Dickinson College Grads' Bike Tour Promotes Sustainability

Dickinson College (PA) graduates Andre Lekich and Avi Keremidchieva recently completed a 3,200-mile cross-country bike tour to promote the college's sustainable transportation initiatives. The two traveled from Pennsylvania to Oregon with the aim to reconnect with Dickinson alumni and encourage people to ride their bikes, often staying with strangers who let them sleep in their garage or backyards. To hear their stories from the road, visit http://blogs.dickinson.edu/bikeacrossusa.

State U New York ESF Grad Student Uses Wood for Fuel

A State University of New York Environmental Science and Forestry graduate student has converted a truck to run on wood in an effort to prove the sustainability of biomass material for use in powering engines. Because wood fuel gets about 30 percent less mileage than fossil fuels, the research is aimed toward the use of biomass fuels in farm vehicles, electric generators or communities in developing countries.

U Missouri to Unveil Bike Rental Center

The University of Missouri has planned to implement a resource center for renting and repairing bicycles on campus. The Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee will finance the majority of the program. Rental and membership fees have yet to be decided.

Alabama A&M U to Begin Producing Biofuel

Alabama A&M University has partnered with Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Alabama, Inc. and bioenergy venture Willbrook Solutions, Inc. to improve campus bioenergy efforts. Willbrook Solutions has donated a prototype biodiesel processing unit for experimental research. Toyota will donate 100 gallons of waste vegetable oil for conversion to biodiesel each month. The biofuel produced will help power transit vehicle operations on campus.

College of William & Mary Uses Wild Algae for Biofuel

The College of William & Mary (VA) has launched an experiment to produce biofuels from oil extracted from wild, naturally growing algae. This is the first freshwater experiment of the college's year-old Chesapeake Algae Project, funded by Norwegian energy company Statoil. More robust, fast-growing and plentiful than their monoculture counterparts, wild algae can be converted into a variety of biofuel products including biodiesel, ethanol and butanol.

Rochester Inst of Tech Student Awarded Electric Energy Fulbright

A master's student at the Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) has been awarded a Fulbright Student Scholarship from the U.S. Department of State to study the potential impact of electric vehicles on Singapore's transportation sector. Samir Nazir, a student in the science, technology and public policy program, will spend a year as a visiting scientist at the University of Singapore. The work builds on research Nazir conducted at the Rochester Institute of Technology, which analyzed various types of power plants using both conventional and alternative energy technologies.

U Wisconsin Oshkosh, Elon U Launch Social Network Carpool Service

In separate partnerships, Elon University (NC) and the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh have joined with the San Francisco-based company, Zimride, to launch a campus social network for carpooling. The company created a Facebook-integrated platform to help its users share commutes or one-time rides. Faculty, staff and students at Elon University and the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh will help to reduce campus traffic and parking congestion by finding others with similar commuting patterns using the website.

American U Sharjah Students Test Vehicle Emissions

Environmental sciences students at American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) recently conducted vehicle emissions testing for air quality as a public service. The initiative was designed to increase student awareness about their vehicles and the types of pollution they cause. The vehicles received unofficial testing of toxic gases such as VOCS, CO and C3.

Palestine Polytechnic U Students Build Solar Car

With limited funds and resources, engineering students at Palestine Polytechnic University have built a solar car from scratch. The car's electric engine is fed by a battery that stores energy harnessed from roof-mounted reflective solar panels. The students were part of a university project to develop renewable energy sources to replace diesel and petrol. The university hopes that the project will attract funding to enable further development.

U New South Wales Announces Electric Car Fleet

The University of New South Wales (Australia) has committed to an electric vehicle fleet as part of a research and infrastructure agreement. Electric vehicle provider, Better Place, will provide charge spots and additional services to support the fleet in a new solar precinct to be established by the university. The university will also begin research to investigate the impact that charging significant numbers of electric cars will have on Australia’s power grid. New solar panel arrays will generate most of the energy needed for an electrical vehicle fleet.

U New England Expands Bicycle Program

The University of New England (ME) has expanded its on-campus bicycle program. Prospective students and their families can now take a two-hour tour through campus by bike, ending with lunch and a presentation. Current students now have access to free bicycle rentals, enhancing the existing option for free bicycles or Zip cars to first-year students who do not bring cars to campus.

