Emory U (GA) Recycles Electronics

Emory University (GA) has completed its "Electronics Roundup" campaign. Through the campaign, faculty and staff were encouraged to donate institutionally purchased, nonessential electric appliances in order to reduce Emory's overall electricity consumption. Nearly 100 appliances were donated. The campaign is part of Emory's goal to reduce energy use by 25 percent per square foot by 2015 from 2005 levels.

Inside Higher Ed Covers Campus' 'Year of Sustainability'

Inside Higher Ed has published an article on campuses that create a "year of sustainability" to begin discussions of how the institution can address such goals as climate neutrality, sustainability in the curriculum, and teaching students to live sustainably. The article mentions Davidson College (NC), New Mexico State University, Villanova University (PA), and University of Denver (CO).

Lethbridge College to Start Demonstration Garden, Recycling Prgm

A Lethbridge College (AB) student group has received a $7,000 grant to build a xeriscaping demonstration garden and a $5,000 grant to start a recycling program in college residences. Eco-Collective members will help design the garden, which is called the Cousins Outdoor Living Theatre, and will gather the drought-tolerant native prairie plants, including grasses, shrubs, and trees. The recycling grant will be used to purchase containers for collecting cardboard, glass, cans, plastic, and paper for two residence halls on campus.

Obama Proposes Plan for Green Job Education

President Barak Obama has unveiled a $12 billion plan to help community colleges prepare students for a new generation of jobs. The "American Graduation Initiative" would offer grants to two-year community colleges that plan to try new programs in areas such as the clean energy industry.

Penn State Approves Energy Conservation Policy

Pennsylvania State University has announced plans to release a new energy conservation policy this fall. The policy, which has been approved by the University, includes guidelines such as making ''every effort'' to maintain the temperature inside facilities at 70 degrees in winter, and turning off or putting in ''standby mode'' any office equipment not in use ''unless it is detrimental to the operation of the equipment to do so.'

Presidents Urge Senators to Fund Training for Green Jobs

More than 100 college and university presidents have signed and submitted a letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, and Senator James Inhofe, Ranking Member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, "to recognize the vital role of education, at all levels, in preparing the American people to participate fully in a clean energy economy." The letter asked the public officials "to dedicate in the Senate climate bill at least one percent of the proceeds of emissions allowances for a range of educational activities.

Rhode Island College, Kwantlen Polytechnic U Host Farmers Markets

Rhode Island College and Kwantlen Polytechnic University (BC) have begun hosting weekly community farmers' markets on their campuses. The RIC market offers locally grown and organic fruits, vegetables, and flowers; eggs; and specialty items such as herbal soaps, body lotions, and natural-care products. The initiative is the result of last year's successful pilot project. The KPU market opened with fresh vegetables, bread, honey, preserves, and cut flowers from 32 vendors.

Southern Methodist U Athletics Discontinues Paper Media Guides

Southern Methodist University (TX) Athletics has announced that it will produce only online media guides beginning with the 2009-10 academic year. The paperless production of media guides will help save more than three tons of paper each year. The Athletic Department estimates that it will save close to $100,000 through the new initiative.

Trident Tech, Virginia Tech Partner for Sustainability Initiatives

Trident Technical College (SC) and Virginia Tech have announced a joint initiative called TTC Green, a program that seeks to expand TTC's energy efficiency and sustainability efforts at all three of its campuses. Virginia Tech will help the College to develop curricula that will enhance TTC's program offerings to include green building construction, engineering technology, and management curricula and certifications that lead to green careers. Virginia Tech experts will also consult with TTC officials as the college develops a comprehensive energy efficiency retrofit program.

U Colorado Denver Students Install Rain Garden

A group of graduate students at the University of Colorado, Denver have converted a parking lot into a storm water test site. The new water-purification site, also known as a rain garden, uses recycled materials to help filter the pollutants out of the rainwater. The rain garden will also feature solar panels that power the instruments needed to the study the storm runoff.

