WV Colleges Work with Nonprofit to Promote Green Business

Eight West Virginia colleges and universities recently partnered with the nonprofit, Center for Economic Options, to research how West Virginia can promote environmentally sustainable business. As part of the initiative, Marshall University plans to offer the interdisciplinary course, "Technology and Innovation: Creating Green Business Ventures in Appalachia." Other participating colleges include, Glenville State College, Fairmont State University, University of Charleston, West Virginia University, WVU In

1.2 MW Solar Project Completed at East Los Angeles College

The Los Angeles Community College District (CA) recently completed a 1.2 MW solar power project at East Los Angeles College. The $9 million project, which will provide almost half of the college’s daytime power needs, is part of the District’s Renewable Energy Plan, which aims to take all nine of its colleges "off the grid.". The solar panels are located atop a seven large-scale carports.

Augsburg Launches Bike Share Program

Augsburg College (MN) recently launched a new bike share program on campus. The program gives students, staff, and faculty the chance to check out a bike for personal use, free of charge. Augsburg faculty and staff donated some of the bikes for the program, but most came from a local bike shop.

Calvin College Course Prepares Carbon Neutrality Plan

Calvin College (MI) students from the Engineering 333 and Biology 354 courses recently completed an analysis of what it would take to make the College carbon neutral. Throughout the semester, the classes completed a carbon emissions inventory, a sequestration potential investigation, and a financial analysis of how the campus could reduce its carbon output. As a result, the students developed a plan to reach carbon neutrality within 11 years through a Green Energy Fund and installing a wind turbine.

College of William & Mary Unveils Sustainability Policy

The College of William and Mary (VA) recently unveiled its Sustainability Policy. The policy calls for the creation of a sustainability committee and establishes goals in the areas of energy, land use, water use, waste management, transportation, purchasing, and education.

CSU Chico Farm to Grow Organic Produce for Dining Halls

California State University, Chico recently announced the Organic Vegetable Project, an initiative in which a section of the University Farm will be growing organic fruits and vegetables for the Associated Students Dining Services. The program hopes to have enough produce left over for an on-campus market.

CSU Fresno Switches to Compostable Dinnerware

California State University, Fresno recently began serving campus food with compostable cups, lids, napkins, small plates, and beverage sleeves. These green products will also be used at all events catered by University Dining Services. Dining Services also plans to switch to compostable utensils and to-go ware in the near future. All items will be composted by the University Agricultural Laboratory.

Dickinson College Building to Feature Green Roof, Light Sensors

Dickinson College (PA) recently announced its plans to install a green roof, light occupancy sensors, and other green features into the new science building on campus. The green roof will feature flowers of Dickinson's school colors, red and white, and the lighting system will include sensors that dim lights when it is bright outside and shut off the lights when there is no one in the room.

Florida Atlantic U Receives Green Building Grant

Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science recently received a $50,000 planning grant through The Kresge Foundation's Green Building Initiative to help fund a potential platinum level LEED certified engineering complex on campus. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for the fall of 2008, and the expected completion date is fall 2009.

Forbes Magazine Names America's Greenest Campuses

Forbes Magazine recently published an article on "America's Greenest Colleges." According to the article, the 10 greenest campuses are: Carleton College (MN), College of the Atlantic (ME), Dartmouth College (NH), Harvard University (MA), Middlebury College (VT), New York University, University Of California-Santa Cruz, University Of Pennsylvania, University Of Vermont, and University Of Washington. The list is comprised of higher achievers in the Sustainable Endowments Institute's College Sustainab

Furman U Receives Sustainability Award

Furman University (SC) recently received the Sam Johnson Leadership in Sustainability Award for its outstanding dedication and achievement in sustainability. In receiving the award, Furman was cited for its broad application of green cleaning practices, having the first building in the state to earn LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, proclaiming 2007 as the Year of the Environment, and mounting an educational outreach campaign aimed at building environmental awareness on campus and throughout the community. The Sam Johnson Leadership in Sustainability Award is given to a company or organization that displays a total commitment to sustainability. Criteria included a proven track record of sustainable facility care, green building practices and certifications, organizational commitment and communication to key constituents. A $5,000 gift is made to the World Wildlife Fund on behalf of the award winner.

Georgia Tech Solar Decathlon House Used as Classroom

Georgia Institute of Technology recently installed its 2007 Solar Decathlon House on campus to be used as a classroom. The house will be used for education and research about solar power and other forms of sustainability energy for students in architecture, engineering, sciences, and management. The structure is on display for public viewing, but is still a work in progress for Georgia Tech students.

