New Resources

APPA's Facilities Manager Issue: Special Focus on Sustainability

The theme of the March/April 2016 issue is Sustainability Programming and Investments, and focuses on investment options for energy efficiency projects. The issue provides a compilation of recent sustainability projects conducted at 16 APPA member institutions, a GRITS update, and articles about recycling and energy efficiency.

Compendium of Organics Recovery Programs at Colleges and Universities (EPA Region 4)

The Center for Environmental Policy and Management at the University of Louisville in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 and select southeastern U.S. schools have released a guidance document for organics recovery planning. The guide is intended to introduce readers to the concepts of organics recovery with a special emphasis on composting while encouraging peer-to-peer learning.

Learner-Centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies

The broad goal of this volume from Springer International Publishing is to help advance environmental education practices that help increase students’ environmental literacy through learner-centered teaching activities.

Archived Webinar: Creating a Winning Collegiate Sports Sustainability Program

The archive of this March 24 webinar includes information about sustainability systems within collegiate athletic programs, specifically collegiate sports greening and its benefits to the campus, how athletics and sustainability staff and other stakeholders can work together to build a collegiate sports greening program, how to get credit for sports greening in STARS, and how to win new sponsors to help fund sustainability. The webinar is part of the College Sports Sustainability Makeover Contest, a Green Sports Alliance initiative intending to kick-start or upgrade stadium sustainability. Deadline to apply to the contest is May 1.

AASHE Campus Sustainability Hub

The new Campus Sustainability Hub is designed to help AASHE members quickly and easily find relevant resources through a centralized platform with advanced search and filtering options. This new member resource raises the visibility of institutions’ sustainability programs and materials, and promotes information sharing between campuses and organizations. Non-members can access limited resources.
  • Posted Mar 28, 2016

NUS Students' Green Fund: End of Fund Report

The Students' Green Fund (SGF) has recently concluded a project funding period that distributed over five million pounds ($7,187,500) to develop 25 transformative, student-led projects. With funding provided by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the initiative sought to advance students’ unions' ability to operate as hubs of sustainability within their institutions and beyond. A sample of significant outcomes include the creation of 42 full-time and 17 part-time staff, the creation of 335 paid student positions, 100 workshops and training courses, over 500 events, and the development of 10 student-led social enterprises.

Funding for Clean Vehicles in Connecticut

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) is seeking proposals from and providing funding to public entities that want to add alternative fuel vehicles, clean fuel vehicles or diesel retrofit technologies to their operations. Deadline to apply for funding is April 29.

Sustainable Development Primer for Higher Education Presidents, Chancellors, Trustees and Senior Leaders

This new primer describes the sustainability related, crucial roles and tasks for presidents, trustees and senior leadership and explains how sustainability is a robust national trend in higher education. The primer is from the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC), a network of associations committed to advancing sustainability within the entire system of higher education.

The Impact of Environmental Science Research in the UK

The 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessed the impact of research undertaken by U.K. universities. Published in the Journal of the Institution of Environmental Sciences, the article showcases the impact of environmental science research from U.K. universities, and explores how researchers develop and demonstrate impact, ensuring that interdisciplinary work is appropriately represented in analyses of societal effects.

The Responsible Business Person: Studies of Business Education for Sustainability

The Södertörn University doctoral dissertation, The Responsible Business Person: Studies of Business Education for Sustainability, by Pernilla Andersson, identifies the roles of a responsible business person that are articulated in business education and discusses how these roles could enable students to address sustainability issues.

Finance 101 for Sustainability Coordinators

Second Nature staff Janna Cohen-Rosenthal and Pallavee Panchal were recently published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record. The article Finance 101 for Sustainability Coordinators is adapted from a presentation given at the 2015 AASHE Conference & Expo and provides a brief introduction to financial terms for sustainability professionals.

AASHE Member Discount: Discount on Select Titles from The MIT Press

AASHE members receive 30 percent off all MIT sustainability and environment titles through Dec. 31, 2016. The discount code can be used more than once, for multiple items, and for both print and e-books.

New Issue: Environmental Education Research

The new issue from Taylor & Francis Online features articles about life trajectories of youth that commit to climate activism and a description of the inception and growth of a sustainable agriculture program on a university campus.

