Grist Releases Campus Sustainability Video

Grist, an online environmental news network, has posted a video on campus sustainability. The video discusses green campus initiatives at the College of the Atlantic (ME).

Kansas State U’s Ctr for Sustainable Energy Hires 14 Grad Assistants

Fourteen Kansas State University graduate students representing six departments and three colleges have been awarded assistantships to conduct research in sustainable energy for the 2009-10 academic year. K-State's Center for Sustainable Energy requests proposals annually from eligible K-State faculty in support of the assistantships for projects related to enhancing research on renewable energy topics. The assistantships are intended to expand the current research base at K-State and encourage new research clusters addressing issues related to renewable energy. Proposals included bioenergy research topics in plant genetics, biomass production, conversion processes and utilization, as well as wind, solar, and economic issues related to renewable energy.

Macalester College Building Receives LEED Platinum Certification

Macalester College (MN) has received LEED Platinum certification for Markim Hall. The $7.5 million, 17,000-square-foot facility houses the Institute for Global Citizenship, civic engagement, study abroad and international programs, faculty and staff offices, meeting rooms, and an open atrium for campus events. Green features include native landscaping, storm water management, and triple-glazed and low-e glass in windows which have been treated to prevent transmission of heat. Energy simulation models predict that Markim Hall will use about 80 percent less energy than a standard building in Macalester’s climate. The Platinum level certification is the first LEED certification received by the College.

Northern Arizona U Establishes New Sustainability-Focused School

Northern Arizona University has combined the Department of Geology with the Center for Sustainable Environments to create the new School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability. The new department combines educational programs and outreach in environmental sciences, environmental studies and geology, and graduate programs in environmental sciences and policy and geology. The University hopes that by bringing these two departments together students will have more opportunities for hands on experience with federal agencies such as the National Parks Service and the Bureau of Land Management.

Portland State U Opens Green Building Research Lab

Portland State University (OR) has opened its new Green Building Research Laboratory. The lab, which will also serve as a teaching tool for students, provides a place for university researchers to work in close collaboration with industry partners to help solve the fundamental and applied research needs of the green building industry.

Portland State U Receives Sustainability Leadership Award

Portland State University (OR) has received the Cecil D. Andrus Leadership Award for Sustainability and Conservation from Sustainable Northwest, a nonprofit that works to promote solutions to land management challenges. PSU received the award for its partnership with the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation. The Cecil D. Andrus Leadership Awards for Sustainability and Conservation are bestowed annually to individuals, nonprofit organizations, or collaborative community-based efforts that demonstrate a commitment to conservation of the environment, outreach and service to community, adaptability and innovation, and leadership of others to pursue similar sustainable paths.

Santa Clara U Doubles Renewable Energy Purchases

Santa Clara University (CA) has committed to doubling its annual use of renewable energy to 22,512 MW. Seventy-five percent of the University’s electricity is now purchased through renewable energy certificates which guarantee clean energy is being used.

Smith College Replaces Lighting in Indoor Sports Facility

Smith College (MA) has completed a full light replacement in its Indoor Track and Tennis facility. The project replaced 120 metal halide light fixtures, each of which used 1,000 watts, with 144 fixtures that use 600 watts per unit. Smith expects the lighting project to save $38,000 per year. The College plans to install motion sensors to automatically shut off the lights when not use.

Temple U Receives EPA's Env'l Achievement Award

The Temple University (PA) Computer Recycling Center has received one of the 2009 Environmental Achievement Awards from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mid-Atlantic Region. The Center has recycled and rehabbed more than 27,000 computers, monitors, printers, and scanners since its inception in 2003. The Center is funded through income from a Temple policy that requires all Temple faculty and staff to pay a $50 recycling fee every time they purchase a computer through the University.

Texas State Technical College Installs Solar Array

Texas State Technical College has received an $88,000 grant from Green Mountain Energy Company to install a 60-panel solar array that will produce 13,000 kilowatt hours per year. The installation is expected to save the College approximately $300,000 in electric bills over the next 30 years.

The King's U College Launches Sustainability Committee

The King's University College (AB) has launched a new sustainability committee. The Campus Sustainability Coalition, which seeks to advance sustainability throughout the campus, is made up of twelve members that include students, staff, faculty, and the president. Coalition members have divided into three task forces that focus on researching the most effective methods to conduct annual environmental audits, integrating campus sustainability into all aspects of the University’s strategic plan, and seeking out external funding opportunities.

