Indiana Tech to Establish Degree in Renewable Energy

Indiana Institute of Technology has announced that, this fall, it will begin offering a degree program that focuses on the science and application of generating renewable energy. Students in the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree program will investigate the most recent developments in renewable energy systems, analyze designs, and conduct experiments via computer models and real-world settings. Additionally, the program will prepare students to manage the business aspects of implementing renewable-energy solutions.

Indiana U Announces Student Sustainability Internship Program

The Indiana University Sustainability Task Force has appointed 18 undergraduate interns and graduate fellows to its second Summer Program in Sustainability. Under the mentorship of IU faculty and staff, students will work on a broad array of academic and operational issues related to sustainability. Building upon the work done by their predecessors last summer and through the past academic year, the students will engage in research and lay the groundwork for new initiatives aimed at further improvement of sustainability on the Bloomington campus. In addition to their individual projects, the undergraduate interns and graduate fellows will participate in an academic seminar focused on sustainability. Building on the last summer's program, the seminar is designed to build a cohesive cohort of interns and fellows as well as a learning community of individuals interested in issues related to sustainability.

Intl. Higher Ed Institutions Sign Sustainability Declaration

Leaders from University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of California, Los Angeles, Yale University (CT), and other institutions attended the G8 University Summit in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, prior to the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit, to discuss the responsibility of universities to contribute toward the attainment of sustainability, and the specific actions they must undertake to fulfill that responsibility. In all, Presidents, Rectors, Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors and representatives of 27 educational and research institutions in the G8 member nations attended the summit and signed the Sapporo Sustainability Declaration. The declaration emphasizes the vital role of research institutions in sharing knowledge and serving as models to advance sustainability worldwide. It calls for universities to work collaboratively with governments, surrounding communities and each other to synergize research, policy and public programs, and commits them to establishing a new international network capable of addressing the broad and complex range of sustainability issues. The declaration also calls on G8 leaders to recognize the contributions of universities in solving the most pressing issues facing the global community today, to adopt an effective framework for implementing scientifically appropriate countermeasures, and to pursue partnerships in implementing sustainability initiatives.

LA Times Covers the Increase of Green Buildings in Colleges

The Los Angeles Times recently published an article on the increasing number of environmentally friendly buildings being constructed at colleges and universities across the U.S. The article mentions green building initiatives at East Los Angeles College (CA), Santa Clara University (CA), Santiago Canyon College (CA), Stanford University (CA), Grinnell College (IA), the Los Angeles Community College District (CA), the University of California system, Mills College (CA), Warren Wilson College (NC), Northern Arizona University, Yale University (CT), and the University of Michigan. The piece also mentions the increase in student-initiated green fees that exist to help pay for green building initiatives.

Long Island U Purchases Electric Vehicle

The Long Island University (NY) Facilities Services department at the C.W. Post Campus added an electric vehicle to its fleet. The electric powered vehicle can travel an average of 50 miles on an estimated $2 worth of electricity, saving money and reducing emissions.

Maharishi U of Mgmt to Construct Self-Sustaining Green Building

The Maharishi University of Management (IA) has announced plans to construct a self-sustaining building on its campus. The structure will feature mechanical systems that allow the building to generate and use its own electricity, treat its own fresh water and wastewater, and conserve enough energy and water to be self-sustainable. Wind and solar energy will produce the building's electricity, but there will also be a backup biodiesel generator. In addition, a collection system on the roof will route 90 percent of rainwater into a cistern for non-potable uses and the rest into a treatment system for consumption. Drinking water will be treated by ozone, ultraviolet light or a combination of both methods, and wastewater will be treated in a septic field that drains into a wetland, where plants filter out any excess nutrients. The Sustainable Living Center, which is being built to earn LEED Platinum, will house classrooms, a research lab, a greenhouse, a metal and wood workshop, a kitchen, and offices.

Michigan State U Student Organic Farm Sells Produce on Campus

Michigan State University students from the Institute of Agricultural Technology have started selling organic produce at a farm stand on campus. The food is grown and sold by students in the organic farming certificate program, which consists of 44 credits of on-campus coursework and hands-on practical farm training at the 10-acre Student Organic Farm.