U Maine, U Southern Maine Receives $20M for Sustainability Initiative

The University of Maine and the University of Southern Maine have received a $20 million National Science Foundation EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) grant for a new project called the Sustainability Solutions Initiative. The research portion of the five-year initiative will bring together core research teams from UM and USM, as well as government and industry stakeholders, to work to improve the science and practice of sustainable development. Researchers will also collaborate with non-profit organizations focused on community development in rural Maine. The project will begin by focusing on problems related to urbanization, forest management, and climate change.

U New Mexico-Taos Goes 100% Solar

The University of New Mexico-Taos has announced that its 3 ½ acre, 500 kW solar array, which is expected to be complete by the end of July 2009, will provide the University with more than 100 percent of its electricity needs. UNM Taos officials believe that the community college is the first in the nation to be completely powered by solar energy.

Unity College Hires Sustainability Faculty and Staff

Despite the downturn in the economy, Unity College (ME) has hired three new faculty members to match the demand for its environmental curriculum, two new sustainable landscape horticulture assistants, and two new sustainable food production assistants. The creation of new positions is in response to a historically large pool of applicants, strong retention of students, new and ongoing public/private partnerships, and an increase in giving to the College during the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Also, not a single job was cut.

Wake Forest U Hires First Director of Sustainability

Wake Forest University (NC) has hired Dedee DeLongpré Johnston as director of sustainability, a newly created position. DeLongpré Johnston’s primary responsibility will be working with student, faculty, and staff groups to develop strategic initiatives for integrating sustainability into university programs, from teaching and research to public service and campus operations. As a member of the campus administration, she will also work with local and regional community representatives to develop synergies between Wake Forest’s sustainability programs and larger communities.

Western Kentucky U Greens Parking Lots

Western Kentucky University has begun a project to convert at least 5 of its parking lots to permeable asphalt. Once the regular concrete is removed, a layer of coarse gravel will be poured, and the permeable concrete will be laid on top. WKU's Parking and Administrative Services has also asked for funds to purchase two hybrid buses and to install solar carports that would produce enough electricity to service the parking and transportation building.

York U Partners for Education Program in Green Building Design

York University (ON) has partnered with the World Green Building Council to develop an international education program in green building design. The program has been launched with a three-week design for sustainability in the built environment interactive workshop. The workshop will bring together 25 upper–level undergraduate students from around the world.

2 U Arkansas Buildings Receive Green Globes Recognition

The Duncan Avenue Apartments and the Duncan Avenue Community Center at the University of Arkansas have achieved Green Globes designations for sustainable design and construction. The three-story apartment building was noted for having water-efficient equipment, high indoor air quality, effective lighting, thermal comfort, and suitable acoustic conditions. The Community Center, which received 2 Green Globes, was recognized for energy-efficient lighting fixtures and lamps and the improvement of storm-water runoff. Both buildings opened in fall 2008.

Arizona State U Receives $60K Grant for Sustainable Cities

Arizona State University has received a $60,000 grant for its Sustainable Cities Network. The contribution is a market grant, with money pooled from 13 Sam’s Club stores in the Phoenix-Tucson-Prescott area. The Sustainable Cities Network is designed to be a bridge between ASU’s research and technical capabilities in sustainability and the front-line challenges facing cities.

Army Logistics U Opens with Green Building

The Army Logistics University and Simulation Training Center (VA) has officially opened with a new green building. Approximately 83 percent of the construction waste for the 348,511-square-foot structure was recycled and the building was designed to meet LEED Silver standards.

Caltech Announces $90M Sustainability Institute

California Institute of Technology has announced plans for a $90 million Resnick Sustainability Institute. The vision of the new Institute is to provide a path to sustainability by focusing on innovative science and engineering developments required for groundbreaking energy technologies. Caltech has already received $30 million and has plans to obtain additional funding over the next year.