Grand Rapids CC to Install Green Roof

Grand Rapid Community College (MI) recently announced its plans to install a green roof on campus. The roof will be used to grow cilantro, sage, basil, thyme, and other herbs. GRCC received a donation from the Steelcase Foundation to fund the project.

LA Community College District Launches Recycling Program

The Los Angeles Community College District (CA) recently launched a new recycling program at Los Angeles Valley College with plans to expand to the District's nine campuses. The program is part of a comprehensive plan to bring the District closer to its goal of becoming zero-waste, and will include clearly marked bins in every classroom and office space, as well as more user-friendly outdoor receptacles. To get the program off to a good start, campus clubs will be holding big visibility and educational events to raise awareness on campus for the new program and to make sure students start using it.

MIT Receives $10M to Fund Solar Energy Research

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently launched a partnership with the Chesonis Foundation to transform solar power to an affordable, dependable, and mainstream energy solution. The Solar Revolution Project, funded by a $10 million gift from the Foundation, will explore new materials and systems that could dramatically accelerate the availability of solar energy. Specifically, the SRP will focus on the capture, conversion, and storage of solar energy with the goal of making solar power a viable, near-term energy source. The SRP will initially support 30 energy fellowships for students on a range of solar-related studies, from the development of novel materials for energy conversion and storage to using solar energy to produce hydrogen fuel from water. Each fellowship will last five years.

New Cornell U Announces Sustainability Website

Cornell University (NY) has launched a new sustainability website. The goal of the website is to help the public explore Cornell's efforts in sustainability. The site provides both an overview and links to many specific programs and initiatives. The website features sustainability-related news, events, and activities in research, education, operations, and outreach.

Princeton Review to Issue Green Ratings for Colleges

The Princeton Review recently announced that it will publish a green rating in future editions of its annual college guide starting with the 2009 issue which will be released this summer. The decision came after 63 percent of the 10,300 respondents to the 2008 College Hopes & Worries Survey said that they would value having information about a college’s commitment to the environment and that it might impact their decision to apply to or attend the school.” A full 23 percent said this information would "st

San Francisco State to Launch Green Themed Living

This fall, San Francisco State University will launch ECO-Digs, a co-op project consisting of four campus houses dedicated to sustainable living. The four adjacent houses will allow residents to grow their own food, reduce their energy consumption, and conserve water. The houses are open to upper classmen and graduate students.

Schools Meet on Responsible Investing

Finance officials, faculty and students that serve on campus-based Committees on Investor Responsibility recently came together for the first time to participate in a day-long conference focused on sharing best practice models for corporate engagement and the leveraging of school endowments for social and environmental justice. The event, hosted by the Responsible Endowments Coalition, the Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing at Columbia University, and the Columbia University Human Rights Law clinic, included three sessions: Goals and Strategies of Corporate Engagement, Social Responsibility as Part of Fiduciary Responsibility, and Models of Collaboration. The Responsible Endowments Coalition will use ideas generated during the meeting to help investment staff and students at colleges and universities stay connected on such topics as shareholder resolutions, proxy voting and corporate engagement.

Seattle U Launches Low-Carbon Campaign

Seattle University (WA) recently launched an initiative to reduce its carbon footprint by offering more local foods in its dining halls. An eatery on campus eliminated beef from its menu as part of the campaign. The initiative also aims to teach students to limit their meal portion size, purchase local food, and reduce packaged food consumption.

SUNY Ulster to Launch Energy Conservation Project

The State University of New York at Ulster recently announced that it will undergo a $2.6 million energy conservation upgrade. The upgrade is expected to reduce the college’s energy use by almost 1.3 million kWh per year. Upgrades include retrofitting older, less energy efficient equipment with state-of-the-art energy using equipment. The project will also address water conservation and a renewable energy system in the form of a solar water heating system. The cost of the project is expected to be funded through energy savings over a 15 year period.

UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center Receives $1M

The University of California, Davis Energy Efficiency Center recently received three grants totaling $1.1 million to help bring new energy efficiency technologies to the market. Chevron and Wal-Mart have each pledged $100,000 per year for five years, and Goldman Sachs is providing $100,000 this year.