Northland College Establishes New Recycling Collection Center

Northland College (WI) has established a new collection center for a variety of hard-to-recycle items. Members of the Northland community and the general public will be able to recycle used non-alkaline batteries other than car batteries, used cell phones, and spent computer printer ink cartridges. The center will also collect used clothing that is still in good condition. Chartwells, the food service provider at the college, helped to establish the new recycling center.

Suffolk U Joins Massachusetts Clean Energy Program

Suffolk University has joined the "Clean Energy Choice-On Campus Program," administered by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Through the program, Suffolk will help grow the demand for alternatives to fossil fuel-generated electricity, earn funds for on-site renewable energy projects at Suffolk, and generate a double-matching grant from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative to provide clean energy funds for the City of Boston and low income communities throughout Massachusetts.

U Arkansas Little Rock Expands Recycling Program

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has expanded its recycling program to include all types of paper. In the past, students, faculty, and staff have only been able to recycle white paper in bins throughout campus. Now, the UALR community can recycled colored paper, card stock, magazine, cardboard, and paper sacks as well. Additionally, recycling bins for aluminum and plastic have been placed in areas of high traffic to encourage students, faculty, and staff to recycle their drink cans and bottles.

UC San Francisco Partners to Install a 250 kW Solar System

The University of California, San Francisco has partnered with MMA Renewable Ventures and Wells Fargo to install a solar energy system in San Francisco that will provide renewable power to UCSF’s Mission Bay campus. MMA Renewable Ventures will own and operate the 250 kW system through a long-term Power Purchase Agreement with UCSF. MMA Renewable Ventures will also arrange equity investment for projects through its Solar Fund III, a financing commitment with Wells Fargo to fund 10-15 MW of solar energy projects nationwide. This agreement allows UCSF to receive power from renewable energy sources without having to pay the upfront installation costs or ongoing maintenance expenses.

U Florida Chooses Environmental Book for Common Reading Prgm

The University of Florida has chosen When the Rivers Run Dry: Water – the Defining Crisis of the Twenty-First Century , by Fred Pearce, as this year's Common Reading Program book. The program is geared not only to first-year students but it is also marketed to the entire campus to stimulate discussion about an important global topic and encourage a sense of community among students, faculty and staff. All incoming students will receive a copy of the book at orientation and are expected to read it by the start of their first semester of college. Each year the book is chosen by a 20-person committee comprised of faculty, administrators, and students. This committee is charged with finding a non-fiction book that is interdisciplinary, global, recently published, and relatable to both first-year students and the campus community. Additionally, faculty members who teach classes of primarily first-year students are highly encouraged to use the book in their classes.

UMD Strategic Plan Includes Sustainability as a Guiding Principle

The University of Maryland has adopted a strategic plan that includes sustainability and environmental stewardship as guiding principles, stating "We will be a campus that is a model for the sustainability of its environment, and we will be a university that seeks solutions to the world's most challenging and vexing problems." The plan includes the milestones of the Presidents Climate Commitment and outlines the role of the Office of Sustainability as the coordinator of "a bold plan to become carbon neutra

U Southern Mississippi to Establish Office of Sustainability

The University of Southern Mississippi has announced plans to establish an Office of Sustainability to direct campus sustainability initiatives and to help the University meet the American College & University President's Climate Commitment. The newly created office will be a part of the Division of Business and Finance and will report to the Director of Human Resources. Southern Miss hopes to have a sustainability officer in place by mid-July to establish the office.

U Victoria Opens Green Building

The University of Victoria's (BC) has opened its new social sciences and mathematics building which features two green roofs and several patio gardens that help insulate and capture rain and moisture. Other features include using grey water for watering greenery, energy efficient lighting, natural ventilation and recycled materials in its construction. UVIC hopes the new building will achieve LEED Gold.

