Maharishi U Management Students Build Adobe House

A group of 12 students studying natural building traveled to the Texas desert last month and spent 11 days building an adobe house measuring 14 feet by 14 feet. Construction included local soil for the bricks and locally harvested dead trees.

Montgomery County CC Institute Becomes Landfill-Free

Partnering with a private business, the community college's Culinary Arts Institute is now a Landfill-Free Enterprise, which means it uses all trash, recycling and food trimmings for energy or materials.

New Mexico State U Receives $2M for Water Research

Realizing the valuable role that water research plays in the state, the governor's office recently announced additional funding allocated to the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, which will be distributed to several universities including the University of New Mexico and New Mexico Tech.

Penn State Places Four Bike Repair Stations

Making the campus more bicycle friendly, the new stations are intended to help the campus community increase its use of alternative transportation.

Roosevelt U Appoints New Sustainability Committee Members

The university's Environmental Sustainability Committee recently appointed the members to help advance its campus sustainability agenda including waste diversion, energy use, sustainable land use and water management, green transportation options and green building guidelines.

Syracuse U Plants Climate Change Landscaping

Consisting of native species suited to its current clime and ones projected to grow there by the end of the century, the garden was designed to research climate change effects on the ecosystem.

Ten Universities Collaborate on Local Food Procurement

In an effort to procure more affordable locally-grown food, Yale University, Brown University, Connecticut College, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Rhode Island School of Design, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and University of New Hampshire gathered at Yale to discuss ways to take advantage of economies of scale in local food procurement.

U California Berkeley Students Conduct Waste Audit

Striving to meet the University of California system's zero waste commitment by 2020, the recent student audit revealed a multitude of plastics in the waste stream. This new data will be helpful to the university's recent commitment to Plastics Disclosure Project, which tracks the lifecycle of plastics used on campus and pledges to reduce plastic waste.

U California Merced to Double Solar Electricity

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2020, the university recently announced plans to double its photovoltaic installations from one megawatt to two megawatts using 11 campus buildings and the chancellor's residence.

U Colorado Colorado Springs to Get Outdoor Solar Seating

Funded by the university's green fund mechanism, the soon-to-be installed picnic tables come equipped with a solar panel umbrella that provides power to outlets and nighttime lighting.

U New Hampshire to Debut Student-Made Bike Racks

Blending art with sustainability, students in a metal sculpture workshop class this semester will fabricate all stages of the racks to be installed on campus when completed.

U Vermont Partners on Climate Education

The university's recent memorandum of understanding with the local power utility indicates that the university will have a presence in the power company's Energy Innovation Center and will work collaboratively to advance climate science and understanding of how weather affects energy use.

Binghamton U Debuts Bike-Share Program

Students at the university recently launched a bike-share program that will be rolled out in the coming semesters. The students are hoping to prove the success of the program so that the university provides deeper support.

Dickinson College Selects Sustainability Fellows

The Baird Sustainability Fellows, a college-wide honors program, recognized seven graduating seniors who have advanced campus sustainability goals through scholarship, leadership and service.

Elon U Building Achieves LEED Silver

The university's newest dining hall features low-flow water fixtures and dual-flush toilets, low-irrigation landscaping, Energy Star windows, and a high attention to indoor air quality.

Harvard U Now Offers Resilience Concentration

The new Risk and Resilience concentration, focused on planning, communities and systems, is offered through the university's Master in Design Studies.

Harvard U Students Jumpstart Bottled Water Ban

Student members of the university's Environmental Action Committee recently kicked off the Beyond the Bottle campaign with student signatures leading up to a ballot referendum to ban the sale of disposables.

Humboldt State U Hosts Student Sustainability Conference

The university recently held its biannual California Student Sustainability Coalition Convergence themed Building Sustainable Communities, and focused on building, feeding, powering, organizing action and social justice.

Long Island U Debuts Waste Reduction Web Page

Comparing the university's waste-per-student totals to the national average, the new web page tracks waste and recycling by material and location.

Maryville U Dining Hall Recognized for Green Operations

The university's Gander Dining Hall was recently recognized by Green Dining Alliance of St. Louis for incorporating sustainable restaurant management and operational norms in the areas of recycling and waste reduction, awareness and education, sourcing and procurement, water conservation, energy conservation and efficiency, chemicals, and innovation.

McGill U Students Release Sustainability Plan

Officially adopted in October 2013, the McGill Post-Graduate Students' Society recently compiled the 5-year report for actions that can be incorporated into the Thomson House building.

Northwestern U Breaks Ground on Sustainable Building

The new Kellogg School of Management building will include a building envelope designed to reduce energy consumption, LED lighting and lighting automation, triple glazed windows, a geothermal heating and cooling system, low-flow water fixtures, a 2,000-gallon rainwater cistern, permeable paving and bioswales, and a white roof to reduce solar gain.

Portland State U Defends Nature to Washington D.C.

A coalition of partners led by the university conducted briefings about a new set of principles designed to guide more comprehensive assessments of ecosystem services, such as natural watershed management and the multiple benefits of healthy forests and wildlife habitats.

Princeton U Students to Install Solar in Peru

A pilot program of the university's Pace Center for Civic Engagement, eight students and one faculty will install a portable solar unit and provide education to the community members about how to install and maintain the system.

Roosevelt U Unveils Sustainability Website

The website for sustainability encapsulates many of the university's finished and ongoing endeavors, provides sustainability education for the campus and community, and recent news.

