wind project in northern Maine. Bowdoin is currently offsetting approximately 70 percent of its campus electricity use with voluntary renewable energy certificates produced in Maine. These voluntary REC purchases complement the green power already provided pursuant to Maine's Renewable Portfolio Standard law. So far in 2008, 31 percent of Bowdoin's electricity comes from qualifying renewable sources, bringing Bowdoin's total to 100 percent green electricity. Bowdoin is focusing on switching to lower carbon fuels and increased energy efficiency, but plans to purchase RECs in the mean time.

Ohio State U Adopts New Recycled Paper Policy

Ohio State University recently adopted a new policy that increases the use of recycled content paper on campus. The new policy aims to ensure that copy paper used on campus contains at least 30 percent recycled materials. Officials say that the new initiative will help the university protect more than 8,000 trees and save enough energy to power 62 homes.

U Buffalo Dining Begins Local Food Program

University at Buffalo (NY) Campus Dining and Shops recently began the new Local Food Program, which aims to bring more locally produced food products on campus. The new program will offer local produce, syrups, sauces, cheese, honey, meats, pasta and baked goods, and is a result of a partnership with Pride of New York.

U Utah Offers Organic, Fair Trade Coffee

The University of Utah recently began offering organic, fair trade coffee in the student union food court. Customers will have to pay 10 to 15 cents extra for the new coffee. The rest of the campus still offers non-organic, non-fair-trade coffee, but will consider making the switch after receiving student input.

Wilfrid Laurier U Switches to Cage-free Eggs

Wilfrid Laurier University (ON) Food Services recently switched to cage-free eggs. These cage-free eggs will be used for the 20 percent of foods that use whole shelled eggs at the University. WLU is hoping to make the change for liquid eggs as well.

Cabrini College Offers Fair Trade Bananas

Cabrini College (PA) recently began offering fair trade bananas. The initiative started as an idea from the Catholic Relief Services Ambassadors on campus. A fair trade banana-split party was held to celebrate the success of the initiative.

Emory U Opens Organic Coffee Cart

Emory University (GA) recently opened the Green Bean Coffee Cart outside of the University Center. The cart provides Fair Trade and organic coffee and tea during morning hours throughout the week. Customers who bring their own cup receive a $.20 discount. The cart hopes to offer pastries and cookies within the next few weeks.

Maharishi U Dining Hall Goes 100% Vegetarian, 90% Organic

Maharishi University of Management's (IA) new student center dining hall is serving 100 percent vegetarian and 90 – 95 percent organic food. Campus farms provide the school with fruits and vegetables during the summer, and campus greenhouses offer tomatoes and greens during the winter. The school has spent the past eight or nine years replacing foods grown with herbicides and pesticides with organic food. Most of the remaining food comes from local producers.

York U Pledges to Establish No-Sweatshop Policy After Sit-in

The York University (ON) president recently pledged to create a no-sweatshop purchasing policy for university apparel by April after protesters participated in a 2 day sit-in outside of the president's office. The sit-in was inspired by the 100th anniversary of International Women's day, when 15,000 immigrant women garment workers protested to receive shorter hours, better pay, and voting rights.

Wesleyan U & U Vermont Students Renounce Kimberly-Clark Products

Wesleyan University (CT) and the University of Vermont students have taken steps towards banning Kimberly-Clark products, particularly Kleenex, due to the lack of recycled fibers in the company's goods. A WU campus grocery store has discontinued the selling of Kleenex after two students sent a message condemning the lack of recycled fibers in Kimberly-Clark's paper products, in the facial tissue in particular. The ban will remain in effect until the company increases the recycled content in its goods. The UVM student group, UVM Forest Crimes Unit, is also boycotting Kimberly-Clark products for the same reasons. The group is collecting signatures for a campus-wide ban on the company's products and is meeting with the director of custodial services to consider alternative tissue products.

Cleveland State U Opens Green Bistro

Cleveland State University (OH) recently opened a new restaurant that will use local products when feasible. Elements Bistro on Euclid will serve cheeses, locally produced sausages and pastas, and eventually will feature Ohio wine and beer.

U Buffalo Switches to 100% Recycled Paper

The University at Buffalo has a new Recycled Paper Purchasing Policy that will ensure that all the 8.5 by 11-inch paper purchased by the University will consist of 100 percent post-consumer content, chlorine-free paper. The new policy will cost the college approximately $10,000 extra per year.

3 NY Schools Form Green Purchasing Consortium

Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Tompkins Cortland Community College recently helped to form the Finger Lakes Environmentally Preferred Procurement Consortium. The New York based consortium was created to help negotiate pricing for environmentally friendly cleaning products, paper, and office supplies. The consortium will attempt to purchase local products as well. Tompkins County, the City of Ithaca, the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, and Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services are also helped to form the consortium.

Middlebury C Switches to 100% Recycled Paper

Middlebury College (VT) recently adopted a policy to switch from 30 to 100 percent recycled content and chlorine free paper in all printers, copiers, and outsourced publications. The policy encourages the use of Forest Stewardship Council certified paper and calls for the highest percentage of recycled content suitable for jobs that cannot be printed on 100% PCW-PCF paper. The increase in cost is estimated to be $100 per month.

CSU Chico Cafes Go Green

Two cafes at California State University, Chico are switching to fair trade, organic coffee beans and 100% biodegradable coffee cups. The two coffee shops, Creekside Café and Common Grounds, are also hoping to feature compost trash cans as well.

Georgia Colleges Offer Local Produce

Several institutions from Georgia have recently switched to local produce in their dining halls. Wesleyan College recently signed an agreement to receive southeast regional produce whenever possible. This could result to as much as 85% locally grown fruits and vegetables offered during the summer months. Mercer University, Macon State College, and Central Georgia Technical College offer local produce as well.

Northern Arizona U Pledges Support of Local Renewable Energy

Northern Arizona University, Coconino Community College, and several other large electrical power users in northern Arizona have signed a Power Purchasing Plan Memorandum of Understanding pledging their intent to pay a small premium for renewable energy to support the development of green generation facilities in the region. NAU has pledged to purchase 5 percent of its power from renewable sources. Participants, known as the Northern Arizona Renewable Energy Purchasing Group, include NAU, Coconino Community College, the city of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Flagstaff Medical Center, Flagstaff Unified School District, Foresight Wind Energy, Hozho International, Nestle Purina Co., Xanterra Parks and Resorts and Arizona Public Service.

Georgia Tech to Install Green Tissue Dispensers

The Georgia Institute of Technology will install No-Touch Hands Free Paper Towel and Tissue Dispensers, which will use Green Seal certified paper towels and toilet tissue. The installation will begin in February.

Northampton CC to Use 100% Recycled Paper

Northampton Community College (PA) will switch to using 100% recycled paper. Although the per-carton cost will increase, the college plans to purchase the recycled paper in bulk to offset the costs. In addition to this effort, NCC has also set all campus printers to print double-sided and capped the amount of pages one computer can print within a given time frame.

U Florida Commits to Green Cleaning Practices

The University of Florida's Building Services Department of the Physical Plant Division announced its commitment to green cleaning practices throughout all of the campus buildings. UF Building Services and the Office of Sustainability have developed greener training programs for custodial supervisors and staff. The training will include discussion on minimizing energy consumption, recycling, waste reduction, ergonomics, the importance of proper maintenance of entryway matting, and other sustainable practices.

UW Oshkosh Switches to Cage-Free Eggs

Under a new policy, all shell (whole) eggs that UW Oshkosh serves will be cage-free. The switch to cage-free eggs follows a successful student-voter referendum and dining services-committee vote to switch the eggs sold on campus to cage-free.