Wilfrid Laurier U Launches Institute for Water Science

Wilfrid Laurier University (ON) has launched the Laurier Institute for Water Science (LIWS), an institute that will develop solutions-based research and policy recommendations to protect and sustain Canada’s water supply. Researchers at the LIWS will examine the competition for water access within Canada, the effects of changing climate on water resources, and the sustainability of healthy aquatic and coastal ecosystems. In addition to its research activities, the LIWS will issue a bi-annual research newsletter and hold seminar series, conferences and symposia.

Allegheny College Pilots Energy Efficiency Program

Allegheny College (PA), one of several American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment signatories to launch pilot projects through the Clinton Climate Initiative's Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program, has selected Siemens Building Technologies to audit the energy use of a variety of systems throughout the campus infrastructure. Following the initial audit, Siemens will use the data to prepare a formal presentation that outlines what facility improvement measures will deliver the best energy efficiency gains. The energy savings figure produced from the audit will provide the basis for the development of a performance contract that guarantees the savings and provides the financial means to pay for the retrofits.

Appalachian State U Installs Solar Array on Campus

Appalachian State University (NC) has installed a 4 kW photovoltaic system on campus. Electricity from the system will be sold onto the grid and additional revenue will come from selling the associated Green-Power credits. The project was funded by a $5 per semester student fee called the Renewable Energy Initiative that was begun in 2005 to support renewable energy initiatives on campus.

Champlain College GHG Report

Champlain College (VT) has released the first phase of its "Carbon Profile Assessment Results." The study shows that in 2007, the College emitted 5,237 metric tons of carbon dioxide, or 2.7 tons per full-time student. The study inventoried emissions related to facility heating, electricity purchases, student, faculty, and staff commuting, college fleet fuel usage, class field trips, travel to conferences and student recreational trips, travel from student hometowns to campus, travel to study abroad locati

Cuyahoga CC Develops State-wide Green Building Training Prgm

Cuyahoga Community College (OH) will receive a $600,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Development/Ohio Energy Office to support a three-year project to develop a statewide training program, the Green Academy, for the Ohio residential building industry. The Green Academy, a permanent part of Tri-C’s Workforce and Economic Development Division, trains individuals in the principles of sustainability, green construction, and increased energy efficiency. Using newly-developed Green Academy course offerings, Tri-C will develop curriculum for use by training teams throughout the state. The Tri-C Green Academy will train 337 contractors/builders and 13 government building officials/raters during the project. This project will deliver Green Academy/OEO courses at Tri-C’s five campus locations beginning in the fall.

Dominican U of CA Launches BA in Sustainable Communities

Dominican University of California will begin offering a Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Communities this fall. The new program, which will be housed in the Department of Humanities, integrates environmental education with cultural analysis, public policy, social action, and project-based learning. The two-year upper division program, which will only be open to students with at least 70 credits, will be offered on weekends through Dominican’s Pathways program for adult learners. Students will enroll in core courses as well as in one of two concentrations: Ecological Food Systems or EcoDwelling. The core courses will examine cultural ecology, global economic literacy and international governance, sustainable land management, and sustainable communities. In addition to coursework, there will be co-curricular activities, service learning projects, community outreach, public events, and career/internship opportunities.

Georgia Tech Computing Building Receives LEED Gold

Georgia Tech's Christopher W. Klaus Advanced Computing Building has received LEED Gold certification. Silver certification was the goal when constructing the project, but the building ultimately received enough points to receive the Gold certification. The structure features storm water runoff that is managed and recovered in underground cisterns; extensive use of recyclabled building materials; high-efficiency heating and cooling systems; native plants in the landscaping; and waterless urinals.

GWU Law School Joins 'Law Office Climate Challenge'

The George Washington University (D.C.) Law School has become the first law school to participate in the "Law Office Climate Challenge", an initiative created by the American Bar Association and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to promote environmental sustainability. GW's Law School is meeting the challenge by participating in the "Best Practices for Office Paper Management" program. It now uses 30 percent recycled content paper for copying and printing, has requested its staff to use double-sided cop

Humboldt State U Adds Hydrogen Car & Fueling Station to Campus

Humboldt State University (CA) has added a new hydrogen-powered car to its campus fleet and installed a new hydrogen fueling station on campus. The station, now in its test phase, will produce enough hydrogen fuel to maintain a fleet of three or four hydrogen-powered cars. The hydrogen-powered car will be shared by HSU and other public agencies that have jointly supported the station project.