Carnegie Mellon U Prof Receives EPA Green Chemistry Award

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, the J.C. Warner Professor of the Natural Sciences and University Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (PA), received the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Matyjaszewski, the second Carnegie Mellon professor to receive the award, was recognized in the academic category for the development of an environmentally low-impact form of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, a widely used method for preparation of functional polymers. The EPA’s Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge promotes research and development of less-hazardous alternatives to existing technologies in an effort to reduce or eliminate waste, particularly hazardous waste, in industrial production.

CC of Allegheny Council to Launch Green Institute

The Community College of Allegheny County (PA) has announced the establishment of the Green Institute, which will launch this fall with a broad range of topics related to both green technology and energy conservation. The College will offer three free informational classes in alternative energy and energy conservation this summer as a preview of the institute’s fall programs. The courses offered in the fall include: "Go Green at Home with Safer Products," "Green Building Operators Certification," "Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance Certification," and "Energy Losses and Conservation of Energy in Buildings."

Dept of Education Announces Student Loan Reduction Plan

The New York Times has published an article on the Department of Education's new student loan repayment plan that allows borrowers to reduce their monthly payments based on their income. The 'income-based repayment' program limits what borrowers have to pay to 15 percent of the difference between their gross income and 150 percent of the federal poverty line. After 25 years of continuous payments, the remaining balance will be forgiven. To participate, borrowers have to move their loans into the federal Direct Loan program. Loan forgiveness is only available to those with loans that are not through banks or other loan companies.

Dickinson College Partners with City for Bike Lanes

Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the hometown of Dickinson College, has received full funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for a $2.8 million road project that will reduce the number of lanes from four to two and add a 5 foot wide bike lane on each side of two roads that run through a portion of the Dickinson campus. Dickinson contributed more than $50,000 toward traffic surveys of the High Street corridor.

Georgia Tech Begins Waste Reduction Initiative

Georgia Tech has begun a waste reduction initiative on campus. Brittain Dining Hall has been stocked with only biodegradable and reusable items. The facility will also collect organic waste for composting, which, once fully decomposed, will be used as a soil conditioner in campus landscaping. Georgia Tech plans to expand the new waste reduction program to other dining facilities in the coming months. Additionally, in the fall, students will receive a discount for using a reusable cups at all dining halls on campus.

Michigan State U Helps Developing Farmers Grow Foods Sustainably

Michigan State University scientists are combining sustainable forest production with emerging carbon markets in an effort to help some of the world's poorest people grow trees that will boost their standards of living and slow climate change. Called Carbon2Markets, the program includes collaborative projects with farmers, researchers, and government agencies in five developing Asian and African countries. MSU researchers help the farmer groups integrate high-value forest crops into the crops they are currently growing using methods that are smart and sustainable. Then the farmers use standards created by MSU experts to accurately measure and record the carbon stored in the soil by the trees. In addition to earning money on the global carbon market for storing the carbon, the farmers also use and sell the forest products they grow.

New Mexico State U Installs 2 Community Gardens

New Mexico State University’s Housing and Residential Life has constructed two community gardens at family housing areas. The gardens were installed by NMSU faculty and staff, and a local gardening club plans to provide lessons to family housing residents about maintaining their garden. Plots are rented at no cost and only require filling out a form.

New York Colleges Form County Climate Protection Group

Cornell University, Ithaca College, Tompkins Cortland Community College, Tompkins County, the City of Ithaca, and others have partnered to establish the Tomkins County Climate Protection Initiative (TCCPI). The group of New York Institutions and organizations aims to leverage the climate action commitments made by the local higher education institutions to mobilize a county-wide energy efficiency effort focused primarily on the retrofitting of buildings.

Portland State U Hires Sustainability Leadership & Outreach Coord

Portland State University (OR) has hired Heather Spalding as its new sustainability leadership and outreach coordinator. In her new position, Spalding will work with faculty, students, student leaders, and group to improve their sustainability practices and leadership opportunities. Spalding graduated from PSU and is a former employee of the PSU Office of Sustainability.

