Binghamton U Offers Parking Discount to Carpoolers

Binghamton University (NY) has begun offering a discounted parking pass to carpoolers. The pilot program offers the discount to vehicles containing three or more passengers and provides five parking coupons to each participant for the days when s/he needs to drive separately. In addition, certain parking spaces on campus have been reserved for the high occupancy permits.

Ohio State, Pepperdine Start Car Share Programs

The Ohio State University and Pepperdine University (CA) have signed contracts with the Hertz Corporation to offer a car share programs on their campuses. The rentable cars, which are placed at various locations across campus, are available to all students, faculty, and staff age 18 and older

Luther College Purchases 3 Electric Vehicles

Luther College (IA) has added three new electric vehicles to its campus fleet. The purchases are part of the campus's plan to reduce its carbon emissions by 50 percent.

U Central Florida Adds Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle to Campus Fleet

The University of Central Florida has purchased its second eco-friendly vehicle. The new electric car, which can travel up to 15 miles per day, has been retrofitted to run on solar power alone. Three solar panels were installed on the roof of the vehicle and produce the needed 72V to run it.

U Idaho Purchases 5 Electric Vehicles

The University of Idaho has purchased 5 new electric vehicles for its campus fleet. The two cars and three trucks will be used by Facilities Services, Housing, and Parking and Transportation Services staff. The fully electric-powered vehicles can drive distances of 40-50 miles on a single charge and can reach a top speed of 25 miles per hour.

U New Hampshire Buys Electric Vehicle

The University of New Hampshire Housing Department has purchased an electric truck. The new truck replaces a gas vehicle that was previously used by the department. The truck has a top speed of 25 miles per hour and can go from zero to 20 in five seconds. It can travel upwards of 60 miles before the battery, which is good for 25,000 miles, needs recharging. The vehicle has zero tailpipe emissions, does not require any gas, and needs 90 percent less maintenance than gas-fired cars.

Western Washington U Opens Sustainable Travel Information Desk

Western Washington University has introduced a new travel desk that aims to help students find cheaper and more sustainable travel options regionally and locally. The desk, which is staffed by WWU's Sustainable Transportation program, provides information about how students can travel around the Bellingham and Puget Sound area via the bus system, biking, walking, or hiking.

U Western Ontario Purchases Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

The University of Western Ontario has purchased a hybrid sedan to move employees, consultants, and clients around campus. In addition, the campus has announced plans to purchase a two-seat electric utility vehicle. The vehicle's features include six 12-volt flooded electrolyte batteries, which can be charged by plugging into a standard household electrical receptacle, a top speed of 40kmh, and an average range of about 30 miles on a single charge.

Wilson College Purchases 2 Electric Vehicles

Wilson College (PA) has replaced two of its gas-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. One is used for campus security patrols and the other is used to collect recycling. Both vehicles can travel approximately 50 miles on one charge, and charging the vehicles takes about 4 to 6 hours.

AP, Chronicle of Higher Ed Cover Prevalence Biofuels on Campus

The Associated Press and the Chronicle of Higher Education have both published articles on the increasing number of schools that are converting used vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel for use on campus. Institutions mentioned include Stetson University (FL), Keene State University (NH), Dickinson College (PA), Sinclair Community College (OH), and the University of Kansas

Clatsop CC Offers Free Bus Pass to Campus Members

Clatsop Community College (OR) has begun offering a free bus pass to all students, faculty, and staff. The new pass, which saves students $60 each term and saves faculty and staff $45 each month, allows campus members to ride anywhere in the county that the bus services.

Duke U Signs Agreement with Zipcar

Duke University (NC) has signed an agreement with Zipcar to provide students, faculty, and staff who are age 18 and older with an alternative to keeping a car on campus. The agreement provides the campus with four new cars, two of which are hybrids. Zipcar members age 18 – 20 can only reserve cars assigned to the Duke campus; members 21 and older have access to Zipcar’s network of more than 5,500 vehicles throughout North America and the United Kingdom.

U Idaho Purchases Electric Truck

The University of Idaho's Housing department has purchased an electric work truck. The truck can get 50-60 miles per charge and has a battery life of up to 25,000 miles. Its top speed is 25 miles an hour and can charge in about six hours.

U Michigan Flint Implements Student Carpool Initiative

The University of Michigan, Flint has launched GreenRide, an online map-based carpool program that connects people who want to share rides. The campus, which currently has over 6,900 commuters, offers the program to anyone affiliated with the University.

