Cebu Institutions Compete in Green Fashion Show

(Philippines): Aiming to promote reducing, reusing, recycling, rejuvenating communities and renewable energy generation, the recent Green Fashion Revolution featured costumes made of paper, sacks and tarps.

Champlain College Students Fund Apiary

(U.S.): An offshoot of their work in the Peruvian Amazon, the on-campus beekeeping will be the college’s first living, learning laboratory. The project’s long-term financial sustainability made possible by the 2013 Senior Class Gift, the apiary will support the campus ecosystem and enhance curriculum.

Fleming College Rolls Out Corporate Sustainability Plan

(Canada): The new plan details the college’s goals and strategies for implementing sustainability initiatives and metrics into the college’s operations, curriculum and administration. Also a first for the college, as part of the plan, it established an Office of Sustainability.

Harvard Allston Farmers Market Hosts Composting Program

(U.S.): The first of its kind for the City of Boston, the university’s market will pilot a compostable food scraps drop-off location for city residents. Food scraps collected during the pilot program will be hauled off-site for composting.

Michigan State U Implements Vermicomposting

(U.S.): As part of the university’s Residential Initiative on the Study of the Environment (RISE), a group of faculty and students are using worms to turn food waste into organic fertilizer. Food from the greenhouse where the fertilizer is used is sold to campus chefs.

Michigan State U to Open New Bike Parking Facilities

(U.S.): Able to hold up to 73 bicycles, the two fenced garages will provide protection from theft and weather damage, and will house an air pump.

Montgomery County CC to Install Solar Panels

(U.S.): As part of a $4 million project with Siemens, 44 solar panels are set to be installed near the school’s Advanced Technology Center by October. The school plans to convert the on-campus electric vehicle charging stations to batteries charged by the photovoltaic panels.

Nine Microgrid Projects Awarded $7.2M

(U.S.): In partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the state of Connecticut just announced funding for projects that are designed to keep critical buildings powered during electric grid outages. The University of Hartford will receive $4.33 million, the University of Connecticut’s Depot campus will receive $2.14 million, and Wesleyan University will receive $694,000.

Northeastern U Goes Smoke Free

(U.S.): Instigated by a 10-member committee of students, faculty and staff, the university has adopted a new campus-wide smoke-free policy which aligns with their its focus on solving global challenges in health.

Penn State Debuts Online Renewable Energy Masters

(U.S.): Due to growing interest in the renewable energy market, the university has developed a program to provide students with foundational knowledge in renewable energy and sustainability systems. Students of the new program, Intercollege Master of Professional Studies in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems, study with faculty from multiple academic units.

Portland State U Students Host ‘EcoSwap’

(U.S.): As part of their capstone course focusing on waste and materials management, students collaborated with area organizations to uncover the types of materials that businesses and residents accumulate. During the pilot event, people were encouraged to take what they wanted while leftover goods were reused or recycled.

Prescott College Housing Project Awarded LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The Village’s sustainable features include a photovoltaic array that creates a net zero energy building, high-efficiency design, LED lighting, use of recycled materials, designated parking for low emissions or carpool vehicles, native landscaping and riparian habitat restoration.

Student Green Fund Awards Funding for 25 Projects

(England): Led by a student funding panel, the National Union of Students will fund 25 ethical and environmental projects which intend to drive sustainability across their campuses. Projects include greening of unions, sustainability curriculum and community work. The Students’ Green Fund is funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

SUNY College at Old Westbury Building Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The first new academic facility constructed at the college since 1985, sustainable features include natural light, efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, stormwater infiltration, native landscaping and a reflective roof. Approximately 43 percent of the materials were sourced regionally.

Syracuse U Installing Solar Panels Atop 20 Buildings

(U.S.): Currently underway, the new 240-panel solar thermal project will provide hot water for students. This construction project also strives to be zero waste, with all waste materials being recycled.

U Adelaide Feeds Community from Surplus Ingredients

(Australia): Partnering with OzHarvest Food Rescue, the Office of Sustainability recently fed more than 500 campus community and general public members with campus food that would have otherwise been thrown away.

U California Merced Building Received LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The Social Sciences and Management building is the university’s 11th LEED certified building. The building adheres to the school’s Triple Net Zero Commitment, meaning that it consumes zero net energy, produces zero landfill waste, and produces zero net greenhouse gas emissions.