Guide to a Systematic Approach to Implementation of Principles for Responsible Management Education

The Transformational Model for Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Implementation is a guide on how to systemically approach the implementation of Principles for Responsible Management Education, taking into consideration the complexities and specificities of management-related academic institutions and business schools. The resource is based on the active support and input by the PRME community, and draws on concrete examples from individual PRME schools. Inspired by the Global Compact Management Model, the Transformational Model presents eight stages of PRME implementation. Through this model, institutional transformation is seen as a strategic journey that evolves through a process of continuous improvement.
  • Posted Feb 29, 2016

AASHE Member Discount: $50 Rainwater Catchment System

The University of California San Francisco is offering a rainwater collection system, called Raindrop Box, for $50 off for AASHE members. Discount ends March 15.
  • Posted Feb 23, 2016

The Contribution of Social Sciences to Sustainable Development at Universities

This new volume, published by Springer International Publishing, is the first of its kind to present contemporary examples of how social science theories, models and findings can advance all aspects of campus sustainability. The individual chapters reflect the broad diversity of research on sustainable campus development conducted within and across basic and applied social science disciplines, drawing on a range of methods and case studies from around the world.
  • Posted Feb 23, 2016

Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level

This book discusses the role of education for sustainable development (ESD) stakeholders at university level, involving civil society and the private sector and public sectors including local, national and intergovernmental bodies. In particular, it describes practical experiences, partnerships, networks and training schemes for increasing the capacity of ESD and other initiatives aimed at promoting education for sustainable development taking place at institutions of higher education.
  • Posted Feb 23, 2016

New Issue: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Volume 17 Issue 2 of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education is a special issue with a focus on sustainable development in higher education in Africa. Article keywords include transdisciplinary, energy, energy efficiency, organizational sustainability, resilience, climate change and purchasing.
  • Posted Feb 23, 2016

AASHE 2015 Annual Report

The newly released report includes AASHE's recently approved strategic goals (2016-17), a STARS year-in-review, education and professional development offerings, a snapshot of AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo and new initiatives in member engagement including the first-ever member elected board positions. In 2015, AASHE divested its 401(k) staff plan from fossil fuels. View the full report to learn about how AASHE supports institutions, organizations and businesses leading the sustainability transformation.
  • Posted Feb 10, 2016

Checklist of Ways Campus Housing Directors Can Improve Campus Sustainability

Published by Academic Impressions and compiled by John Yaun, executive director of the Office of Housing and Residential Life at California State University, San Bernardino, the checklist supports campus housing directors' unique position to work with students, faculty and staff to improve sustainability in construction, education, student leadership, purchasing and waste minimization.
  • Posted Feb 9, 2016

STARS 2.1 Technical Manual

In anticipation of the launch of the new version of STARS, the STARS 2.1 Technical Manual has been published. Although STARS 2.1 will not be available in the online Reporting Tool until later this spring, advance publication of the manual and supporting documents will give participants the opportunity to become acquainted with the new version before it goes live. This resource also includes a summary of substantive changes, tracked changes and the new Exemplary Practice credit catalog.
  • Posted Feb 3, 2016

Campus Divestment Campaign Guide

The guide from Fossil Free USA offers tips and tools needed to run a campus fossil fuel divestment campaign, including information about building a team, developing a campaign strategy, training and taking action.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2016

Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Fact Sheet

The U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) released this fact sheet to familiarize interested parties with using power purchase agreements (PPA) for solar deployment. The sheet describes how a PPA works, the general process including negotiation, federal and state tax benefits and other benefits. Based on data from the AASHE Campus Solar Photovoltaics Installations Database, currently 61 campuses are using PPAs to procure more than 100-megawatts of solar capacity.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2016

AASHE Member Discount: Compostable Vacuum Bags

APC Filtration is offering all AASHE members 20 percent off Janitized® Compostable Vacuum Bags standard pricing, now through April 2016.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2016

ISCN Report: Demonstrating Sustainable Development in Higher Education

At the World Economic Forum, the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), in collaboration with the Global University Leader Forum (GULF), shared exemplary campus sustainability case studies provided by the world’s leading universities. The report is focused on developing skills and building capacities of our future leaders, collaborating to catalyze change and innovating for efficient built environments.
  • Posted Jan 25, 2016

Tufts U Environmental Studies Live Lecture Series

Every week during the academic year, the Tufts University Environmental Studies program hosts a lecture series featuring speakers from government, industry, academia and nonprofit organizations that give presentations on environmental topics. All talks are open to the public and are broadcast live. The live event takes place on Thursdays from noon-1:00 p.m. Eastern. All broadcasts are recorded and posted to Tufts' Environmental Studies YouTube channel.
  • Posted Jan 25, 2016