Virginia Polytechnic Launches Employee Van Pool

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has launched an employee van pool as part of a series of programs designed to reduce driving and the need for parking spaces. The van pool is geared toward full-time employees who live more than 10 miles from campus. The university provides a minivan from its fleet and allows riders to fuel up on campus. In exchange, each rider pays up to $75 a month to cover expenses. Forty-five percent of full-time university employees are using alternative transportation.

Delta College and Saginaw Valley State U to Start Campus Shuttle

Delta College (MI) and Saginaw Valley State University (MI) have partnered with Bay Metro to provide a campus park-n-ride route. Delta College hopes that the new bus route will alleviate the need for additional parking spots in the future and help reduce the campus' carbon footprint. To start, 30 parking spots will be available, with plans to put in bike racks. The cost per ride is 75 cents for students.

Washington State U Students Initiate Bike Rental System

Students at Washington State University have funded the BIXI bicycle system, to debut this fall. The bike program will allow students to take a rental bike from any given location and drop it off at another during a free, 24-hour rental period. The campus will receive 30 BIXI bikes with four docking stations.

Emory U Debuts Online Sustainability Map

Emory University (GA) is kicking off its Walk N' Roll campaign with the launch of an online sustainability map. Funded by an $18,000 Urban Land Institute grant with matching funds from the university, the campaign aims to reduce the university's carbon footprint by creating a pedestrian campus core to include walking, wheeling and biking. Users of the online map can find bike share locations, walking tours and trails, or embark on a scavenger hunt for Emory's LEED-certified buildings. The map also identifies educational campus gardens, a compact fluorescent light bulb recycling center and the campus farmers' market.

Duke U Announces Free Bus Service

Duke University (NC) has announced that a free, environmentally sensitive bus service will help connect downtown Durham with the university. The project will feature six new hybrid/diesel buses. Under the agreement between Duke and the City of Durham, Duke provided $375,000 in matching funds. In addition, Duke will contribute toward the annual operating costs of the service.

Dalhousie U Declares an Idle-Free Campus

Dalhousie University (NS) has implemented an idle-free campus policy. The new anti-idling guidelines for vehicles operating on campus ask that passenger-sized vehicles be turned off whenever idling periods are expected to exceed one minute. Larger vehicles are permitted three minutes. Upwards of twenty “Idle-Free” signs will be installed across campus this fall.

U California Los Angeles Releases Bike-U-mentary

The University of California, Los Angeles Sustainable Resource Center has released  “UCLA Bike-U-mentary,” a short documentary that profiles real cyclists on their commute to UCLA. The film was released to coincide with Bike-to-Campus-Week activities.

U Regina Launches Bike Rental Program

The University of Regina (SK) has launched a bike rental program to promote environmental sustainability on campus through alternative and affordable transportation. The cost to rent a bike is $2 per hour. The program is available to those who pay a refundable registration fee of $40. The University hopes the bike rentals will reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

Southern Illinois U Edwardsville Launches Bike Share Program

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville has launched a bike share program. The project aims to encourage a culture shift in students, faculty, and staff toward increased reliance on non-carbon modes of transportation. All currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff are eligible to check out a bike.

St Ambrose U Powers Equipment With Biodiesel Fuel

St. Ambrose University (IA) has launched a biodiesel initiative. The grounds crew has begun converting 1,600 gallons of used cooking oil into fuel. The homebrewed biodiesel fuel is used to power machinery that mows lawns and removes snow. The use of biodiesel fuel has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from maintenance equipment by 80 percent. In addition, the University will save between $6,000 and $10,000 in annual fuel costs. A new facility that will allow the grounds crew to produce biodiesel more efficiently will be built next year.

John Carroll U Starts Bike Share Program

John Carroll University (OH) has implemented a new bike share program. Students of the Environmental Issues Group have collected 28 bikes donated by the city. Students will be able to check out bikes free of charge. The Environmental Issues Group hopes to use the bikes for other programs including physical education courses.

Richland College Students Present Commuting Habits

Six Richland College (TX) students have collected data regarding commuting habits amongst their fellow students. 2,600 students participated in the survey. The data collected was presented at the Student Sustainable Transportation Summit. Plans have been developed to reduce emissions from student commuting.

U California San Diego Receives Access to Trolley

San Diego’s Metropolitan Transit System Board of Directors has endorsed a trolley extension that would provide direct service to the University of California, San Diego. The new route will provide students with an alternative means of transportation.