Princeton U to Introduce Electric Fleet

Princeton University (NJ) has announced plans to launch a new electric fleet. The new four-wheel vehicles travel up to 25 mph and will replace several gas-powered automobiles that are currently in use.

Saint Louis U Introduces Single Stream Recycling

Saint Louis University (MO) has begun allowing campus members to recycle plastics and aluminum in the paper recycling bins. The change will affect personal office bins as well as large recycling containers located in public spaces.

Shasta College to Install Solar Panels at Campus Farm

Shasta College (CA) has signed a contract to fill a 250 yard by 100 yard rectangle with solar panels, and the campus farm has been selected as the preferred site. Shasta estimates that the new installation could reduce its electricity costs by as much as 40 percent.

Smith College Reduces Emisisons 31 Percent

Smith College (MA) has announced that it reduced its emissions by 31 percent between 2004 and 2008. The College has attributed the decrease to ongoing efficiency upgrades to campus buildings and infrastructure and to its conversion from burning mostly oil to natural gas in the central heating plant.

U Guam Launches Recycling Initiative

The University of Guam has launched the "Green Initiative," a campus-wide program that aims to collect recyclable aluminum, plastic, cardboard, and shredded paper. The University plans to expand the program to include glass, newspaper, food waste, and used office paper in the future.

U Illinois Chicago Releases Sustainability Report

The University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Sustainability has published its first annual report on the sustainability of the campus as a whole. The report utilizes indicators from AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) and is intended as a frank assessment of UIC's strengths in the area of sustainability, to provide some metrics to track the progress towards is sustainability goals, and to identify areas that need more attention and action. UIC collected data as one of nearly 70 pilot institutions for the AASHE STARS program.

U Kansas Generates Energy from Student Workouts

The University of Kansas has retrofitted 15 elliptical machines with devices that draw on kinetic energy created by people's workouts and reroute that energy back into the building's electric grid. The energy produced from the workout machines will be used to help power the David A. Ambler Student Recreation Center.

U Mass Dartmouth Partners to Form Regional Sustainability Group

The University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth has partnered with the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District to form the Massachusetts Council on Sustainability. The purpose of the Council is to provide education, advice, and assistance on the broad issue of sustainability in Southeastern Massachusetts and to coordinate efforts among different entities in the region. The group currently has five subcommittees focused on: food and agriculture, economic development, energy, natural resources, and transportation. The Council plans to meet quarterly with the subcommittees meeting more frequently in the interim.

U Nevada Reno Announces New Energy Management Certificate

The University of Nevada, Reno has announced that it will launch an Energy Management Certificate program in the fall of 2009. The new 10-session, 30-hour certificate program, which will be offered by Extended Studies, will explore the essentials of building-energy management and examine methods for increasing efficiency and return on investment. The program was developed for building managers, facility/operations managers, construction planners, engineers, maintenance personnel, small business owners, entrepreneurs and others interested in energy resources.

Union College Pilots Fuel Cell Technology

Union College (NY) has been selected as the host site of a new residential fuel cell. As part of the project, a 5 kilowatt combined heat and power (CHP) unit will convert natural gas into electricity and heat for the Beuth House residence hall. The companies running the unit will use the data collected to determine system refinements for incorporation into the next-generation system design.

Utah State U Wetland Discovery Point Receives LEED Platinum

Utah State University's Wetland Discovery Point, a space that is used to teach about the importance of conservation and wetland ecosystems, has received LEED Platinum certification. The roof of the new structure functions as both a rainwater collector and a tool to provide shade or allow winter sunlight into the building. Harvested precipitation is stored in a cistern and used to irrigate part of the landscape and to flush low-flow toilets. Much of the power used in the building will be solar-generated, and solar-heated water flows through the building’s heating system.