Education for Sustainable Development Clearinghouse

The Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Clearinghouse is a repository for ESD resources and news events from all UNESCO regions (Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe/North America, Latin America and the Caribbean). Its main objective is to serve as an online platform to share knowledge, experiences and competences of the ESD global community of practice. It aims to serve as the central information platform for the Global Action Program on ESD and to collect and share learning resources, good ESD practices and innovative research. Also linked on this page is the ESD Resource Bank, a repository of articles between 2007 and 2015 covering themes such as biodiversity, food security, disaster resilience, oceans and poverty eradication.
  • Posted Jan 23, 2016

AASHE Member Discount: The MIT Press Discount on Select Titles

AASHE members receive 30 percent off all MIT sustainability and environment titles through Dec. 31, 2016. The discount code can be used more than once, for multiple items, and for both print and e-books.
  • Posted Jan 18, 2016

Meal Exchange Campus Garden Network

The Meal Exchange Campus Garden Network is a platform to foster connections and resources for students across Canada and advocate on behalf of an alternative food system that is growing across the country. The Campus Garden Network offers online and social media support, a shared list of resources and volunteer opportunities.
  • Posted Jan 14, 2016

U New Hampshire 2015 The State of Sustainability in Higher Education Report

The new report, 2015 The State of Sustainability in Higher Education, out of the University of New Hampshire is based on a study of a collective 1.5 billion-square-feet of campus facilities operated by 343 colleges and universities spread out across 44 states. The nationally representative sample consisted of both public (60 percent) and private (40 percent) institutions. The report found that emissions per-square-foot declined by 13 percent between 2007 and 2014, and energy usage per-square-foot was down just two percent over the identical eight-year period. The emissions decline is the result of campuses switching from coal and oil to natural gas.
  • Posted Jan 13, 2016

Special Offer for AASHE Members: Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference

Through a promotional partnership, the Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) is offering a special 30 percent discount to AASHE members. OHESC 2016 features two days of sustainability-related presentations, workshops and networking for professionals, faculty and students serving in a variety of roles around sustainability at Oregon campuses. Find out more about the conference online. To take advantage of the special discount, please email to request the special discount code.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2016

New Issue: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Emerald Group Publishing's new issue of International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education features papers on campus sustainability governance in Canada, teaching sustainable and integrated resource management, and skills-based sustainability education.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2016

Professional Development of University Educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European Countries

The new Leading Practice Publication is the result of nearly two years of work on the European project University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD). The project coalesces the knowledge and experience of 53 partners from 33 countries active in the area of education for sustainable development (ESD) at European higher education institutions. The publication includes key findings and experiences gained during the two-year project. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the best practice examples of professional development opportunities for European university educators in the area of ESD and to inspire the reader to engage in supporting further developments in this field.
  • Posted Jan 8, 2016

Plastic-Free Campus Manual

Post-Landfill Action Network's new manual provides guidance to students and campus organizers about creating a campus environment that is free of plastic. The manual covers topics ranging from turnover in student leadership to working with administrators, and more hands-on topics like conducting plastic waste audits. The Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) will be hosting webinars and workshops in 2016 to support those who are trying to bolster a plastic-free campus.
  • Posted Jan 6, 2016

Carbon Challenge Handbook for Universities and Hospitals

The NYC Carbon Challenge Handbook for Universities and Hospitals is a reference manual that aggregates the best practices that participants have used to achieve significant GHG reductions in their buildings. The handbook highlights 15 success stories of Challenge participants through case studies and identifies potential pathways to achieve deeper reductions. The handbook caters to universities and hospitals, but it also serves as a tool for any individual who plays a role in elevating conversations and accelerating action on energy efficiency and sustainability within an organization.
  • Posted Jan 6, 2016

New Report: A Plan to Prepare Community College Students for Careers in the Clean Economy

The new report, Greenprint: A Plan to Prepare Community College Students for Careers in the Clean Economy, releases a set of examples and policy recommendations for giving community colleges the capacity needed to develop a workforce skilled in sustainability. Released by Jobs for the Future and National Wildlife Federation, the report begins to address the challenge of linking environmental quality and workforce development. Highlights include a call to key stakeholder groups to work with education institutions to increase programs and employment opportunities for a workforce with sustainability skills, a review of federal and state policy vehicles that can provide clearer and more direct support of sustainability skills and knowledge, and how student organizations can play a role in supporting the nation’s transition to a greener workforce.
  • Posted Jan 6, 2016

Private Prison Divestment: A Toolkit for Campus Organizers

This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide on how to organize a divestment campaign on campus. With a primer on the reasons to divest from private prison companies, the toolkit features a case study from a historic divestment victory at Columbia University.
  • Posted Jan 6, 2016