UK Schools Receive Green Flag Award

(U.K.): Judged each year in areas including cleanliness, sustainability and conservation. Winners include Nottingham Trent University; University of Nottingham; Edge Hill University; Lancaster University; Heriot Watt University; Oxford Brookes University; University of Reading; University of Exeter; and The University of York.

U Nebraska-Lincoln Students Start Organic Farm

(U.S.): Located on the university’s East Campus, students from the environmental studies major created the farm using donations from the public and funds raised from an online fundraising campaign. The one-half acre parcel of land was donated by the university’s agronomy and horticulture department.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Student Film Nominated for Emmy

(U.S.): “100 Gallons,” the documentary by students from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, is an interactive and experimental film that explores the human connection with water. The only student-produced entry in its category, the film was named one of five nominees and has been recognized with awards from Society of Professional Journalists, the National Press Photographers Association, Pictures of the Year International, the Broadcast Education Association and College Photographer of the Year.

U North Carolina Greensboro Offers New Tourism Program

(U.S.): A result of a shift in the program’s mission, the Bryan School of Business and Economics will launch a new undergraduate program in sustainable tourism and hospitality this fall.

U Nottingham Receives BREEAM Outstanding Rating

(U.K.): The campus’ Energy Technologies Building has achieved the highest rating for environmental sustainability from the international Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. This science building features low carbon emissions and the UK’s first hydrogen refueling facility.

U South Pacific Uses IT Tools to Bolster Inclusion

(Fiji): The university’s new Disability Inclusiveness Policy allows for actively engaging Information Communication Technology as a pedagogical tool for students with special needs to bolster academic success.

U Toledo Completes River Restoration Project

(U.S.): In an attempt to restore a small stretch of the Ottawa River which runs through campus, the university installed natural stones, vegetation and man-made fish habitats to make the waterway a cleaner and healthier ecosystem.

U Virginia Develops New Model to Measure Nitrogen Footprint

(U.S.): Working with students from multiple disciplines, a professor of environmental sciences recently released the results of a university nitrogen footprint analysis. Predominantly coming from energy use and food production, nitrogen can contribute to smog, acidifying water and weakening the ozone layer.

Virginia Tech Launches 2 Sustainability Programs

(U.S.): The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences now offers a minor in diversity and community engagement. Housed within the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, sustainable building performance and energy management is now a concentration in the building construction major.

Wesleyan U Admissions Goes Paperless

(U.S.): With this newly implemented paperless application system, applicants are able to submit all application materials and set up interviews online.

Western Illinois U Deploys Water Bottle Filling Stations

(U.S.): New this fall, the campus community can refill water bottles at six working stations, and by the end of the academic year, an additional 14 across campus. Since the installation of the initial stations, an estimated 77,200 16-ounce bottles have been diverted from the landfill.

Wooster College Deconstructs Coal Smokestack

(U.S.): After the college decided to stop burning coal for steam generation in March 2013, the 1939 smokestack was removed this summer. Moving to a natural gas boiler, the carbon footprint reduction is projected to be 50 percent and save the college $4 million in operating and maintenance costs over the next decade.

Auburn U Adopts Smoke Free Policy

Based on a recommendation from the Campus Health and Wellness Committee, all members of campus including visitors may only smoke at the campus’ periphery.

Benedictine U Receives $46K for Food Composting

Made possible through a Food Scrap Composting Revitalization and Advancement Program grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the new composting project is expected to divert 105,000 pounds of waste per year. Managed by student workers, the food scrap diversion program will collect organic waste from the Lisle campus cafeteria.

College of St. Joseph Athletic Center to Receive Solar Panels

Spurred by an agreement with a local utility, the college’s Athletic Center will host a photovoltaic system built with assistance from renewable energy and ecological design students from the nearby Green Mountain College. The project will feature reused materials from local area suppliers including roof-friendly rubber feet made from recycled tires.

Energy Dept. Awards $6.5M for Biofuel Research

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced that New Mexico State University will receive $5 million toward algae yield increases while California Polytechnic State University will receive $1.5 million for the research and development of algae productivity. The new investments will help develop cost competitive algae fuels and streamline the biomass supply chain for advanced biofuels.

Lake Land College Students Perform Real-time Turbine Repair

Due to a mechanical issue with an on-campus wind turbine, renewable energy students are getting a rare opportunity to apply their wind technology curriculum in a real-world, problem-solving situation. Working alongside professionals, the students will repair portions of the rotor.