Dalhousie U to Receive Grant for TDM

Dalhousie University (NS) will receive a contribution of up to $15,000 for a project to reduce single car occupancy travel to and from campus and to identify ways to increase the use of bicycles. The funding is the result of the "Moving on Sustainable Transportation" program implemented by the government of Canada.

Pace U Converts Fleet to Use Extended Performance Oil Filter

Pace University (NY) has converted its fleet of campus vehicles to use an extended performance oil filter. The new filter allows the vehicles to travel 24,000 miles before needing an oil change, saving an estimated 650 gallons of motor oil and over 30% in oil-related maintenance costs within a 12 to 18 month period. Campus cars, vans, and buses were all included in the conversion.

SUNY Canton Implements 4-Day Academic Schedule

The State University of New York at Canton has switched to a 4-day academic schedule in an effort to cut operating costs and increase sustainability across campus. Portions of College’s workforce will also work on a four-day schedule, but buildings such as the library, fitness center, and admissions office will remain open on the fifth day.

U Denver Begins Green Vehicle Incentive Program

The University of Denver (CO) has begun a pilot program to designate 12 premium parking spots as parking for environmental friendly vehicles only. The new program aims to reward commuters who purchase environmentally friendly cars, serve as a reminder to those who are not driving fuel-efficient cars, and provide LEED certification points for the nearby residence hall.

Iowa State U Adds 4 Electric Vehicles to its Fleet

Iowa State University has purchased four new electric vehicles to add to its fleet. ISU purchased the 4 vehicles, which travel up to 50 miles on one charge, from 3 different manufacturers in order to test each one.

York Technical College Converts Kitchen Grease to Biodiesel

York Technical College (ON) has begun producing its own biodiesel fuel to be used in its maintenance and grounds-keeping equipment. The College uses a biodiesel processor to convert vegetable oil into biodiesel for off-road use. The project was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Diesel Campaign.

Stanford U Holds Bike Safety Contest

Stanford University (CA) has announced the 2008 Invention Challenge, which challenges students in teams of up to four to think of new ways to prevent or mitigate bicycle-related injury. The hope is that the competition will result in new products, methods, or solutions to existing safety problems on campus and elsewhere. Cash prizes of $1,000 to $5,000 will be awarded to the top ideas.

SUNY-ESF Launches Car Sharing Program

The State University of New York School of Environmental Science and Forestry has launched CuseCar, a not-for-profit community car sharing organization. CuseCar's mission is to provide a sustainable transportation program in Onondaga County that will reduce vehicle miles traveled, lower the carbon footprint, improve air quality, and assist in developing a new green energy fuel distribution system for the community. CuseCar is offered to drivers 18 and up and who are SUNY-ESF students, faculty, and staff. Those who are eligible for the program may participate by paying an annual membership fee of $100 and an hourly and mileage rate for usage. CuseCar’s fleet consists of alternatively fueled vehicles. As part of the program, CuseCar will have a designated parking space on the SUNY-ESF campus and convenient designated parking throughout the city of Syracuse and Onondaga County.

Virginia Commonwealth U Purchases 2 Electric Trucks

Virginia Commonwealth University has purchased two small electric trucks. Facilities Management uses the electric trucks for collecting trash and recycling and maintaining the grounds on both of VCU’s campuses.

WKU Extends Breaks to Reduce Energy, Signs Energy Contract

Western Kentucky University has added a week to its winter break and has cancelled classes for one week in July in an effort to reduce energy consumption costs and to offset the shortfall in the utility budget. The December and July breaks are expected to save the University $80,000 and $60,000 respectively. In addition, WKU has signed an Energy Savings Performance Contract with Johnson Controls.

Bucknell U Launches Bike Share Program

Bucknell University (PA) has launched Bison Bikes, a community-bike share program. The goal of the pilot program is to promote the use of bicycles as a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound campus transportation option. The program provides bikes to undergraduate students for a one-time non-refundable fee of $10 and attendance at a bicycle safety seminar. The student can then check out a bike for the remainder of the academic year. Bison Bikes has begun with a fleet of 30 bicycles.

Princeton U Announces New Transit System

Princeton University (NJ) has announced the TigerTransit system, a new addition to the campus's current shuttle system. The new system will have three major lines and a campus circulator. The three main lines will run between graduate housing and main campus, while the circulator will focus on transportation on main campus and along Nassau Street and Washington Road.