U Virginia Showcase Dorms Feature Green Products

The University of Virginia Bookstore and Housing Division have outfitted its showcase dorm rooms with environmentally friendly products in an effort to encourage students to do the same. The green products featured include binders, notebooks, and paper towels made from recycled products, green cleaning supplies, and energy efficient computers refrigerators, and microwaves.

Wake Technical CC Wins Green Building Award

Wake Technical Community College (NC) has received a 2009 “Green Building of America” Award from Construction Communications. Building D, on Wake Tech’s Northern Wake Campus, was chosen for the award from more than 2,500 entries. The building will be featured in a special edition of Real Estate & Construction Review , a publication for policy makers and leaders in finance and economic development. At just under 75,000 square-feet, the building features occupancy sensors and daylight harvesting - a system that detects the amount of light coming in from outside and automatically dims the inside lights accordingly to save energy. The structure also has a white roof to reflect the sun; sun-blocking louvers and roof overhang on the south side of the building; and high-efficiency condensing boilers, fan, and pump motors.

Western Illinois U Partners to Protect National Resources

Western Illinois University and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the shared goals of protecting natural resources and enhancing environmental sustainability in the region. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will work closely with Western's Institute for Environmental Studies to conduct environmental research and data gathering and to provide environmental education opportunities surrounding large river natural resources.

Appalachian State U Installs 100 kW Wind Turbine

Appalachian State University (NC) has announced the completion of a 100 kW wind turbine located on campus. Officials believe it is the largest wind turbine in the state of North Carolina. The $533,000 project was funded by Appalachian students through a $5 Renewable Energy Initiative fee collected each semester.

Appalachian State U Partners for Renewable Energy Education

Appalachian State University (NC) has partnered with Ching Yun University to develop faculty and student exchanges, participate in collaborative research activities, and jointly publish research papers focused on renewable energy. ASU hopes to learn from CYU's solar and wind installations, and CYU plans to study ASU's biofuel initiatives.

Dickinson College Announces Public Service Fellowship

Dickinson College (PA) has announced its new Public Service Fellowship, a program that provides up to $40,000 in tuition credits in exchange for public service. Students can apply for admission into the Fellowship in their senior year of high school. If accepted, students may defer enrollment at Dickinson for one, two, three, or four years to engage in meaningful public service devoted to improving the human condition and/or the natural environment. Participants will receive a $10,000 tuition credit for each year of public service during this period. Upon matriculation at Dickinson, Public Service Fellows will receive priority consideration for positions as resident advisors, community advisors, and other opportunities to further reduce tuition and fees and gain additional leadership experience.

Eastern Illinois U to Replace Coal Plant w/ Renewable Energy Ctr

The Eastern Illinois University Board of Trustees has approved the construction of a Renewable Energy Center, which will replace EIU's coal-fired power plant. The new biomass plant will meet EIU’s heating and cooling needs by burning non-treated wood chips obtained as lumber industry by-products. The project is designed to be self-funded by energy savings over a period not to exceed 20 years.

Edison State College Building Receives LEED Gold

The Edison State College (FL) Early Childhood Development Center has received LEED Gold certification. Officials believe the structure is the first LEED Gold building in the county.

Emory U Begins Pilot Composing Program

Emory University (GA) has begun testing a composting program at its Dobbs University Center (DUC) dining facility. Running for seven weeks, the program will take pre-consumer organic food waste collected at the DUC and haul it to a nearby composting facility. The new initiative is part of the University's goal to divert 65 percent of overall waste and 95 percent of food waste from landfills by 2015.

Florida International U Implements Recycling Program

The Florida International University Student Government Association and University Custodial Services have introduced a new recycling program using bottle-shaped recycling bins for plastic bottles and aluminum cans. The University obtained the bins free of charge from the School of Hospitality Management. The University also received thirty 95-gallon blue bins as part of a new single-stream recycling program.