Illinois State U Launches Bike Share Program

Illinois State University will launch a free bike loaner program called Reggie Ride for students, faculty, and staff this fall. The program will reserve white bikes for faculty and staff and will loan red bikes to students for up to 48 hours. The goals of the program are to cut traffic congestion and cramped parking on campus, reduce fuel costs for ISU vehicles, and promote fitness and an appreciation for the outdoors.

Lewis & Clark College Holds Green Curriculum Workshop

A group of Lewis and Clark College (OR) faculty recently participated in a curriculum workshop designed to teach participants how to infuse the concepts of environmentalism into their teaching and research. Represented departments included Biology, Geology, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Athlectics, and the College Chapel.

MIT Announces Energy Research Collaboration

The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) and Bosch have announced an energy research collaboration aimed at exploring new materials and concepts for efficient energy-conversion and energy-storage systems. As a Sustaining Member, Bosch will contribute $5 million to MITEI over a five-year period that will fund a research portfolio at the Institute focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy research projects.

Northwestern U Building Awarded LEED-CI Gold

Northwestern University’s (IL) Wieboldt Hall has been certified LEED Gold for Commercial Interiors. The renovation project for the School of Continuing Studies achieved the certification by using recycled materials and by reducing power, energy consumption, and the construction waste. To reduce energy and water usage, new energy-efficient fluorescent lighting fixtures were installed throughout the area of renovation. Lighting control was accomplished via programmable dimming and relay panels and low voltage controls. New plumbing fixtures reduce water consumption and sewage.

Princeton U Receives $100 M to Support Green Energy Research

Princeton University (NJ) has received a gift of $100 million from alumnus Gerhard R. Andlinger to accelerate research on effective and sustainable solutions to problems of energy and the environment. Princeton will use the gift to create the Gerhard R. Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment within the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Research at the Andlinger Center will focus on making fundamental discoveries in engineering and applied science and moving those findings rapidly into the marketplace. Major areas of research will include improving energy efficiency and conservation; developing sustainable energy sources; and improving management of carbon.

Princeton U Receives $4.5 M to Support Environmental Curriculum

Princeton University's (NJ) Environmental Institute has received a $4.5 million gift to establish an endowed professorship in Humanities and the Environment, to fund academic innovations in Environmental Studies, and to award an annual Environmental Leadership student prize. The Thomas A. and Currie C. Barron Professorship in Humanities and the Environment will be the first endowed chair at Princeton specifically designed for a scholar whose work bridges environmental issues and the humanities. The Barron Family Fund for Innovations in Environmental Studies will support projects that enrich the curriculum by making connections between humanities and the environment. This will include field work and independent work by students or faculty members and development of new courses. The T.A. Barron Prize for Environmental Leadership will be awarded annually to a student who exhibits exceptional devotion to environmental issues in any field.

Princeton U to Establish Professorship in Energy & Environment

Princeton University (NJ) has announced plans to establish the Anderson Family Professorship in Energy and the Environment. The professorship, which will support a tenured faculty member in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, will aid in developing solutions for societal problems associated with energy and the environment and is a result of a gift from alumnus Dwight Anderson. In related news, Princeton has also received $1 million dollars to establish the Paul A. Maeder '75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment. The endowment will be used at the discretion of the dean of engineering to provide seed funding to faculty members engaging in risk-taking research that would not typically be supported by government grants and the conventional peer review process.

Purdue U Strategic Plan Features Sustainability

The Purdue University (IN) Board of Trustees has adopted a six-year strategic plan in which one of the strategies is to "Promote sustainability consciousness." The strategic plan also describes the incorporation of sustainability and environmental/ecological consciousness into campus design as a key priority.

Queens U Charlotte to Build Green Sciences & Health Building

Queens University of Charlotte (NC) has announced that the Duke Energy Foundation has committed a $5 million lead gift to fund the University’s new Sciences and Health Building. The facility will be named The Duke Energy Sciences & Health Building and feature green building technologies. The facility’s green technology and design will be incorporated into the science curriculum, providing students with an opportunity to learn more about air quality, water efficiency and energy efficiency. Green features will include water efficient landscaping, recycled content, and energy efficient HVAC systems. The University will seek LEED Gold certification.