U California Berkeley Assigns Green Summer Reading

The University of California, Berkeley College of Letters and Science has completed its summer reading project, the On the Same Page program, in which first-year students were asked to read The Omnivore's Dilemma , written by UC Berkeley Professor Michael Pollan. Each year, the program selects a work or works by a leading thinker or artist for incoming students to read and reflect on, and for L&S faculty to teach to in seminars as well as their regular courses.

U Minnesota Football Stadium Receives LEED Silver

The University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium has been awarded LEED Silver certification. Green design features of the 50,805-seat football facility include a storm water management system that allows rain water to be captured into an underground filtering system outside the stadium where it is harvested, filtered, and drained into the Mississippi River; 90 percent recycled steel; a reflective roof to reduce heat island effect; and low VOC paint, carpet, sealants, and adhesives. Construction of the stadium began in July 2007 and was completed July 2009.

U Mississippi to Post Real-Time Energy Use on Facebook, Twitter

The University of Mississippi is partnering with SmartSynch Inc., a smart grid infrastructure company, to set up smart meters in campus buildings that will track power usage in real time. The University plans to publish the real-time results for the general public on Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds. UM to identify a detailed pattern of electricity usage at its buildings and, using the smart meter data, determine methods to reduce electricity consumption and carbon emissions. The program is part of the University's "Red, Blue and Green" campaign.

U Oregon Completes Green Orientation Program

The University of Oregon has completed its first green orientation program, Project Tomato. The program enabled ten first-year students to embark on a four-day trip exploring UO dining services and its connections to local agriculture. The students biked to and camped at local farms, worked with farm staff to harvest about 1,000 pounds of tomatoes, and made pizza sauce to use in the dining hall. Participants also learned about permaculture, agriculture that relies on renewable resources and a self-sustaining eco-system. Project Tomato is managed by the OU Office of Sustainability.

U Texas Athletics Bump Up Water Conservation Efforts

University of Texas Athletics has begun an initiative to participate in the City of Austin's effort to conserve water. The department has chosen to only water athletic fields twice a week, and the new artificial football field has reduced water usage by 80 percent. UT has also turned off several landmark water fountains across campus.

U Wyoming Receives Climate Change Research Grant

The University of Wyoming has received a total of $2 million in federal stimulus funds through the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health. The seven grants will fund research in climate change, astronomy, geology, insect cells, and neuroscience. The largest of the grants, $586,581, went to the Department of Atmospheric Science to research aspects of climate change.

West Virginia U Receives LEED Certification for Renovation

West Virginia University’s Oglebay Hall has received LEED certification. The building, which was built in 1917, underwent a five-year renovation that included the installation of water-saving fixtures, a synthetic slate roof made of recycled rubber, and a more sustainable heating and cooling units. The structure, which now incorporates greater use of natural daylighting, reopened in 2007.

60 New Campuses Complete Greenhouse Gas Inventories

59 signatory campuses of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) have submitted public greenhouse gas inventories since the last update in the AASHE Bulletin on August 10, 2009. The GHG inventory is the first major reporting requirement of the Commitment and is due within a year of signing. New inventories were submitted by: Adams State College (CO); Aquinas College (MI); Austin College (TX); Brandeis University (MA); Central Connecticut State University; Chabot College (CA); Chatham University (PA); Cincinnati State Technical and Community College (OH); Coastline Community College (CA); Colorado State University; Columbus State Community College (OH); DePauw University (IN); Drury University (MO); Emory & Henry College (VA); Georgian Court University (NJ); Golden West College (CA); Goshen College (IN); Green Mountain College (VT); Iowa Lakes Community College; James Madison University (VA); Kent State University. Stark (OH); Lansing Community College (MI); Las Positas College (CA); Linfield College (OR); McLennan Community College (TX); Metropolitan State University (MN); Montgomery County Community College (PA); Nassau Community College (NY); New Mexico State University; North Shore Community College (MA); Orange Coast College (CA); Pomona College (CA); Pratt Institute (NY); Prescott College (AZ); Rhodes College (TN); Seattle University (WA); Simpson College (IA); South Suburban College (IL); State University of New York at Binghamton; Texas Christian University; The New School (NY); Trinity College (CT); Truckee Meadows Community College (NV); University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Florida; University of Houston - Downtown (TX); University of Louisville (KY) ; University of Maine at Augusta; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of New Hampshire; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of South Carolina, Columbia; University of South Carolina, Salkehatchie; University of South Carolina, Union; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of Vermont; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Wisconsin-Stout; and Utah State University. In related news, the College of William & Mary has also published a greenhouse gas inventory.