Low Carbon IT Campaign

Offered by Energy Star, the Low Carbon IT Campaign is a nationwide effort to assist and recognize organizations for reducing the energy consumed by their information technology equipment. With six suggested ways to reduce the IT energy costs at your organization, the EPA will recognize institutions that implement two of them, putting computers to sleep and benchmarking data centers. Free phone and email consultations are available to answer questions.
  • Posted Jan 6, 2016

JSTOR Sustainability: Digitally Archived Sustainability Research

Currently in beta, the new website is the product of JSTOR and DataLab’s collaborative effort to help scholars in interdisciplinary fields understand and navigate literature outside of their core areas of expertise. By using advanced metrics, the site generates topic pages on key subjects in sustainability studies such as environmental law and applied ecology. These topic pages include a brief subject overview, lists of the top journals and authors in the field, background reading recommendations, and unique features such as an interactive timeline of articles that have been most influential for a topic.
  • Posted Dec 16, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: 30% Off Island Press Books

AASHE members can receive 30 percent off all Island Press books including titles about sustainable urban planning and design to environmental conservation and ecosystems management.
  • Posted Dec 14, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Compostable Vacuum Bags

APC Filtration is offering all AASHE members 20 percent off Janitized standard pricing on compostable vacuum bags, now through April 2016.
  • Posted Dec 14, 2015

Hungry to Learn: Addressing Food & Housing Insecurity Among Undergraduates

According to a new survey of more than 4,000 undergraduates at 10 community colleges across the nation, one-half of community college students are struggling with food and/or housing insecurity. Fully 20 percent are hungry and 13 percent are homeless. These numbers indicate the need for a multi-pronged, comprehensive set of institutional, state and local policies to alleviate the barriers presented by poverty, so as to improve educational success. This resource from the Wisconsin Hope Lab, in collaboration with faculty from University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Michigan, attempts to outline the issues and provide recommendations.
  • Posted Dec 9, 2015

Water Footprint Calculator

The Water Footprint Calculator from GRACE Communications Foundation accounts for major water-using activities and behaviors. It uses data from water use survey results and national averages of water use for energy, shopping and food consumption.
  • Posted Nov 24, 2015

Academic Impressions: 'Improving Diversity in Higher Education: Beyond the Moral Imperative'

With issues of diversity and inclusion challenging campuses for years, the recent publication from Academic Impressions by president Amit Mrig discusses the business case for diversity in college and university leaders, faculty and staff, and calls for changes to how university boards and presidents approach campus diversity.
  • Posted Nov 23, 2015

AASHE Member Discount Ends Soon: Purchase 'Start-Up City' for $3.99

Island Press is offering AASHE members a discount on Gabe Klein's new book about sustainable transportation, Start-Up City, for $3.99 through Nov. 30.
  • Posted Nov 23, 2015

Research Grant Opportunity: Research and Dissertation Fellows Program

This research and dissertation fellows program is a partnership between the Access Group Center for Research & Policy Analysis and the Association for Institutional Research. The program is a grant competition promoting scholarship on issues related to access, affordability and value of legal education specifically. Two levels of grants are available to support year-long research projects for recipients affiliated with a nonprofit U.S. postsecondary institution or relevant higher and legal education organization. The application deadline is Dec. 18.
  • Posted Nov 18, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: The MIT Press Discount on Select Titles

AASHE members receive 30 percent off all MIT sustainability and environment titles through Dec. 31, 2016. The discount code can be used more than once, for multiple items, and for both print and e-books.
  • Posted Nov 17, 2015

New Issue: Environmental Education Research

The most recent issue of the Environmental Education Research offers articles about the language of classroom discourse as it relates to the effectiveness of affecting change, sustainability as a cross-curricular priority in the Australian curriculum, and influencing factors of strategic planning for sustainability at Spanish universities.
  • Posted Nov 16, 2015

Agnes Scott College Case Study on Campus Solar Power Projects

Agnes Scott College and Southface Energy Institute released a case study on how the college became the first nonprofit institution to produce solar power through the Georgia Power Advanced Solar Initiative. Funded by the Turner Foundation, the case study offers insight into creative approaches for overcoming the diverse challenges of solar power projects.
  • Posted Nov 16, 2015

The Field Guide to Teaching Sustainability

Penn State's Field Guide to Teaching Sustainability was designed for the university's faculty to identify pedagogical opportunities to integrate sustainability education. The resources can be searched by titles, type of classroom engagement, topics and disciplines. It also contains an annotated list of sustainability education resources, including articles and essays, journals from across disciplines, and sustainability education coalitions.
  • Posted Nov 9, 2015