U Florida Launches Paper Saving Campaign

The University of Florida recently launched "Think Before You Ink," a campaign to reduce the amount of pages faculty, students, and staff print and/or copy on campus. The campaign has three separate parts: Save the Paper, Print to Web, and Printer Certification. Save the Paper is designed to reduce the waste and inefficiency associated with campus photocopies and printouts. Print to Web, which is scheduled to launch in the coming weeks, will encourage the use of the Internet and e-mail for distribution o

U Iowa Announces Sustainability Initiative

The University of Iowa President Sally Mason recently announced plans to establish a Sustainability Steering Committee that will report directly to the President and an Office of Sustainability that will be located in the Facilities Management division. In addition, the University will be hiring five new tenure-track faculty who are devoted to interdisciplinary sustainability studies. The University also plans to review current course offerings and consider expanding its sustainability curriculum. Additionally, UI also announced that sustainability will be an underlying principal in the next university strategic plan.

U Penn Appoints Environmental Sustainability Coordinator

The University of Pennsylvania recently appointed Daniel Garofalo as the University's first Environmental Sustainability Coordinator. Garofalo will be responsible for developing Penn’s long-range sustainability strategy by addressing energy conservation, waste management, green buildings, transportation and planning.

UT Austin Adopts Campus Sustainability Policy

The University of Texas at Austin recently adopted a Campus Sustainability Policy to integrate sustainability in academic programs, operations, campus planning, administration, and outreach. The Campus Sustainability Policy requires that university policies, practices, and curricula should, when possible, embody approaches that reduce life cycle costs, restore, or maintain the functioning of natural systems, and enhance human well-being. It also calls for the establishment of procedures and mechanisms, including an oversight body, to guide its implementation and ensure accountability.

Williams College Receives Student Env'l Leadership Skills Grant

Williams College (MA) recently received a $24,800 grant from the Henry David Thoreau Foundation for building environmental leadership skills among students. The College's Center for Environmental Studies and the Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives will implement the project, "Using the Study of Green Building Practices at Williams College to Educate Environmental Leaders for Tomorrow." The aim of the program is to develop knowledge of sustainable building practices and create opportunities for col

Williams College to Install Solar Array, Receives Rebate

Williams College (MA) recently received a Commonwealth Solar grant from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. This award recognizes the commitment to renewable energy the College has demonstrated by incorporating solar power on campus. As part of their library renovation project, Williams College is constructing a library shelving facility and will include a 26.88 kilowatt photovoltaic system. The award, a $92,670 Commonwealth Solar rebate, will help the College defray the total costs of the project.

Academic Publisher Launches Green Chemistry Journal

Taylor & Francis, an academic publisher, recently began a new journal on Green Chemistry. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews aims to accommodate the rapid growth in the number of papers published on the design and development of sustainable chemical processes and products. The journal features papers pertaining to research, education, and industrial implementation of green synthesis, separation, and purification processes, including the development and use of renewable feedstocks and degradable products. The journal's website will provide a space for readers to comment on and discuss the content of research papers with the authors themselves.

Appalachian State U to Hold Benefit for Renewable Energy

Appalachian State University (NC) recently announced that it will hold a music festival to raise awareness and money for renewable energy. Music on the Mountain, to be held August 23, will be a day-long event featuring bluegrass, soul, and funky acoustic jams. The tickets, being sold for $30 - $40, will raise money for NC Green Power, High Country Conservancy, and Appalachian's Energy Center. The event will also feature a 'green village' with exhibits on renewable energy from the three agencies, and one of the stages at the festival will be powered by solar power.

Benefit CD for Energy Action Coalition Released

Green Owl Records recently released "The Green Owl Compilation," a benefit CD for the Energy Action Coalition. The CD is made up of unreleased tracks and videos from an eclectic group of artists including Feist, Must, Bloc Party, Of Montreal, and many others. 100 percent of the profits will be donated to support the people on the ground in the EAC while raising environmental awareness in our community.

Caltech Installs 230kW Solar Facility

California Institute of Technology recently began installing a 230 kW solar array on top of one of its parking structures. Caltech officials believe that the new array will be the largest solar-energy facility in the city of Pasadena. The project will be financed and operated through a Power Purchase Agreement between the campus and Solar Power Partners. The City of Pasadena and Pasadena Water and Power have worked closely with Caltech to create the facility, and construction is expected to finish in August 2008.

Caltech to Establish Environmental Science Center

California Institute of Technology recently received an $18 million endowment to establish the Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science. The new center will include chemists studying ozone-destroying reactions in the stratosphere, fluid dynamicists and physicists studying atmospheric and oceanic flows, biologists studying nutrient cycles, geologists studying evidence of the effects of past climates, and social scientists (including economists) and humanists evaluating how society and institutions can respond to global change.