AASHE Announces Campus & Student Sustainability Award Winners

AASHE has announced the winners of its annual Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards, Student Sustainability Leadership Award, and Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award. The Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards recognize institutions that have demonstrated an outstanding overall commitment to sustainability in their education and research, campus operations, and administration and finance. The 2009 winners are: New York University, University of New Hampshire, Furman University (SC), and Butte College (CA). The Student Sustainability Leadership Award, given to Missy! Orr of Depauw University (IN), honors an undergraduate from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. The Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award recognizes outstanding student research that advances the field of campus sustainability. This year's award was given to a team of graduate students from Stanford University (CA) for their paper, "EVs with PVs: Analysis of Electric Vehicle Integration at Stanford University Using Solar PV Panels.

AASHE Launches STARS 1.0 Early Release

AASHE has launched its Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) 1.0 Early Release. All colleges and universities are able to register for STARS 1.0 as Charter Participants. The STARS 1.0 Technical Manual is available online and registrants are encouraged to begin collecting documentation required for each credit. The STARS online reporting tool will be available in January and campuses may begin uploading their data at that time. Institutions that register before December 31, 2009, will receive a discount. Discounts are also available to AASHE members.

Arkansas Colleges Receive Funding for Energy Efficiency

Governor Mike Beebe has announced that two- and four-year higher education institutions across Arkansas will receive a total of $42.5 million from the federal stimulus package. The money is slated to be used for renovation, energy-efficiency improvement, and expansion of facilities.

Bowdoin College Convocation Event Composts 100% of Waste

Bowdoin College (ME) has announced that it composted 100 percent of the trash and food waste at its annual lobster bake that follows Convocation. More than 1,800 guests were served approximately 1,256 lobsters, 78 gallons of Maine fish chowder, and 1,280 ears of corn on the cob. Bowdoin used compostable paper and biodegradable plastic products, eliminated plastic lobster bibs, offered bulk beverages to eliminate bottles, and eliminated individual packages of condiments. Dining staff manned each trash barrel location to make sure material would not be contaminated with non-compostable waste.

Butte College Wins EPA Award for Green Power

Butte College (CA) has received a Green Power Leadership Award from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for on-site generation of renewable energy. Butte was the only education institution recognized by the EPA. The College produces 39 percent of its electricity needs through solar arrays. Butte's current solar-power capacity includes 1.916 MW.

Dickinson College Offers Car-Share Program

Dickinson College (PA) has partnered with Zipcar to make cars available to students and employees ages 18 and older. Two hybrids will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Gas, insurance, 180 free miles daily, and reserved parking will be included in the hourly and daily rates. Faculty, staff, and students can join Zipcar for $35 and can drive for as little as $8 an hour or $66 a day on weekdays and $9 an hour or $72 a day on weekends. Students also get $35 in free driving credit, valid for up to 30 days after joining, as part of a launch promotion.

East Arkansas CC Offers Renewable Energy Technology Programs

East Arkansas Community College has announced that it will offer three new programs in renewable energy starting this fall. The programs include a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree, a one-year Technical Certificate, and a one-semester Certificate of Proficiency. The program is currently being funded by a grant through the U.S. Department of Labor; this funding also helps provide scholarships to students in the program.

Greensboro, North Carolina Colleges Fund Area Public Transportation

The University of North Carolina, Greensboro; North Carolina A&T State University; Guilford College; Bennett College; and the Elon University School of Law have partnered to continue the Higher Education Area Transit service (HEAT) in Greensboro, North Carolina. The service, which would have been discontinued due to budget constraints, provides fare-free alternative transportation to seven area colleges. Government grants that funded the program expired this summer and the institutions were left with the decision of whether to continue the program. Its popularity with students, faculty, and staff led five of the area colleges to continue funding HEAT.

Harvard U Receives 20th LEED Certification

Harvard University (MA) has received LEED for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI) Gold certification for Zhuang Lab, making it the 20th building on campus to receive a LEED rating. Green features of the Lab include daylight sensors and occupancy sensors; construction materials with re-used and locally manufactured content; and low VOC-emitting materials. In addition, fume hood face velocities are set at low but safe levels to conserve energy; hood exhaust rates are displayed in real time, reminding occupants to keep hoods closed when not in use; and temperatures in offices are set back and lights are turned off whenever they are unoccupied.

Kalamazoo College Receives Grant for Social Justice Leadership Ctr

Kalamazoo College (MI) has received a $200,000 planning grant from the Arcus Foundation to prepare for the establishment of a social justice leadership center at the College. The center will help integrate social justice and service learning into the curriculum.