The New School Launches Environmental Studies Program

The New School (NY) has announced that it will launch an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies this fall. The program will focus on urban ecosystems and sustainable design. Using New York City as its laboratory, students in the program will work hands-on with the city's natural ecosystems and will see firsthand how human activity in an urban setting can impact the environment. The New School will offer the degree, which will be administered by the Tishman Environment and Design Center, as a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Arts students will be able to choose to concentrate in urban ecosystems or public policy. Bachelor of Science students will have the option of choosing a concentration either in sustainable design or urban ecosystem design. Both degree programs are cross disciplinary and include fieldwork, internships, and collaborative final projects.

UC Davis to Establish Office of Sustainability, Sustainability Ctte

The University of California, Davis has announced plans to launch its Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Initiative. Through the initiative, a new office will be created to coordinate university-wide efforts on sustainability, a $100,000 green fund will provide seed money to support new projects, and a new committee will be formed to advise the chancellor on sustainability. Sid England, director of environmental planning for the Davis campus for 18 years, will lead the new office, which will be housed within the Office of Resource Management and Planning.

U Guelph, Ridgetown Receives Fed Funding for Biodiesel Plant

The University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus (ON) has announced plans by the Government of Canada to develop a functional, farm-scale oilseed processing and biodiesel plant on campus. The new plant will be used for technology demonstrations, education, and applied research. In partnership with local soybean and pork producers, the “real-life” operation of this plant will help determine the optimum model and scale of an economically viable on-farm biodiesel facility. The facility will provide an independent evaluation platform for the economic structure and feasibility of a small-scale, closed-loop system of biodiesel production. Another objective of this five-year project is to investigate alternate feedstock such as waste and residues, unmarketable crops, and agri-processing by-products that may be used as energy crops while assessing environmental considerations.

U Iowa Establishes Sustainability Steering Committee

The University of Iowa President Sally Mason has appointed members to the newly-formed Sustainability Steering Group. Mason tasked the group, which is made up of seven faculty and staff members, with conducting a comprehensive review of the university's environmental policies to assure that they promote exemplary environmental behaviors by the university.

U Michigan-Flint to Convert Abandoned House into Green Laboratory

The University of Michigan-Flint has announced plans to convert an abandoned house close to campus into an Urban Alternatives House (UAH), which will be used as both a classroom and laboratory to teach and explore better ideas for urban living. The UAH will provide an example of an energy efficient building that can be monitored and used to illustrate the functioning of energy generating devices, storm water management systems and landscape management. In addition to the UAH, University Outreach and the Department of Earth and Resource Science have adopted the vacant lot immediately south of the property and will be working to clean and beautify it. The Department plans to turn the lot into an urban garden.

U Michigan Partners with Ford to Develop Transportation Solutions

The University of Michigan Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Research and Transformation (SMART) program has announced a partnership with Ford Motor Company to develop long-term strategies to confront growing transportation and personal mobility challenges in large and increasingly congested metropolitan areas. U-M and Ford are working together to develop “Ford Urban Mobility Networks,” a new program that is designed to efficiently connect individuals to a variety of transportation options – buses, trains, taxis, car-share fleets, mopeds and bicycles – in urban areas where population growth is beginning to affect access to affordable personal mobility. These transportation options would be available through a transfer point or ‘hub’ where various modes of transportation and services come together. U-M and Ford have also been working together to link businesses related to sustainable transportation, municipalities, academic institutions, transportation providers, information technology companies and other entities that are increasingly turning their focus to the transportation needs of tomorrow’s urban regions.

U Minnesota, Morris Alumni Assoc to Purchase Carbon Credits

The University of Minnesota, Morris Alumni Association Board of Directors has designated funding from the UMMAA Impact Fund for carbon credit purchases to offset carbon emissions produced by UMM’s campus service fleet, a significant percentage of which are hybrids. The University hopes to generate its own carbon credits in the future.