Simon Fraser U Launches Revolving Fund

The university's new initiative, Sustainable Utilities Revolving Fund, is a self-replenishing fund that supports energy and water initiatives that generate cost savings.

U California Davis to Open Biodigester

Set to begin working in January 2014 and after eight years of research, the university will open an anaerobic digester that converts pre- and post-consumer food from the dining halls into electricity for campus.

U California Los Angeles Counts Cyclists

Funded by the university's Green Initiative Fund, the new magnetic bike counter records the number of cyclists at the school's busiest bike entrance providing data to support the need for new bicycle infrastructure.

U California Santa Cruz Holds Zero Waste Education Event

In a collaborative effort to divert material from landfills, the 2013 Fall Festival, which hosts a high number of new students, seeks to educate each other about the university's commitment to zero waste by 2020. The 2013 Fall Festival event diverted 88 percent of its waste from the landfill.

U California Santa Cruz Installs Bike Lockers

In response to requests from cyclists for secure bike parking, the university's Transportation and Parking Services announced the opening of 24 new, first-come, first-served “smart” bike lockers at three locations on the main campus.

UC Berkeley Students Help Community Develop Climate Action Plan

This semester, university planning students are helping a neighboring city develop a roadmap for greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation in a manner that distributes the responsibilities across all segments of the community.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Releases New Sustainability Report

The university's recently released report explicitly outlines goals, progress and strategies in water management, climate, food, wellness and health, education and curriculum, affordability and diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship, research, and engagement.

U Oregon Facilities Leave Tree Debris

In an effort to reduce pollution and create more natural spaces, this fall the university is allowing some of the leaf debris to remain in appropriate places across campus.

U Richmond Building Receives LEED Silver

The newly completed residence hall houses the university's Living and Learning programs.

U Victoria Opens Bike Center

Formerly occupied by 28 vehicular parking spaces, the newly opened shelter provides covered bike parking for 234 bikes, equipment lockers, benches, and houses the university's bike program.

York U Releases First Sustainability Report

The newly released report summarizes progress of the President's Sustainability Council and the Environmental Sustainability Report, which covers energy usage, waste diversion and other tracked indicators of sustainability. The document also highlights new recommendations that form the core of the university's sustainability plan.

Antioch U Establishes Fellowship in Conservation Psychology

(U.S.): The New England university recently received an anonymous gift of $50,000 for the creation of the position, which will help coordinate a network of interested professionals and broaden the reach of this new field of training.

Australian Higher Ed Trustee Boards Attain Near Gender Equity

(Australia): According to a recent analysis, the governing bodies of the country's universities have an average of 43 percent female representation with four universities carrying 50 percent or more women on councils.

Boston U Held Regional Eco Rep Conference

(U.S.): The recent Eco Rep Symposium at the university featured games to prompt discussions, presentations and roundtables about campus sustainability topics including waste, engaging students and communities, programs, effective communication, social justice and failures.

Boston U Releases Bike Accident Toolkit App

(U.S.): Called the BU Bike Accident Toolkit, the free mobile application provides the cyclist with tools to record the place of the accident, a form for documenting the driver's name, license plate and insurance policy number, and photos.

Cambridge Regional College Students Showcase Solar Thermal

(U.K.): At an upcoming skills show, the college's students will work on a solar thermal installation and demonstrate building efficiency technology.

China Europe Int'l Business School Bldg Achieves LEED Gold

(China): The building features wastewater reuse technology, a key card system that ensures lights are turned off when students leave their dorm rooms, and community space.

Coalition formed for Green Schools

(U.S.): Announced at the Greenbuild Conference & Expo and called the Global Coalition for Green Schools, 29 founding members have committed to establishing and leading a national coalition for green schools, within each of their respective countries, that will share best practices, resources and case studies, provide tools and infrastructure to the growing network, and introduce programs, initiatives and campaigns that can be replicated around the world.

College of William & Mary Selects Green Fee Proposals

(U.S.): The university's Committee on Sustainability has selected 10 proposals to fund totaling nearly $52,000, including a paperless management system, funding for a garden intern, and a student outreach position for marine education.

Edmonds CC Announces Sustainable Urban Ag Education Program

(U.S.): The community college's new winter 2014 program in Urban Agriculture includes the course topics agroecology, soil and plant sciences, site designing and planning, diversity in crops, suburban environments, and rooftop systems.

Emory U Awards Sustainability Project Funding

(U.S.): This year the Office of Sustainability Initiatives funded 18 projects totaling $16,000 including an expansion of recycling and composting, hosting a day-long conference, development of food gardens for patient meals, and human-powered phone chargers.

Himachal Pradesh Agricultural U Proposes Solar Plants

(India): In an effort to conserve energy and financial resources, the university has proposed four power plants between three of its colleges, totaling a 200-kilowatt capacity.

Indian Institute of Tech New Campus Features Green Technology

(India): The modular-built campus is proposed to feature rainwater capture and a gray-water system and a 5-megawatt photovoltaic power plant.

Indian Institute of Technology to Begin Conservation Initiatives

(India): The institute plans to install a water reuse system for irrigation and toilets, a 20-kilowatt and 1-megawatt solar system, and divert organic waste by means of composting.

Kwame Nkrumah U Science & Technology Implements Biogas Project

(Ghana): Established by the university's Energy Center, the pilot project is intended to serve as a model for biogas development across Ghana and the West Africa subregion.