Central Michigan U Launches 'Bring Your Own Bottle' Campaign
In effort to raise environmental awareness and sustainability through small steps, the university’s Student Environmental Alliance has partnered with the Great Lakes Institute for Sustainable Systems to distribute 700 Bring Your Own Bottle (B.Y.O.B.) stickers around campus. Stickers have been placed near water fountains and trash cans to encourage the elimination of plastic water bottle waste.
Unity College Steps Up Access to Clean Drinking Water
In answer to a campus student survey, the college has installed new water coolers in residence halls that use water from existing plumbing, and new fixtures on water fountains in public spaces that make filling water bottles easier.
West Virginia U Pilots Alumni Water Kiosk Invention
Evive Station, a bottle cleaning and filling kiosk created by university alumni, is making its pilot debut on campus. About 4,300 students signed up to use the kiosk, which cleans and refills bottles with cold, filtered water. The university hopes that the convenient system will encourage resource conservation among students.
Green Mountain College Goes 'Zero-Sort'
(U.S.): Adopting the Casella Waste Systems' "Power of Three" closed loop recycling system, all of the college’s paper, plastic, glass and metal will now be combined together in one single container, sorted at Casella's processing facility, and returned to campus as 100 percent recycled paper content products.
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Plant Produces Biodiesel
(India): The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay’s biosynth, a plant created by students, has produced its first batch of biodiesel made from waste edible oil. The fuel will be used in fumigation exercises on campus. Students and faculty are currently in the process of tweaking the plant and hope to expand production to provide biodiesel fuel for transportation facilities.
U North Alabama Receives Grant to Improve Recycling Efforts
(U.S.): The University of North Alabama and City of Florence Recycling Center have received a grant from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to improve and increase recycling initiatives on the university campus. The funds will be used to purchase recycling containers for placement across campus. The university will also use part of the grant to implement more advertisements and promotions of the campus-recycling program.
St. Cloud State U Pilots 'Re-Cycle' Program
St. Cloud State University's (Minnesota) Husky Re-Cycle pilot program is offering eight bicycles built from donated parts by volunteer mechanics for use to students living on campus.
Aims CC Works to Expand Recycling Program
Aims Community College (CO) has partnered with Green Girl Recycling to decrease trash removal and associated costs by making it easier for people to find recycling locations on campus. The college will install at least 100 larger recycling containers.
Austin CC Culinary Arts Works to Reduce Waste
Austin Community College's (TX) Culinary Arts Institute has adopted several sustainability initiatives including a new composting program, biodegradable food containers and recyclable cutlery. The department is currently seeking to integrate local farmers into the purchase of food for its restaurants.
Michigan State U Uses Recycled Concrete for Construction
Michigan State University has started saving thousands of dollars in construction costs by using recycled concrete for campus projects. The university is keeping the discarded concrete from the landfill by using it mainly as a sub-base beneath sidewalks and asphalt parking lots.
Richard Stockton College Installs Water Refill Stations
Richard Stockton College (NJ) has installed seven water bottle filling stations on campus. The stations, part of the college’s sustainability program, have refilled the equivalent of more than 80,000 plastic water bottles since the first installation. According to a campus study, 89 percent of students said the water from the refill stations are better or just as good as bottled water.
Southeastern Louisiana U to Implement Recycling, Solar on Campus
Southeastern Louisiana University’s Physical Plant Services Office has announced new sustainability initiatives including the installation of solar panels on its kinesiology and administration buildings for heating water and an expanded recycling program. The university is working toward the eventual eradication of dumpsters on campus within the next 10 years.
SUNY Sullivan Partners for Waste Management
State University of New York at Sullivan has announced a partnership with HospitalityGreen to further its environmentally friendly purchasing and waste management initiatives. The sustainable operations consultants will develop recommendations for waste improvements in the cafeteria, dorms and all academic and administrative departments.
U Chicago Promotes Sustainable Drinking Options
The University of Chicago's (IL) Facilities Services has instituted a bottled water policy that eliminates bottled water in all departmental buildings, meetings and events. The university has also partnered with a new water supplier to perform a university-wide assessment for transitioning bottled water coolers to sustainable water delivery systems including filtration systems.