CU Boulder Receives Donation of 50 Bikes

The Adopt-A-Bike Program at the University of Colorado was granted 50 Schwinn cruiser bicycles, expanding its fleet to 150 available bikes. The bikes were originally ridden at the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

U Minnesota Twin Cities' U-Pass Usage Increases by 40%

The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities has announced that the number of times students used their U-Passes over the past year has increased by almost 40 percent. In the month of September alone, there were about 440,000 U-Pass rides taken, which amounts to an 80 percent increase from the number of rides taken last September. Additionally, the number of U Passes sold went up from 20,442 last fall semester to 21,572 this year.

UC Berkeley Launches Bike Share Program

Students at the University of California, Berkeley have instituted a bike-share program on campus. Green Bike Share, a student-run non-profit organization, seeks to increase environmental, social, and economic sustainability by renting out bicycles to the UC Berkeley and city community. Through the program, students are able to rent bikes for two days for $2 and for three days for $3 dollars. The program has been running on the internet since this summer, and introduced its fleet of 20 bikes to its new rental stand this month.

Saint Michael's College Launches Yellow Bike Program

Saint Michael's College (VT) has launched a Yellow Bike Program on campus. The program, which started with a fleet of 25 bikes, rents bicycles to students for a yearly fee of $10. $5 is used for bike maintenance, and the remaining $5 is returned to the program members at the year's end as long as the fleet remains in good condition. The program was started by three Saint Michael's seniors.

U Oregon Launches Bike Loan Program

The University of Oregon Outdoor Program has started a bike-loan program on campus. The initiative has started with a fleet of 30 bikes, which were originally abandoned on the UO campus. The program allows students to rent a bike for the semester or academic year for a $65 deposit. Students can get the deposit back as long as they return the bike undamaged. The program has been funded by an $18,000 grant from the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and a $5,000 grant from PowerBar.

U System of Georgia Challenges Institutions to Reduce Energy

The University System of Georgia has challenged its 35 institutions to take immediate measures to reduce utility consumption in an effort to reduce costs. As a result, East Georgia College has adopted a goal of reducing energy consumption by 6% during Fiscal Year 09 and of continuing to reduce water consumption in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order issued in October of 2007. To help meet this goal, East Georgia College has moved to a condensed work week. East Georgia College's new hours of operations are Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.

Syracuse U Launches Several Sustainable Commuting Initiatives

Syracuse University (NY) has launched a new "Flexible Work and Sustainability Initiative" to encourage the use of flexible work options that support the University's commitment to energy conservation and sustainability. SU has also launched the One-Seat Rides Program, the Central Fare Deal program/Guaranteed Ride Home Service, a carpool parking program, the SU Ride Share program, and a University-wide Zipcar option. In related news, SU has also launched its second annual Campus Commuter Challenge. As par

Utah State U Adds Hybrids to its Fleet

Utah State University has purchased eight new hybrid sedans for the University. Three of the new sedans will go into the central rental fleet and will be available for use by all campus departments. USU began incorporating hybrid vehicles into its fleet of nearly 700 in 2006.

Inside Higher Ed Publishes Article on Alternative Transportation

Inside Higher Ed has published an article on colleges' and universities' efforts to increase the use of alternative transportation options. The article reports that Augsburg College (MN) increased carpooling by moving the reserved carpooling parking spaces to the center of campus. Other campuses have created "carpool only" and "hybrid only" parking spaces. Not only do these initiatives encourage the use of greener transportation options, reports the article, they also cut down on the amount of sin

Purdue U to Launch Carpooling Website

Purdue University (IN) has announced plans to offer a new Web-based program to help employees and students carpool. The University has signed a contract with Ecology and Environmental Inc. for implementation of a carpool/rideshare application called GreenRide. The program is designed to help faculty, staff, and students find carpooling partners by searching for other Purdue employees and students who live close by or on the same commute route and who have similar work or class schedules. It is expected that the program will be available for use by the end of the fall semester.

St. Xavier U Begins Bike Share Program

St. Xavier University (IL) has begun a campus bike share program, the Green Bike Program. The new initiative, which offers 65 bicycles, allows faculty, staff, and students to rent bikes from computerized docking stations by using their campus IDs or gaining a code via text message. Through the program, renting a bike is free for the first 15 minutes and costs $.60 for every 15 minutes after.

Westminster College Offers Free Public Transit Pass

Westminster College (UT) has begun offering a free UTA Premium Transit Pass to all students, faculty, and staff who will commit to using alternative transportation at least four days per month. The pass works for both bus and TRAX train services.

Florida Gulf Coast U Launches Carpooling Website

Florida Gulf Coast University has launched a new carpooling website for students and staff to share rides. The goal of the website is to reduce traffic and pollution. The website allows participants to calculate their annual greenhouse gas emissions per pound.