City College of NY Hires Dir. of Sustainable Technologies Institute

The City College of New York has hired Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee as the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Technologies and as faculty of The Grove School of Engineering as Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering. The Institute for Sustainable Energy Technologies is the successor to the Clean Fuels Institute, which had been studying the economic and environmental impacts of alternative energy sources. Professor Banerjee’s vision calls for the Institute to develop sustainable energy technology to generate electricity from renewable, but intermittent, sources as well as existing nighttime overcapacity, store it efficiently and deliver it on demand.

Columbia U Pilots Program to Reward Recycling

Columbia University (NY) recently began piloting RecycleBank, a program that weighs recycling and pays the recycler for the amount recorded. Each student can obtain a RecycleBank card, and when they take their recycling to the closest kiosk, they swipe their card and collect points. These points can then be spent at participating local and national merchants such as ITunes and Chipotle. The program, which was designed by a Columbia graduate, was originally designed to be used in cities; it has now been modified to be used by campuses.

Columbia U Trades Incandescent Bulbs for CFLs

The Columbia University (NY) Environmental Law Society recently launched the Student Lightbulb Brigade Project, an initiative that aims to reduce the collective carbon footprint of the Columbia University community by offering compact fluorescent light bulbs for the less efficient incandescent bulbs for free. The students hope to exchange 50,000 bulbs.

Dartmouth College Hires New Sustainability Manager

Dartmouth College (NH) recently hired Kathy Fallon Lambert as the new Sustainability Manager. Lambert, who is scheduled to take office in August 2008, will help the College develop a strategy to integrate sustainability principles and practices into Dartmouth's operations and culture. The new Manager hopes to develop and build more student environmental programs, including expanding Dartmouth's student orientation programs to include information about sustainable living.

EPA Announces Winners of Campus Green Power Challenge

The US EPA has announced that, for the second year in a row, the Ivy League has been named the overall champion conference in the 2007-2008 College & University Green Power Challenge. Led by the University of Pennsylvania, the Ivy League purchased more than 220 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy this year. In addition to the Ivy League, EPA's Green Power Partnership also recognized the leading green power purchases of 17 other conference as individual conference champions: New York University, Pennsylvania State University, Oregon State University, Colby College (ME), University of California, Santa Cruz, Western Washington University, University of Utah, Southern Oregon University, University of Central Oklahoma, Syracuse University (NY), Southern New Hampshire University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, University at Buffalo (NY), Oberlin College (OH), Duquesne University (PA), Lewis & Clark College (OR), and Rowan University (NJ).

Oregon State U Announces Financial Aid Plan

Oregon State University recently announced that, starting in the Fall of 2008, the University will enable 10 percent of the Oregonian students to attend OSU free of charge. The Bridge to Success Program will pool federal resources with funds from the Oregon Opportunity Grant, the Campaign for OSU and redirected institutional monies to cover all tuition and fee costs for 1,500 in-state students. Additional funds will cover books and supplies for half of those students. Awards will be based on financial need and students’ ability to show satisfactory progress toward completion of degrees, including taking 15 credits each term. Participating students must also be eligible for both Pell Grant and Oregon Opportunity Grant awards.

Point Loma Nazarene U to Build 450 KW Solar Array

Point Loma Nazarene University (CA) recently announced its plans to build a 450 kW solar energy system on its campus. The photovoltaic system is projected to produce 80 percent of the peak energy for six major PLNU buildings. Construction is set to begin in July of 2008. PLNU was able to finance the system through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) provided by Solar Power Partners, Inc. (SPP). Under the PPA, SPP will own the solar system for 20 years and sell the clean energy generated by the system to PLNU at a cost below present utility rates. PLNU has no upfront capital costs for the system and will have fixed electricity rates for 20 years.

Presidents Climate Commitment Reaches All 50 States

With recent signings from college and university presidents in Mississippi, Nebraska, and the District of Columbia, the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment now has signatories in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 20 institutions have signed the Commitment since the last update in AASHE Bulletin. In doing so, these campuses have committed to develop comprehensive plans for achieving climate neutrality. The new signatories are: Robert C. Khayat of the University of Mississippi, Martha Dunagin Saunders of the University of Southern Mississippi, Brian L. Friedrich of Concordia University (NE), Steven Knapp of George Washington University (DC), Cornelius M. Kerwin of American University (DC), Michael K. Young of the University of Utah, Kenneth E. Peacock of Appalachian State University (NC), Ann Weaver Hart of Temple University (PA), Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet of Antioch University Seattle (WA), Gerald Pumphrey of South Puget Sound Community College (WA), Thomas Hellie of Linfield College (OR), Roy Nirschel of Roger Williams University (RI), Phoebe K. Helm of Hartnell College (CA), Jack Oharah of Edmonds Community College (WA), Juan R. Olivarez of Grand Rapids Community College (MI), Roy A. Church of Lorain County Community College (OH), Cliff L. Wood of Rockland Community College (NY), Carl E. Haynes of Tompkins Cortland Community College (NY), Sandra Kurtinitisof the Community College of Baltimore County (MD), and William G. Ingram of Durham Technical Community College (NC). 539 college and university presidents and chancellors have now signed the Commitment.