Vanderbilt U Expands Plastic Recycling
Vanderbilt University (TN) has partnered with Waste Management, Inc. to expand its recycling program to accept all plastic containers. The university aims to increase its recycling rates and diminish the impact on the local landfill.
Oberlin College Expands Composting Efforts Amid Success
With a reported 704 pounds of food waste diverted from landfills last semester, Oberlin College (OH) has announced plans to expand its compost initiative. This spring, the college's Resource Conservation Team will aim to double the 14 pick-up locations currently available on campus and select captains to lead each one.
U California Merced Installs Hydration Station
In an effort to reduce the number of plastic water bottles on campus, the University of California, Merced has installed a new hydration station to refill reusable bottles. The station will cost the university $54 a month to operate including the maintenance, electricity and filter. The university is planning to install three more stations.
U Kentucky Pilots Single Stream Recycling Program
A graduate student has spearheaded a single-stream outdoor recycling pilot program at the University of Kentucky. The $12,990 initiative was made possible by a funding and maintenance partnership between the Student Sustainability Council and the Physical Plant Division.
U Iowa Encourages Recycling with Removal of Waste Cans
The University of Iowa has taken its campus-wide single-stream recycling program a step further by removing waste containers from all classrooms in a campus building. With the goal of encouraging students, faculty and staff to recycle as many items as possible, the pilot initiative may be expanded to more buildings in the future.
Tufts U Implements Recycling Rewards Machine
Tufts University (MA) has installed a recycling machine that will accept empty bottles and cans in exchange for five cents worth of JumboCash or a charitable donation for every unit recycled. Compensation for the items will immediately be transferred electronically to student or pay pal accounts.
U Colorado Colorado Springs Implements Composting Program
The University of Colorado Colorado Spring's Office of Sustainability has partnered with Waste Management to introduce a new large-scale composting program. Two containers have been installed to encourage students, faculty and staff to properly dispose of food waste and other compostable materials. If successful, the university will place additional compost receptacles around campus.
Arizona State U Announces 'Zero Solid Waste' Goal by 2015
Arizona State University has announced a new "Roadmap to Zero Solid Waste" collaboration with Waste Management of Arizona. The three-phase program aims to eliminate at least 90 percent of the university’s solid waste on all four campuses by 2015. Waste Management is working to assess the university’s complete waste collection process, waste generation and material conveyance, and will provide guidance and direction throughout the roadmap development process.
St. John Fisher College Installs Water Bottle Refilling Stations
St. John Fisher College's (NY) Recycling and Sustainability Committee has installed several water bottle filling stations on campus, funded by PepsiCo, Inc. as part of their contract with the college to support sustainability efforts. The college plans to purchase additional stations next year.
Students Spearhead Hydration Station Installation at Rice U
Rice University (TX) has installed a student-initiated campus water station designed for filling reusable water bottles. The project, which was funded by Rice Endowment for Sustainable Energy Technology, originated in an “Environmental Issues: Rice Into the Future” course, which uses the campus as a lab for learning about sustainability.
U Vermont Bans Bottled Water, Mandates Healthy Vending Options
Spearheaded by the student-run Vermont Student Environmental Program, the University of Vermont has announced plans to eliminate the sale of bottled water and introduced a mandate that one-third of drinks offered in vending machines be healthy options. The sale of bottled water in the university’s 57 vending machines and retail outlets will end in January 2013, allowing time for the university to retrofit drinking fountains across campus and for the affected campus departments to make adjustments.
Linfield College Students Produce 'Tap That' Documentary
Two students at Linfield College (OR) have produced a short documentary about the social justice, public safety and environmental implications of bottled water. The students are using the video to reach out to groups on campus - and beyond - to raise awareness of these issues and move toward a ban of bottled water.
Texas State U Installs Water Refilling Stations
Texas State University has installed 23 water bottle refilling stations outfitted with a bottle counter that reveals the quantity of bottles saved from landfills. The project was made by possible by a $20,000 grant from the university's Environmental Service Committee.
Union College Receives Donation to Revamp Recycling System
Union College's (NY) U-Sustain has received an anonymous $8,000 donation to improve its recycling system. The grant will be used to install more recycling bins around campus to encourage the recycling of plastics, glass and other materials.