Luther College to Restore 130 Acres of Native Habitat

Luther College (IA) has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service to lease 130 acres into the Emergency Watershed Protection Program–Floodplain Easements. By entering the EWP-FPE program, Luther has agreed to permanently lease the 130 acres to the NRCS, promising to restore the native habitat of the bottomland and never develop or utilize the ground for cropland. Restoration of EWP-FPE sites includes seeding native plants, plugging drainage ditches, breaking and blocking tile lines, breaking diversions, and breaching existing flood control levees. Shallow water excavation work will also be done to enhance surface water environments and improve habitats for wetland-dependent wildlife species.

Macon State College Uses Materials from Old Buildings for New

Macon State College (GA) has begun demolishing three buildings to make room for its new School of Education. The brick and concrete from the demolished structures will be used in the construction of the new building and the metals will be recycled as scrap. Macon State estimates that the project will recycle approximately 85 to 90 percent of the materials from the old buildings.

Mercyhurst College, St. Cloud State U Open Farmers' Markets

Mercyhurst College (PA) and St. Cloud State University (MN) have opened farmers' markets on campus. The Mercyhurst market will offer fresh produce from both local farmers and Mercyhurst's garden, where students, faculty, and staff have been raising vegetables throughout the summer with chemical-free fertilizers. St. Cloud State has established a weekly farmers market aimed at bringing local, organic produce to students, faculty, and staff on campus. The new market, which is an effort to create a more sustainable campus community, will offer vegetables, fruit, preserves, flowers, candles, spiced pears, cinnamon apples, and organic meats, including duck, lamb, chicken, and pork.

Miami U Debuts Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund

Miami University (OH) has unveiled a $50,000 revolving loan fund for cost saving, feasible, environmentally impactful, and well-researched projects. Money saved as a result of the projects will be filtered back into the fund and will be made available for new projects. The first round of proposals, open to staff, faculty, and students, are due in November.

Michigan State U Opens Green Dairy Facility

Michigan State University has opened a green dairy facility at its Biological Station. The structure, which is registered for LEED certification, uses an automatic sidewall curtain system that raises or lowers to regulate temperature, and the design maximizes sunlight to reduce the need for electric lighting. The dairy also plans to develop programs that show how ecological, social, and economic principles can be evaluated on a smaller scale than those associated with larger, more conventional dairy farms.

Montserrat College of Art Builds New Green Building

Montserrat College of Art (MA) has opened its new dormitory, the Helena J. Sturnick Village, which will house 86 students and utilizes bricks from a previous structure on the site for landscaping. Other green features include a section of roof that will be planted as a garden and motion activated lights.

Newsweek Covers Growth in Sustainability-Focused Academic Prgms

Newsweek has published an article on the increasing number of higher education institutions that are developing and adding to sustainability themed academic programs. The article cites that there were 27 sustainability themed programs, degrees or certificates in 2007 compared to three in 2005. The programs vary from business to agriculture, all with sustainability as a core focus. Higher education institutions mentioned include College of the Atlantic (ME), Green Mountain College (VT), Barnard College (NY), University of Virginia, Montana State University, Aquinas College (MI), Oregon Institute of Technology, and Arizona State University.

New York Institute of Technology Unveils Solar Car Port

The New York Institute of Technology, with the help of federal grant money, has opened the first of two solar car ports on its campus. Part of NYIT's "One Spot, One Car, One Commute" solar plug-in hybrid electric vehicle project, the freestanding, four-car carport prototype has solar panels integrated into its structure. The carport shades parked vehicles while collecting energy from the sun and converting it into power to charge plug-in hybrid vehicles. School officials expect that the energy produced from one car spot will be enough to power a solar plug-in hybrid electric vehicle for the average New York metro commute.

Nicholls State U Partners with IBM to Prepare Students for Green Jobs

Nicholls State University (LA) and IBM are working together to help prepare students for new jobs in the information systems sector. IBM is helping the University to develop academic programs in electronic medical records, intelligent transportation, and smart energy grids.

North Central College Opens Green Res/Rec Building

North Central College (IL) has opened a combined dormitory and recreation center that is registered for LEED Silver certification. The 201,439-square-foot, 265-bed Res/Rec Center, which contains a 200-meter indoor track, features a covered bike storage unit, a white reflective roof, recycled building materials, and a geothermal system that eliminates the need for natural gas service and will reduce the building’s energy consumption by nearly 20 percent.