U Nevada, Reno Students Create Community Farm

The University of Nevada, Reno Environmental Action Team (EnAcT) has created a new organic community farm on campus. The initiative is the result of an idea from two students in an environmental citizenship class project. A horticulturalist at the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE), the Assistant Director of the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, and UNCE's Master Gardeners program have provided the students with the guidance and supplies needed to be able to plant their first crop in mid-July.

U Texas at Arlington GHG Report

The University of Texas at Arlington has released a draft report of its first carbon footprint analysis. The report has been prepared for the President’s Sustainability Committee by an interdisciplinary student/faculty team through a summer course in the School of Urban and Public Affairs. It characterizes the university’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2005, forecasts emissions in 2010 and 2020, then proposes a framework for setting reduction targets and develops reduction scenarios based on those targets. The report, produced in a very short time frame, is being issued in draft form so that members of the committee and other interested parties can participate in reviewing it. Comments are invited.

U Virginia Receives Award for Green Stormwater Plan

The University of Virginia has received a landscape architecture merit award from the Society for College and University Planning for its Meadow Creek Regional Stormwater Management Master Plan. The plan calls for stormwater ponds to capture sediment before it enters the stream, opening up sections of the stream to daylight and allowing water to be absorbed and filtered by plants and soil before running off to the stream. The comprehensive plan is believed to be more effective and efficient than the alternative of creating individual stormwater management plans for each construction site.

3 NJ Campuses, SUNY New Paltz Donate Unwanted Items

Planet Aid held its first annual College Initiative this year, rescuing close 13,000 pounds of clothing and shoes. Rowan University, Montclair State University, Rider University, and the State University of New York in New Paltz students, faculty, and staff all participated in Planet Aid's event.

Appalachian State U Prof Receives Winds Advocate Award

Appalachian State University (NC) Professor Dennis Scanlin has received the "Small Winds Advocate of the Year" award from the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America program for his leadership in small-scale wind energy activities in Western North Carolina. Dr. Scalnlin is also a the Coordinator of the Appropriate Technology Program in the ASU Department of Technology.

Appalachian State U to Install Wind Turbine

The Appalachian State University (NC) Renewable Energy Initiative has announced plans to install a 100kW community-scale wind turbine on campus. The turbine proposed for the project will stand 115 feet tall, will have a blade diameter of 66 feet, and is expected to produce 150,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually. The organizers do not yet have a timeline for installation.

Case Western Commits to Corporate Social Responsibility

Case Western Reserve University (OH), the city of Cleveland, and Cleveland Clinic have made a joint commitment to corporate responsibility towards the environment, human rights, labor rights, and anti-corruption. The three organizations have become members of the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative to promote responsible corporate citizenship. Cities, corporations, academic institutions, non-profit groups, and other organizations join the compact to promote corporate citizenship to make business part of the solution to the challenges of globalization. By joining, these organizations voluntarily take responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities, and other stakeholders, as well as the environment through sustainability and ethical business practices.

Clemson U Awarded for Commitment to Green Buildings

Clemson University’s (SC) Habitat for Humanity chapter has been named Campus Chapter of the Year by Habitat for Humanity International. Its campus chapter was selected for being a leader in green building practices. Last year the chapter sponsored a design contest with Clemson’s Emerging Green Builders as a service-learning project for architecture, landscape architecture and construction science students. Students designed environmentally friendly houses, and the winning design, named “Green House,” was constructed nearby. The chapter now is working on a house that will apply for LEED certification.

Colorado State U Pilots Smart Grid Technology

Colorado State University, in partnership with Spirae Inc, has developed the InteGrid Laboratory, which seeks to address challenges of taking intermittent wind power and turning it into a stable and reliable renewable resource. This "smart grid" project is being implemented in Denmark.

Dalhousie U Switches to Green Cleaning Products

Dalhousie University's (NS) Facilities Management Department has begun using green cleaning products. The products, an all-purpose cleaner, a disinfectant and a degreaser, have been third-party approved with Canada’s Environmental Choice logo and the United States' Green Seal certification.