EPA Announces 2011 Game Day Results
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced the winners of its 2011 Game Day Challenge. Seventy-eight schools participated in the fall competition, targeting 2.7 million fans and diverting more than 500,000 pounds of waste. With the highest recycling rate and the greatest greenhouse gas reductions, the University of Virginia is 2011's Recycling Champion and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Champion. Central Connecticut State University earned the title of Waste Minimization Champion; the University of California, Davis held onto the title of Diversion Rate Champion from 2010; and Marist College (NY) also kept its title of Organics Reduction Champion.
Saint Michael’s College Adopts Closed-Loop Recycling System
Saint Michael’s College (VT) has announced its participation in Casella Waste System's Power of Three closed-loop recycling initiative. The program takes collected recycling and gives it back to the customer in the form of hand towels, tissue paper and toiletry items. The university’s recycling will be returned in the form of 100 percent recycled paper products.
UC Santa Barbara Pilots 'Plastic-Free Campuses' Campaign
Four student organizations at the University of California, Santa Barbara have partnered with the Plastic Pollution Coalition to ban single-use plastic bags and raise awareness of the detrimental affects of plastics on the environment. The campus is the pilot institution for the coalition's global “Plastic-Free Campuses” project. The university will kick-off the campaign by displaying a single day’s worth of plastic on campus, as well as a sculpture made completely of plastic found on local beaches.
U District of Columbia Conducts Bottled Water Reduction Outreach
In a blind taste test held recently by the University of the District of Columbia's Sustainability Initiative and Student Government Association, 52 percent of campus participants preferred the taste of filtered tap water over bottled spring water. To promote the use of tap water on campus, the groups also gave each of the 54 participants a short quiz to gauge their knowledge of the bottled water industry. The university's director of planning and sustainability, Howard Ways, tells the Bulletin that 24 hydration stations will be installed throughout campus. Five stations have been installed so far.
Harvard U Labs Save Waste, Money with Reusable Glass Bottles
Two labs in the Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Department at Harvard University (MA) recently switched from using disposable plastic bottles to reusable glass bottles for filtering media for tissue culture. The conversion has saved over $9500 in the first seven months and prevented 2600 plastic bottles from going into the waste stream.
Long Island U C.W. Post Installs Hydration Stations
In an effort to reduce plastic bottle waste, Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus has installed three hydration stations on campus. The initiative was approved after students in the geography department presented a cost benefit analysis to the Provost. Students and faculty are campaigning to have hydration stations installed in every main building on campus and residence halls.
Appalachian State U Works to Implement Duplex Printing
To save paper and cut costs, Appalachian State University’s (NC) Technology Support Services is working with the Student Government Association and Office of Sustainability to implement a new duplex printing initiative this spring. Double-sided (duplex) printer settings in campus printing stations would curb the university’s current $50,555 in annual printing costs.
St. Edward’s U Announces Paperless Office Initiative
St. Edwards’s University (TX) has launched an initiative to go paperless in its campus offices. Paychecks have been replaced by email notifications and electronic paystubs. The Business and Human Resources offices have replaced paper paystubs with email notifications and introduced an online time-keeping system. The university expects to save 96,000 sheets of paper and $7,900 of supply expense annually.
U Chicago Recycles 8 Tons During Week-long E-Waste Event
The University of Chicago (IL) recycled more than eight tons (16,000 pounds) of electronic waste during a recent week-long collection. Staff, faculty and students were able to dispose of printers, fax machines, computer monitors and more. The e-waste was brought to a local recycling center for disassembly and erasure in accordance with U.S. Department of Defense standards.
U Idaho Game Day Recycling Season Diverts 1 Ton+ of Waste
The University of Idaho has announced that its season-long Game Day Recycling program diverted more than a ton (about 2,500 pounds) of the recycled or composted materials generated at home football games from the landfill. An expansion of the tailgate zone and outreach efforts resulted in a 5 percent increase from the 2010 season. The materials collected were transported to a local recycling center and university dairy farm.