Manchester U Receives Scholarship Donation

In recognition of the university’s high quality research and students of environmental studies, the Indiana Air & Waste Management Association has gifted $1000 in scholarship funds for two biology and environmental studies students.

North Carolina State U Reveals Sustainable Living Campaign

The university’s expanded Change Your State campaign now challenges students to address human health and environmental issues that also save money and natural resources. Complete with an app and a badge participants can earn, this campaign focuses on food, energy, waste, community, travel, wellness, water and planet.

President Obama Signs Student Affordability Legislation

As students prepare for the fall semester, Obama has signed the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013, a new law governing federal loan rates for students and parents. The rates will now move with the financial markets, which means lower rates for the coming school year. Rates lock in for the lifetime of the loan.

Sierra Magazine Ranks ‘Coolest Schools’

The seventh annual ranking of America’s greenest colleges and universities measures environmental achievements and goals based upon Sierra’s value of environmental priorities. This year’s top 10 includes the University of Connecticut; Dickinson College; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Davis; Cornell University; Green Mountain College; Stanford University; Georgia Institute of Technology; American University; and University of California, Santa Barbara.

Stanford U Achieves LEED Platinum for Existing Building

The university’s Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building incorporates efficient water and energy performance, reduced waste and promotion of alternative transportation. This is the first LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) certification for the university.

U California, Santa Barbara Opens Ocean Conservation Center

Overfishing, climate change and ocean acidification are a few of the areas that will be researched at the university’s new Ocean Science Education Building. A collaboration between the university’s Marine Science Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the new building will house researchers specializing in marine ecology and environmental management.

U Kansas Launches Athletic Waste Diversion Program

In partnership with Rock Chalk Recycle, KU Recycling will introduce a waste diversion program that includes recycling and composting at all university home athletic events.

U Maine Farmington Student Creates Invasive Species App

As invasive aquatic plants become an escalating problem in Maine, people can now use this free app to identify and report them to the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, which helps to protect the state’s lakes. This project is part of a National Science Foundation Grant to protect Maine’s natural resources and spur economic development.

U North Texas Creates Natural Dye Garden

Color pigments from flower petals, plant leaves, roots and other organic materials are now favored over chemical dyes at the university’s College of Visual Arts and Design. Funded by students, the organic materials will be grown in the new garden.

U Washington Students Employ GIS for Sustainability

Part of an eight-week capstone project, students work with organizational partners to offer GIS-based solutions to sustainability management problems. A structured business case, including workflow plan for design, testing and final implementation, aims to turn an existing situation into a sustainable and resilient one.

Wesleyan U College of the Environment Receives $3M Gift

Inspired by the need for global solutions to environmental issues, the gift from history alumnus will endow a visiting professorship and bring the college close to full funding.

Burlington County College Renovation Awarded LEED Silver

The restoration and adaptive reuse of the college's historic Culinary Arts Center includes water-saving plumbing fixtures, recycled and regionally-produced finish materials, a reflective-coated roof, water-efficient landscaping, photovoltaic solar panels, and minimal parking capacity to encourage carpooling and public transportation.

Colorado School of Mines Receives $1.5M for Fuel Cell Research

With an eye on developing clean, domestic energy sources, the U.S. Department of Energy is funding the school's development of advanced hybrid membranes for next-generation fuel cells that are simpler and more affordable.

Cornell U Students Create Indoor Garden in Local Restaurant

A reaction to the increase in population and decrease of arable lands in their local community, the students’ new hydroponic garden of mint, chives and basil was created with recycled and local materials.

EPA Releases Quarterly List of Top 20 Green Power Partners

The latest quarterly report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency highlights the top 20 colleges and universities using power from renewable energy. They are University of Pennsylvania, University of Oklahoma, The Ohio State University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, Oklahoma State University, Northwestern University, University of Utah, Drexel University, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, University at Buffalo, University of Wisconsin, University of Phoenix, The City University of New York, American University, Texas A&M University System, The Catholic University of America, Quinnipiac University, University of St. Thomas.

Female Adjunct Faculty Unionize for Better Pay

Part-time faculty workers are beginning to organize for better pay and working conditions, reports a recent article in The Nation. A Coalition on the Academic Workforce analysis has found that the pay for adjunct faculty averages $21,600 while tenure-track positions average $66,000 a year. As women make up 61 percent of the adjunct faculty workforce, according to a recent Coalition on the Academic Workforce survey, the movement is largely female-led.