U Kentucky Announces Ride Home Express

University of Kentucky has plans to offer an alternative travel option to students and employees beginning in the fall. The Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) Ride Home Express will provide transportation to and from hometowns during major academic breaks. The PTS Ride Home Express will serve 29 cities along eight routes. Riders will be able to reserve a seat on one of the Ride Home Express buses via the Web, by telephone, or in person. Fares for the service will range from $39-$129, with prices varying based on the final destination.

California State U Northridge Builds Safe Place for Bikes

California State University, Northridge has partnered with the local police department to unveil a bicycle complex. The new Matador Bicycle Compound located in a parking structure is secure and fully-enclosed by fences. To access the bike compound, students must pay a one-time $7 administration fee. There are 20 to 25 available spaces. By providing a safe place to park, the University hopes it will encourage students to commute by bicycle. If successful, the University will build more parking structures.

Delta College Continues Green Fridays

Delta College (MI) has announced that the institution will be closed on Fridays during the summer. Green Fridays, first piloted in 2008, is a campus sustainability initiative to reduce the College’s carbon footprint. Campus operating hours will be extended Monday through Thursday.

Prescott College Launches Bicycle Safety Campaign

The Prescott College (AZ) Bicycle Ambassadors have started a campaign to improve the bicycling environment around campus. The campaign, Prescott College Bicycle Solutions, is a campaign and program to transform the college campus and surrounding area into a safer environment for cyclist and pedestrians. The Bicycle Ambassadors created a list of goals in various phases starting with a comprehensive street and intersection improvement plan and improved bike parking facilities.

U Cincinnati Starts New Bike Share Program

University of Cincinnati (OH) has unveiled the Bearcat Bike Share program. The new pilot program includes 30 bicycles that students, staff, and faculty are allowed to check out for use on or off campus. Upkeep and repair of the loaner bikes will be conducted by university engineering students. The University will also hold bicycle repair and safety workshops to encourage students to take advantage of the new program. The pilot program will initially last for six months.

Wake Forest U Announces iPhone App for Campus Shuttle

Three Wake Forest University (NC) students have teamed up with their computer science professor to create an iPhone application that tracks the campus shuttle location. The shuttle location is updated every five seconds so students, faculty and staff know when the bus is approaching the stop.

Assumption College, Lewis & Clark College Adopt Car-Share Prgms

Assumption College (MA) and Lewis and Clark College (OR) have each partnered with U Car Share to offer an alternative to car-ownership on campus. Anyone 18 years or older with at least two years of driving experience may qualify to become a member and can then access any car in the country on the U Car Share network. At both campuses, for a limited time, membership is free for all students, faculty, and staff.

Illinois State U Makes Biodiesel to Fuel Campus Vehicles

Illinois State University has begun a program to convert waste fryer oil from Campus Dining Services’ residential dining centers into fuel for use in campus fleet vehicles. A 50-gallon batch of biodiesel, produced by a team of Illinois State University undergraduate students, is currently being tested in the University’s “Big Blue” recycling truck. Fleet Operations personnel will soon begin using the fuel in other diesel powered vehicles.

Washington State U Creates Biodiesel Fuel for Campus Machinery

The Washington State University Biodiesel Club has begun collecting used cooking oil each week from local restaurants and dining halls to create biodiesel. Their aim is to sell the fuel to the University’s motor pool in large enough quantities to operate WSU machinery. The group hopes to produce 300 gallons of biodiesel each week.

Franklin College Converts Fryer Oil to Biodiesel

A group of Franklin College (IN) students, faculty, and staff have converted a gallon of used fryer oil from the campus cafeteria into biodiesel fuel and successfully powered a college-owned tractor on campus. The idea for the project, sparked by the winter term class "Going Green Matters," came from two freshmen students. Students are now refining the process they implemented, trying to find the most efficient technique possible. Business students are also working on calculating the cost of savings from recycling and converting the college's used cooking oil.

U Albany Partners with Local Bus Service, Car-Share Program

The University at Albany has partnered with a local bus company to offer students, faculty, and staff more options for eco-friendly traveling around campus and in the community. Capital District Transportation Authority buses will be available to ride for free with a single swipe of a SUNY card by members of the university community. In related news, UAlbany has also launched a new car-share program. Connect by Hertz will give faculty, staff, and students access to four fuel-efficient rental vehicles.

Chatham U Employees Now Eligible for Bicycle Benefits

As part of its effort to promote sustainable practices and healthy living, Chatham University (PA) will now offer full-time employees the opportunity to receive a bicycle commuter benefit. Included as part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, this benefit will reimburse full-time employees who commute to work by bicycle for reasonable expenses up to $20 a month. The reimbursements will be excludable from an employee’s gross income and not subject to federal income tax. According to IRS guidelines, employees who sign up for this benefit will not be permitted to have a campus parking permit as they are required to certify that cycling is their primary mode of transportation to and from work during the time frame in which they receive the reimbursement.