U New Mexico Expands U-Pass to Include Faculty and Staff

The University of New Mexico Parking and Transportation Services has expanded the free local bus pass program to include UNM faculty and staff. The program was implemented after last year's pilot program that offered free bus passes to students was a success.

Life U Begins Transformation to a 'Walking Campus'

Life University (GA) has broken ground on a 600-deck parking garage on the campus perimeter in order to create a "walking campus" for all faculty, staff, and students. The University plans to replace the former parking lots with green-space. Additionally, the University has installed 16 bike racks outside the administration building and classrooms and plans to give each new student a bicycle to lessen the amount of gas emissions produced by automobiles on campus. Life is also work with the local Commuter

McLennan CC Launches Bike Rental Program

McLennan Community College (TX) has launched the Purple Bike Program, a new program that rents bicycles to students and faculty for $10 for the entire semester. The purpose of the initiative is to encourage students and faculty to commute to class on a bicycle rather than driving a car. The school has a fleet of 20 bicycles to rent.

U Buffalo Participates in Ride-Share Program

The University at Buffalo (NY) Parking and Transportation Services has begun participating in the Good Going WNY ridesharing program, created by the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council. All UB faculty, staff and students, and UB affiliates can sign up for a ride-share through the Good Going website which also features information on carpooling, taking the bus/rail, and bicycling. The website also offers a tool that enables users to input their commuted mileage and keep a running tally of money saved, emissions reduced and calories burned.

U New England Launches Alternative Transportation Program

The University of New England (ME) has launched a new program that offers free bicycles or free Zipcar usage to incoming freshmen who opt to leave their cars at home. The program also provides expanded free downtown shuttle service and discounted taxi or limo service on the Biddeford campus, and free taxi vouchers to students at the Portland campus. UNE’s alternative transportation program was developed by the UNE Office of Student Affairs and Office of Safety and Security.

Goucher College Launches Community Bicycle Program

Goucher College (MD) has launched a community bicycle program to make it easier for the campus community to use alternative transportation. Each of the 10 cruiser-style bikes is unisex and clearly labeled as being part of Goucher’s community bicycle fleet, which will be maintained by the college. There is no fee for using the bikes, and they can be picked up and left anywhere on campus, as long as they remain on well-traveled paths. Helmets, helmet bags, and combination locks will also be available for riders.

Palomar College Police Add 2 3-Wheel Electric Scooters to Fleet

Palomar College (CA) campus police have added two three-wheeled electric stand-up scooters to their fleet of vehicles. The scooters, which run mostly off of electricity, take about four hours to charge and cost about 10 cents per day to operate.

Pomona College Launches Folding Bike-Sharing Program

Pomona College (CA) has unveiled a new bike-sharing program that allows students to borrow folding bicycles. The bikes fold in half in a matter of seconds and, while folded, weigh less than 25 pounds and measure in at just over two-feet-by-two-feet, making them perfect for commutes on busy city buses and Metrolink trains. Program organizers hope the bikes will help broaden transportation options for students participating in the Pomona College Internship Program, which places students in offices across Southern California.

Rice, Worcester Polytechnic, Goucher Sign Agreement with Zipcar

Rice University (TX) has entered into an agreement with Zipcar, a car-sharing company that places vehicles on campus for students to reserve at their convenience. Rice students can purchase a $35 yearlong membership that allows them to reserve a car for $7 per hour or $60 per day. Insurance and gas are then paid for by Zipcar. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) has also announced a partnership with Zipcar. Zipcar services will be available to all WPI faculty, staff, and students 18 years of age and older. WPI hopes that the new agreement will encourage students to leave their vehicles at home. Goucher College (MA) has also launched a partnership with Zipcar. Two hybrid vehicles will be made available to all Goucher students, faculty, and staff over the age of 18 with a valid driver's license.

U Southern Miss to Create Bike-Share Program

The University of Southern Mississippi has announced plans to create a campus bike-share program. The President’s Office, together with the Student Government Association, is heading up the initiative that is tentatively named Eagle Bikes. The aim of the effort is to provide bicycles for faculty, staff, and students to use, then leave them behind for the next rider. The bicycles will be painted the same, bright color for easy identification.

Vanderbilt U Expands U-Pass Program

Vanderbilt University (TN) has expanded its Free Ride program to include graduate and professional school students, allowing them to commute to and from campus for free using the local bus system. The program has been offered to Vanderbilt employees since July 2004.