U Southern Calif. Game Day Event Diverts 1 Ton+ of Tailgate Waste
The University of Southern California recently diverted more than a ton of waste (415 pounds of compostable material and 2,210 pounds of recyclables) from the landfill during a pre-game tailgate waste diversion event. The university was the first recipient of a new Glad Products Company grant series for AASHE college and university members, designed to help reduce game day waste during football season. With the help of more than 60 volunteers, the university set up 25 recycling and compost stations around campus and stadium for the initiative.
U Wisconsin Madison Recycles 350 Tons of E-Waste
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has collected and recycled more than 350 tons of electronic waste between July 2010 and June 2011. Sources of the material include university departments, state agencies, Wisconsin municipalities and other campuses. To manage the service, the university's Materials Distribution Services and Division of Information Technology partnered with Universal Recycling Technologies.
Antioch U New England Students Spearhead Bottled Water Ban
As part of the national Think Outside the Bottle campaign coordinated by Corporate Accountability International, students at Antioch University New England have spearheaded a pledge to ban the sale of bottled water on campus. Close to 400 faculty, staff and students at the university have signed the pledge. Some departments have agreed not to purchase bottled water for their events and a campus cafe has agreed not to sell bottled water.
Arizona State U Saves 725 Trees with Duplex Printing
An assessment of Arizona State University's printers during fiscal year 2011 revealed that the university's switch to duplex printing mode across campus saved more than 725 trees, 2.34 million liters of water and reduced carbon emissions by more than 74 metric tons. In the last year, the university took 584 printers offline and increased the number of devices supporting duplex printing to 36 percent; up from 19 percent in 2010.
Syracuse U Switches to Paperless Bus Schedules
Syracuse University's (NY) Parking and Transit Services has significantly cut its paper use by mainly offering its bus schedule online, a switch from its previous mass printings. The recent change to paperless schedules will save at least 13,000 printed schedules from being produced each year.
U Tennessee Knoxville Incentivizes Reusable Mugs
With the goal of keeping 100,000 single-use cups out of the landfill this year, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville has launched the campus-wide Mug Project. Dining locations across campus are offering a discount on any beverage for those that bring their own reusable container in place of the standard single-use cups.
Appalachian State U Unveils New Compost Facility
Appalachian State University (NC) has opened a new compost facility to create landscaping mulch and divert food-prep waste from the area’s landfill. The facility can handle up to 275 tons of materials, including meat scraps, compared to the 100-ton capacity of the university’s former system. The system also has the potential to take post-consumer waste in the future.
Aquinas College Expands Composting, Recycling Efforts
Aquinas College (MI) has announced expanded campus composting and recycling programs. With bins now at every collection location on campus, all food waste can be composted including meat, bones and dairy products. The college has also streamlined its recycling efforts with one bin (single-stream recycling) at each location.
U Michigan-Flint Installs Water Refilling Stations
The University of Michigan-Flint has installed two pilot water bottle refilling stations. If successful, the university hopes to replace a quarter of the 68 water fountains on campus. A student, inspired by a petition to ban plastic bottles on the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor campus, initiated the project.
U Missouri Debuts Closed Loop Compost System
The University of Missouri's College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources has launched the “Zero Carbon Footprint Vegetable and Compost Production System.” The closed-loop system will combine food waste from the dining halls and animal manure from the university’s local research centers to create compost. The construction of the 2,400-square-foot facility was funded by matching grants of $35,000 from Campus Dining Services and the Mid-Missouri Solid Waste Management District.
Cornell U Shifts to Single Stream Recycling
Cornell University (NY) has announced a switch to single stream recycling to help reduce landfill waste and increase the cost-efficiency of waste handling. The university hopes to see a five percent increase in recycling across campus.
MIT Debuts 'Reverse Vending Machine'
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has partnered with Greenbean Recycling to pilot a Reverse Vending Machine. Students can type their phone number on a touch screen and deposit recyclables into the vending machine to be sorted for recycling. A bar-code reader inside counts the number of deposited items and uploads the data to the Greenbean website. Students can track their progress online and engage in friendly competition with fellow classmates on a recycling leaderboard. Greenbean is also offering prizes and other rewards to help increase recycling rates among students.