U Dayton Launches Alternative Transportation Website

Students in a University of Dayton (OH) Politics of Alternative Transportation class have designed "Beyond Brown," a website that offers students an alternative transportation guide to the sights and activities outside of Brown Street, one of the main streets that runs through campus. The sight is expected to launch soon.

U Idaho Installs Bike Racks, Boosts Bike Parking Awareness

The University of Idaho's Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) will install 23 new bike racks on campus. In addition, PTS will place warning tags on bikes parked outside of designated racks with increased enforcement levels on bikes that are impeding access or posing safety concerns.

College of St Benedict, St. John's U to Start Bike-Shares

The College of St. Benedict (MN) and St. John’s University (MN) have announced plans to launch a bike-share program. St. Ben’s will introduce its Green Bike Initiative on April 23 as part of Earth Week. The program, which is still seeking donations for its fleet, will offer half of its bikes for a semester check-out and the other half will be made available for daily use. St. John's is working on a similar program which will replace a program that failed a few years ago.

U Kentucky Bike-Share Expands Fleet

The University of Kentucky Wildcat Wheels bike-share program has expanded its total fleet from 12 to 150 bikes. The program contains four sub-fleets that are designated for certain campus populations. Wildcat Wheels has also begun offering traveling workshops available to residence halls with tutorials on bike maintenance and upkeep.

Syracuse U Increases Green Transportation Use on Campus

Syracuse University (NY) has announced that the number of SU Centro bus passengers has increased 8.4 percent since fiscal year 2008 to more than 2.1 million riders. In addition, SU's addition of three new Zipcars has increased the program's use to an average of 65 percent of the day, including weekends and overnight.

Coastal Carolina U Launches Bike-Share Program

Coastal Carolina University (SC) has launched Coastal Couriers, a new bike-share program. Five bikes have been made available for University members to check-out for a maximum of 30 minutes and then be returned. The University hopes this program will reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Emory U, Georgia Tech Announce Bike Share Partnership

Emory University (GA), Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Ford Foundation have formed a partnership to develop an automated bike share system for the Emory campus. Over the past year, Bike Emory has been working with Georgia Tech engineering students to develop the automated system. A grant in the amount of $50,000 from the Ford Foundation will support the development and implementation. The first fleet of 11 bicycles will be launched on Emory's campus late this summer.

Loyola U, Tulane U Partner to Offer Car-Sharing on Campuses

Loyola University (LA) and Tulane University (LA) have partnered to bring the car-share program WeCar to their campuses. The universities, which are located next to each other in New Orleans, will offer three new Toyota Priuses to students, faculty, and staff at both institutions. The vehicles will be located in a central location and will help both campuses reduce car congestion and allow student mobility.

Oregon State U Offers Campus Car-Share Program

Oregon State University has partnered with WeCar to bring two hybrid vehicles to campus for students, faculty, and staff to use. The vehicles can be rented hourly, overnight or for a full day, and reservations can be made online at any time.

U Kentucky Offers Car Sharing Service

University of Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services has partnered with Connect by Hertz, a car-share company, to offer short-term vehicle rentals to the campus community. Six EPA SmartWays certified vehicles are now available on campus.

Samford U Begins Bike Loan Program

Samford University (AL) has begun a campus bike rental service through which students can borrow one of 30 bicycles for three days at a time just by showing their student ID. The program began as part of Samford' "100 Grand for Green" initiative, which seeks to save the University $100,000 in utilities costs and improve the environment on campus. Campus officials believe that the program has become an instantaneous success.

Dickinson College Launches Online Rideshare

Dickinson College (PA) has released a Virtual Rideboard, an online site where students can search for and post rides. The site is only accessible to the Dickinson community.

Loyola U Chicago to Pilot Shuttle Service for Faculty and Staff

Loyola University, Chicago (IL) has announced plans to pilot a new shuttle service for faculty and staff members who commute to and from the Rogers Park Metra Station and the Lake Shore Campus. The pilot program will gauge faculty and staff need for low-carbon transportation options between the station and campus using a biodiesel van.

Stevens Institute of Technology Starts Bike Share Program

Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) has begun offering a bike-share program to help students get around campus. The new program makes bicycles available to students to travel around campus.