Oberlin College Launches Bicycle Campaign

Oberlin College (OH), in partnership with the City of Oberlin, has launched 4,000 More Bikes, a campaign that aims to reduce car use, increase bike use, and build community. Students, faculty, staff, and members of the community can join the campaign by signing a pledge to spend more time on a bike and less time in a car. Members receive membership cards, bicycle stickers, discounts at bike shops, and raffles for helmets, locks, and other bicycle equipment.

Point Park U Offers New Master's Program in Env'l Studies

Point Park University (PA) has launched a new Master of Science program in environmental studies. The 30-credit interdisciplinary program is intended to provide students with an understanding of the nature of environmental problems and their solutions. The goal of the program, which incorporates scientific, economic, political, legal and ethical points of view, is to train professionals who will be involved in seeking solutions to environmental problems.

Saint Joseph's College Starts Campus Farm

Saint Joseph's College (ME) has established a small farm adjacent to the school that will be used to grow organic produce to supplement the school’s cafeteria and food pantry. The 35,000-square-foot, environmentally friendly farm, which is strongly supported by the school’s food vendors, is being tended by six student apprentices who are learning how to effectively rotate crops between lands in order to avoid the need for chemicals.

SUNY Geneseo Holds Zero-Waste Welcome Picnic

The State University of New York at Geneseo has announced that its annual Welcome Picnic was a zero-waste event this year. Campus Auxiliary Services used compostable cups, plates, silverware, and napkins, and the food-service gloves and garbage bags were biodegradable. After the event, paper and food waste was collected and delivered to the compost pile on campus.

Temple U Launches Bike Campaign

Temple University (PA) has launched a new initiative that aims to build a bike culture on campus that will link students, faculty, and staff to bike-related information and resources. A campus survey conducted last spring found that many campus members are interested in commuting by bike to and from campus, but are hesitant because they do not know where to purchase a bike or where to have it serviced. Respondents also indicated a need to learn bicycling skills that would give them a comfort level riding on busy city streets. In an effort to address these concerns, Bike Temple partnered with local stores to offer bicycles at a discounted rate and to provide a nearby repair facility.

Two Williams College Academic Buildings Receive LEED Gold

Two academic buildings at Williams College (MA) have received LEED Gold certification. Schapiro Hall and the North Academic Building, both of which opened last year, feature green roofs, water-efficient landscaping, native plants, low-flow plumbing fixtures, waterless urinals, and low VOC materials. In addition, more than 90 percent of the structure has access to outdoor views and daylighting and 23 percent of building materials were obtained locally.

U Colorado Boulder Mountain Research Station Installs 10kW Array

The University of Colorado at Boulder has installed multiple photovoltaic arrays that will create a total of 10 kW of energy at its Mountain Research Station. The new installation will provide 15 percent of the Station's total electricity load. The $60,000 project received a grant from Sustainable CU, a student led and funded sustainability grant program approved by student referendum and managed by the CU Environmental Center.

U Maryland Eastern Shore to Build 2.1 Mega Watt Solar Farm

The University of Maryland, Eastern Shore has announced plans to install a 20 acre solar farm that will produce 2.1 MW of energy. The University is partnering with SunEdison, a solar energy services provider that will finance, build, operate and maintain the system. University officials look at this job as both a way to offer an alternative energy and lower costs. Under the solar power service agreement, the solar plant will require no upfront capital investment by the University. Construction is scheduled to begin in early September with anticipated completion by the end of 2009.

U Montana Receives Grant for Ethanol Production Research

The Native American Research Lab at the University of Montana has received a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant funds research aimed at making the production of ethanol more efficient, easier to make, and cheaper to buy. The lab has both Native students and non-Native students working on this project.

U Waterloo Students Win Hydrogen Design Contest

Students at the University of Waterloo (ON) have won the 2009 Hydrogen Education Foundation’s Hydrogen Student Design Contest. The students' submission utilizes hydrogen power as a way to provide on-demand energy when the primary electricity generated from solar and wind power is unable to meet demand. Two different teams from Wayne State University (MI) received honorable mentions. Teams from around the world competed in the competition.

U Wisconsin-Milwaukee Reduces Storm-Water Runoff

The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee has undertaken a project that will divert approximately 84 percent of rainfall from minor storms away from the sewer system. Rainwater collected from a few campus rooftops and a parking lot will be directed into a new system of streams that are lined with native flowers, grasses, and sedges. The plants will filter and absorb a large portion of the water.