Rochester Inst. of Tech. Announces Transportation Research Initiative

The Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) Laboratory for Environmental Computing and Decision Making recently announced a new program aimed at exploring the environmental, economic, and energy impacts of global and domestic freight transportation. The Sustainable Freight Transportation Research Initiative plans to help build tools and conduct research necessary for improving the environmental footprint from moving goods around the globe. The LECDM will work on projects such as developing a Geospatial Intermodal Freight Transportation tool that allows shippers and policymakers to identify the easiest ways to move freight throughout the country. This mapping tool allows for the analysis of moving goods from origin to destination and can identify the greenest routes, as well as the fastest and least expensive routes.

Rochester Inst. of Tech. Sustainability Center Receives $2M Donation

The Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) Golisano Institute for Sustainability recently received a $2 million donation from Xerox Corporation to further the research of new sustainable technologies. As a new founding partner of the institute, Xerox will spread the $2 million over five years. RIT launched the Golisano Institute for Sustainability in 2007.

Temple U to Establish Office of Sustainability & Hire Sustainability Dir.

Temple University (PA) recently announced that it will establish an Office of Sustainability in the office of the Vice President for Operations. A new director of sustainability will be appointed to integrate sustainable principles into Temple’s operational, academic and service functions. The director will work with students, faculty and staff to develop sustainable programs and activities, and to implement a comprehensive sustainability strategy.

U Central Florida Establishes Dept of Sustainability & Energy Mgmt

The University of Central Florida recently established a Department of Sustainability and Energy Management within its Facilities and Safety division, to dedicate resources to improving energy and water efficiency and conservation on campus. This reorganization will build on the successes of UCF’s former Center for Energy and Sustainability. Plans for the new department include eco-friendly competitions among residence halls, a LEED silver certification for all new buildings policy, and a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption by 2010.

UC Irvine Establishes New Environment Institute

The University of California, Irvine has established a new research institute dedicated to the study of how the environment and society interact. The UC Irvine Environment Institute: Global Change, Energy, and Sustainable Resources will bring together scientists from across campus to work on projects specific to these areas. For example, projects could include studying how climate change will alter public health and welfare; whether people will accept the living patterns of green cities; and the environmental impacts of new energy technologies. The institute will award seed grants on a competitive basis to teams of UCI researchers from diverse schools and departments who design and collaborate on projects. Priority will be given to projects spanning scientific research, technological innovation, and/or societal response. In addition, UCI will dedicate eight positions over the next three years for new faculty members who will broaden its environmental expertise.

U Delaware, UW-La Crosse, Moravian College Sign Declaration

The University of Delaware, the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, and Moravian College (PA) recently signed the Talloires Declaration. The Talloires Declaration is a 10-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. It has been signed by over 350 university presidents and chancellors in over 40 countries. In connection with the Talloires signatures, the UD President simultaneously signed the American College and Universities Presidents Climate Commitment, and Moravian College announced a $40,000 endowed fund to support the Sustainability Task Force, a group consisting of students, faculty, and staff working together to promote environmental issues.

Unity College Pres. to Live in On-Campus Sustainable House

Unity College (ME) recently announced that it will soon build a sustainable house on campus that will serve as a single family residence for the president of the University, an on-campus meeting and entertaining space, as well as a classroom. Designed for "Net-Zero" energy use, the 1,930-square-foot 'Unity House' will achieve LEED Platinum standards, feature a photovoltaic solar panel array, and be a living classroom for college students. The house will be the second completed structure of the OPEN Protot

U Penn Increases its Wind Power Purchase

The University of Pennsylvania recently announced that it will increase its purchase of renewable wind energy credits during the next two years. The move will make the University the top consumer of wind energy among institutions of higher education across the nation, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The University will purchase an additional 80,000 megawatt hours per year, bringing its total wind-energy purchase to nearly 200,000 megawatt hours per year.

U Utah Unveils New Cogeneration Steam System

The University of Utah recently unveiled a new cogeneration steam system, which will supply 5 to 10 percent of the University's electricity needs and produce heat for part of the campus. The new system is estimated to save 63,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from going into the atmosphere per year.